AWS Storage Blog

Category: Technical How-to


How to perform non-disruptive CloudEndure Disaster Recovery tests on AWS

By performing frequent disaster recovery (DR) tests and drills, your organization can prepare for unexpected IT outages caused by ransomware, human error, and other disruptions. Some organizations avoid DR testing because their testing procedures are time-consuming or costly, or because they cannot test without disrupting business. This can mean that they are unprepared to implement […]

Amazon S3

Managing resources effectively on Amazon S3 using AWS CloudFormation

Effectively storing and managing data has become a critical factor to many organizations’ success – and the amount of data stored, analyzed, and moved continues to increase rapidly. Many organizations use Amazon S3 for simply storing their data in its native format, a benefit of object storage in S3 buckets. Often times, that data in […]

AWS Storage Gateway Featured Image

Process AWS Storage Gateway file upload notifications with AWS CDK

For AWS Storage Day 2020, we published a blog discussing how customers use AWS Storage Gateway (specifically, File Gateway) to upload individual files to Amazon S3. For some customers, these files constitute a larger logical set of data that they should group for downstream processing. As mentioned in that blog, before the release of file […]

Amazon S3

Setting up cross-account Amazon S3 access with S3 Access Points

Customers have told us that they are often required to grant external users or users from other accounts within their organization access to certain Amazon S3 buckets. At times, this access may need to be more granular, such as granting access to only certain prefixes. Historically, if you needed to grant permission to the bucket to another […]

Amazon S3

Securing data in a virtual private cloud using Amazon S3 Access Points

Using a virtual private cloud (VPC) is common amongst enterprises looking to run scalable virtual networks in a private and completely customizable environment. This enables organizations to ensure security, isolation, and centralization for their virtual operations. AWS offers a VPC service in the form of Amazon VPC, a natural home for VPC users, given the […]

AWS Storage Gateway Featured Image

Implementing a backup solution with AWS Storage Gateway

Backups are the insurance policy for our data. We hope to never use them, but if the time comes when we need them, they had better be there for us. At a high level, there are two different variations: local and offsite. A local backup can be as simple as copying data to another physical […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Securing AWS Transfer Family with AWS Web Application Firewall and Amazon API Gateway

AWS Transfer Family is a fully managed, serverless file transfer service for Amazon S3 and Amazon EFS. The service provides you with the flexibility to authenticate your file transfer client users using credentials stored in an identity provider (IdP) of your choice. You can achieve this by integrating an Amazon API Gateway endpoint backed by an AWS Lambda function that […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Secure data recovery with cross-account backup and Cross-Region copy using AWS Backup

UPDATE: On April 12, 2021, AWS announced support for copying Amazon FSx file system backups across AWS Regions and AWS accounts. For more information, read this blog post on cross-Region and cross-account backups for Amazon FSx using AWS Backup. There are many benefits to using more than one AWS account, including resource and operational isolation, disaster […]

Clustered storage simplified: GFS2 on Amazon EBS Multi-Attach enabled volumes

One of the design patterns for high availability of mission critical applications is the use of shared storage. This architectural pattern enables you to access storage from multiple hosts simultaneously, making your applications resilient to node failures. Customers with demanding transaction processing systems, analytics workloads, or high performance computing clusters need highly available, high-performance storage […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

Post-process your transferred data with file-level logging in AWS DataSync

AWS DataSync is an online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates moving data between on-premises storage systems and AWS Storage services, as well as between AWS Storage services. Customers use DataSync for a number of use cases, including migrating active datasets to AWS, archiving data to free up on-premises storage capacity, replicating data […]