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Tag: Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Optimizing electronic health care records at scale with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) applications are approaching a 40 billion dollar market size with a high compound annual growth rate. While continuing to focus on enabling innovative healthcare, EHR consumers can benefit from adopting cloud-based approaches that reduce operational burden, management overhead, reduce capital outlay, and total cost of ownership. EHR deployments are complex in […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Cross-region disaster recovery with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Data protection is a top priority for our customers. Your disaster recovery (DR) strategy might require you to continuously replicate your data across multiple geographic regions to mitigate against natural disasters such as earthquakes or technical disasters that may affect a particular geographic region. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, which provides fully managed shared storage […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Why S&P Global chose Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP to achieve high availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server

Organizations have a requirement to build high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) solutions for their complex SQL Server infrastructure to prevent data loss and protect against corruption. With the rapid pace of cloud adoption, businesses across different industry verticals have realized the value of a successful proof-of-concept for any technical project that migrates existing environments […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Enhance your upstream workloads with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Geological and Geophysical (G&G) workloads in Upstream Energy have different workflows associated with them, including Reservoir Simulation, Subsurface Interpretation, and Drilling and Completions. Due to the diverse performance and client requirements of these workflows, organizations often face a heavy operational burden of copying their data to multiple solutions for different protocols. Until recently, they faced […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Accelerate development refresh cycles and optimize cost with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP cloning

Organizations perform refreshes of database environments to ensure they can perform development, testing, and QA on copies of the most up-to-date, production-like datasets. In addition, IT teams are tasked with managing increasing data footprints, while maintaining the highest levels of availability, resiliency, and performance. Many customer development cycles maintain DTAP (Development, Test, Acceptance, and Production) […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Create a cross-platform distributed file system with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Due to need to control costs in the face of exponential data growth, doing more with existing on-premise resources while minimizing their growth has become ever more important. Most organizations would like to enjoy the benefits of the cloud while leveraging their existing on-premise file assets to create a highly resilient hybrid enterprise file share. […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Increase your recovery point agility with custom snapshot policies on Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Data has become a vital asset for individuals and businesses alike. As data continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, it becomes increasingly important for organizations to have robust data management solutions in place that address specific data protection and recovery requirements. When making decisions on how to achieve their recovery point SLAs, customers evaluate […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Implementing HA and DR for SQL Server Always-On Failover Cluster Instance using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

One of the most difficult challenges organizations face today is ensuring data availability and accessibility across their locations. Maintaining high availability and accessibility for SQL Server databases across different AWS Regions is a top data protection requirement for enterprises considering moving to the cloud. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP offers a quick way to fail […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Using Quality of Service in Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

When building file systems in the cloud, one major advantage is that administrators are no longer constrained by the traditional large storage controller. This makes the entry point much lower, which means that they can provision individual file systems for each workload. However, customers may occasionally have to combine workloads into a central file system. […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Designing IT chargeback models for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Most organizations closely track their spending to ensure that their resources are being used efficiently. Tracking how much different business units are spending provides crucial insights into the efficacy of certain types of spending to an organizations goals or bottom line. An IT chargeback system assigns the costs of services to the business units or […]