• Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector now supports CloudFormation

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector, a fully-managed agentless collector for Prometheus metrics from Amazon EKS workloads, now supports AWS CloudFormation. Starting today, you can easily create, configure, and manage Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collectors using CloudFormation templates. With AWS CloudFormation, you can use a programming language or simple text file to automatically configure collectors for Prometheus metrics from Amazon EKS infrastructure and applications. You can also continue utilizing the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector using the AWS Management Console, Command Line Interface (CLI) or API.

  • Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock now lets you customize prompts and number of retrieval results

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    We are excited to announce that Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock now lets you create custom prompts to have greater control over personalizing the responses generated by the Foundation Model (FM). Additionally, you can configure the number of retrieved passages, which improves accuracy by providing added context to the FM.

  • AWS adds Managed Policies to VSS to help ensure valid application consistent backups

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    AWS now provides customers with a new AWS managed policy for Microsoft Windows Volume Snapshot Copy Service (VSS) in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) . With this policy, customers no longer have to configure individual permissions or create their own policies to manage VSS. Customers can simply use this new policy to ensure the necessary permissions are in place for creating application-consistent snapshots using the AWS VSS solution. 

  • Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling are now generally available in four additional AWS regions

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling are now generally available in Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Seoul) AWS regions. These capabilities help you predict, allocate, and verify that the right number of agents are scheduled at the right time to meet your operational goals. Machine learning (ML)–powered capabilities allow you to predict contact volume and arrival rates, convert these forecasts into projected staffing needs, and generate shifts for agents. With forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling, you can optimize your contact center operations, meet service goals, and improve agent and customer satisfaction.

  • AWS Wickr is now available in additional AWS Asia Pacific Regions

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    AWS Wickr now allows you to establish a network in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and Asia Pacific (Singapore) Regions to help you meet data residency requirements, and other obligations.

  • Tax dashboard now generally available for AWS Marketplace Sellers

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    Today, AWS Marketplace announces the general availability of the tax dashboard for AWS Marketplace Sellers. The tax dashboard can be accessed in the AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP) under the Insights > Finance operations tab. Previously, AWS Marketplace Sellers could only access taxation data through the legacy customer subscriber CSV report, or programmatically by Commerce Analytics Service (CAS).

  • AWS B2B Data Interchange supports additional finance, transportation, supply chain X12 transactions

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    AWS B2B Data Interchange now supports an expanded set of X12 transaction sets for finance, transportation, and supply chain use cases. These transaction sets add to the service’s existing support for dozens of other X12 transactions and extend the benefits of B2B Data Interchange’s fully automated, event-driven EDI transformation capabilities to new industry use cases.

  • Amazon SageMaker Canvas announces new pricing for training tabular models

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    We are excited to announce new pricing for training custom tabular models in Amazon SageMaker Canvas, a no-code tool that enables customers to easily create highly accurate ML models without writing code. SageMaker Canvas supports numeric prediction (regression), 2 category prediction (binary classification), 3+ category prediction (multi-class classification), and time-series forecasting for tabular models. Previously, model training charges were based on the number of cells in the dataset used to train the model. Now, the charges are based on SageMaker training and processing hours used to train the model. 

  • AWS Amplify Hosting is generally available in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) region

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    AWS Amplify offers a fully managed web hosting service that accelerates your application release cycle by providing a CI/CD workflow for building and deploying web applications. Simply connect your application's code repository in the console, and changes to your frontend and backend are deployed in a single workflow on every code commit.

  • AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN adds metrics monitoring capability

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    Today, AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN announces a new fleet monitoring application that enables developers capture and visualize critical operational and health parameters related to the functioning of LoRaWAN-based gateways and devices. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully managed LoRaWAN Network Server that supports cloud connectivity for LoRaWAN-based wireless devices. Using the new metrics feature, developers can now quickly capture system health data, such as connection signal strength, data rate, and gateway latency and analyze their fleet’s performance.

  • Amazon GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring is now generally available

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring. This feature deepens threat detection coverage for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). It gives you visibility into on-host, operating system–level activities and provides container-level context of detected threats. It complements runtime coverage already available for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) on AWS Fargate, giving you comprehensive runtime visibility and detection across popular AWS compute services. 

  • Introducing AWS CodeConnections, formerly known as AWS CodeStar Connections

    Posted On: Mar 29, 2024

    AWS is renaming AWS CodeStar Connections to AWS CodeConnections. The name change is effective in the APIs, CLI, SDK, and documentation. The AWS Management Console will create connection resources referencing CodeStar Connections till May 1, 2024, and after that it will generate connection resources referencing CodeConnections, to give you time to make changes in your IAM policies to use the new resource names. Your existing connections that reference AWS CodeStar Connections will still to continue to work as they did previously. The new APIs, CLI and Console will accept both the old and new connection resource identifiers, and the old APIs, CLI and SDK referencing CodeStar Connections will not be available after April 2025.  

  • Amazon RDS adds Oracle Database SE2 License-Included option in additional regions

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now offers Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 (SE2) with the License-Included (LI) purchase option in additional AWS Regions and for additional instance classes. R6i instances are now available in Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Europe (Zurich), and Israel (Tel Aviv). T3 instances are now supported in Europe (Zurich) and Israel (Tel Aviv).

  • AWS CloudFormation Console now supports visualization of stacks in Application Composer

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Today, Amazon Web Services, Inc. launches the general availability of AWS Application Composer in the AWS CloudFormation console. Application Composer helps you visually compose and configure AWS services into modern applications backed by infrastructure as code. This integration provides a complete visual experience within the CloudFormation console and introduces benefits such as a modern user interface and integration with AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio.

  • New ECS-Optimized GPU and Neuron AMIs support AL2 Kernel 5.10

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Today Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) announced two new Amazon ECS-optimized Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). We now provide two new variants of the Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) GPU and Neuron AMIs that have an updated Linux kernel (5.10). The ECS-optimized GPU AMI contains pre-configured Nvidia kernel drivers, the Docker GPU runtime, and the default version of CUDA. The ECS Optimized Neuron AMI comes pre-baked with all the necessary AWS Neuron packages for running on Trainium and Inferentia EC2 instances. Kernel 5.10 brings performance improvements and security features for processor architectures powering the latest generations of Amazon EC2 instances. 

  • Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock now supports metadata filtering

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) capability that allows you to connect foundation models (FMs) to internal company data sources to deliver more relevant, context-specific, and accurate responses. Knowledge Bases now supports metadata filtering, which improves retrieval accuracy by ensuring the documents are relevant to the query. 

  • AWS announces a new Local Zone in Miami

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of a new AWS Local Zone in Miami, Florida. This new Local Zone supports Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C6i, M6i, R6i, and C6gn instances and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume types gp2, gp3, io1, sc1, and st1. You can also access Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Application Load Balancer, and AWS Direct Connect in this new Local Zone to support a broad set of workloads at the edge.

  • AWS Billing and Cost Management Data Exports now supports AWS CloudFormation

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Starting today, you can create and configure exports of your billing and cost management data using a CloudFormation template with Data Exports resources and APIs. With CloudFormation, you can use a programming language or simple text file to automate the creation of exports in a secure, efficient, and repeatable way. This allows you to configure full infrastructure stacks for billing and cost management with exports as data inputs to analytics and BI tools like Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight. The new resource type available for deployment in CloudFormation is an “Export”.

  • AWS now supports Slack Connect for AWS sales to collaborate with customer and partners

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    AWS Partners and customers can now collaborate in real-time with AWS account managers and partner managers via Slack channels initiated by AWS sales team members. This capability builds on Slack’s native functionality and incorporates additional controls to safeguard the confidentiality of discussions by ensuring that only necessary participants are involved.

  • Amazon SNS now supports FIFO topics in Canada West (Calgary) region

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) now supports FIFO (first in, first out) topics in Canada West (Calgary) region.

  • AWS Compute Optimizer introduces memory customizability for EC2 rightsizing recommendations

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    AWS Compute Optimizer now supports customizable EC2 rightsizing recommendations based on memory utilization. Compute Optimizer considers memory utilization metrics to generate rightsizing recommendations for EC2 instances when you enable memory utilization monitoring through AWS CloudWatch Agent or your preferred observability products. This launch enables you to identify additional savings and performance improvement opportunities through EC2 rightsizing recommendations by adjusting how Compute Optimizer processes memory utilization data. You can now configure EC2 rightsizing recommendations based on memory utilization at the organizational, account, or regional level. 

  • Amazon EventBridge announces Confluent Cloud integration in the AWS console

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Amazon EventBridge now supports a streamlined integration with Confluent Cloud in the EventBridge console, making it easier to configure Confluent Cloud as a source in Pipes and as a target with API destinations. Leveraging this new capability, you can increase developer agility by spending less time writing integration code and build features faster that combine Confluent Cloud with AWS services.

  • Amazon EC2 M7a instances are now available in additional regions

    Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

    Starting today, the general-purpose Amazon EC2 M7a instances are now available in Europe (Frankfurt, Spain, Stockholm) regions. M7a instances, powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors (code-named Genoa) with a maximum frequency of 3.7 GHz, deliver up to 50% higher performance compared to M6a instances.

  • AWS Cloud WAN and AWS Network Manager are now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    With AWS Cloud WAN, you can use a central dashboard and network policies to create a global network that spans multiple locations and networks, allowing you to configure and manage different networks using the same technology. You can use your network policies to specify which of your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds, AWS Transit Gateways, and on-premises locations you want to connect to by using an AWS Site-to-Site VPN, AWS Direct Connect, or third-party software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) products. The Cloud WAN central dashboard, powered by AWS Network Manager, generates a complete view of the network to help you monitor network health, security, and performance.

  • Announcing increased default quotas for CloudWatch Logs APIs

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch Logs now supports increased default API quotas. The default quota for ingesting logs has increased from 1,500 to 5,000 Transactions Per Second (TPS) in select regions. The increased quotas are available automatically with no changes required.

  • AWS Cost Allocation Tags now support retroactive application

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    AWS now allows customers to enable Cost Allocation Tags retroactively for up to 12 months. As long as customers have added tags to specific resources in the past, customers can activate (or deactivate) cost allocation tags today and apply cost allocation tags to historical usage for these resources for up to 12 months.

  • ElastiCache Serverless adds more controls for scaling

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Amazon ElastiCache Serverless adds more control over scaling the cache, by enabling customers to set a minimum limit for data storage and request rate. With ElastiCache Serverless, you can create a highly available and scalable cache in less than a minute by just specifying a name. ElastiCache Serverless automatically scales to accommodate your workload’s fluctuating traffic patterns. Now, you can pre-scale a serverless cache for anticipated scaling events by setting a minimum usage limit for data storage or request rate.

  • Amazon ECR announces an improved version of basic scanning (Preview)

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Today, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) announced a new, improved version of its basic scanning feature in preview. The new version of ECR basic scanning uses Amazon’s native scanning technology, which is designed to provide customers with improved scanning results and vulnerability detection across a broad set of popular operating systems. This allows customers to further strengthen the security of their container images.

  • Amazon DynamoDB Import from S3 now supports up to 50,000 Amazon S3 objects in a single bulk import

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Amazon DynamoDB Import from S3 now supports up to 50,000 Amazon S3 objects in a single bulk import. With the increased default service quota for import from S3, customers who need to bulk import a large number of Amazon S3 objects, can now run a single import to ingest up to 50,000 S3 objects, removing the need to consolidate S3 objects prior to running a bulk import.

  • Migrate existing domains to new SageMaker Studio via SageMaker Console

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    We are excited to announce that Amazon SageMaker now provides capability to enable existing Studio Classic domains to opt-in to the new SageMaker Studio experience via SageMaker Console.

  • AWS Systems Manager now supports RHEL 8.9 and 9.3

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    AWS Systems Manager now supports instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) versions 8.9 and 9.3. Systems Manager customers running these operating systems versions now have access to all AWS Systems Manager Node Management capabilities, including Fleet Manager, Compliance, Inventory, Hybrid Activations, Session Manager, Run Command, State Manager, Patch Manager, and Distributor. For a full list of supported operating systems and machine types for AWS Systems Manager, see the user guide. Patch Manager enables you to automatically patch instances with both security-related and other types of updates across your infrastructure for a variety of common operating systems, including Windows Server, Amazon Linux, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). For a full list of supported operating systems for AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager, see the Patch Manager prerequisites user guide page

  • AI recommendations for descriptions in Amazon DataZone now generally available

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Amazon DataZone is used by customers to catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data at scale across organizational boundaries with governance and access controls. Today, AWS announces the general availability of a new generative AI-based capability in Amazon DataZone to improve data discovery, data understanding and data usage by enriching the business data catalog. With a single click, data producers can generate comprehensive business data descriptions and context, highlight impactful columns, and include recommendations on analytical use cases. 

  • ElastiCache encryption at rest is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Amazon ElastiCache for Redis encryption at rest is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions (encryption at rest is already available in all commercial regions). Customers are increasingly moving sensitive workloads to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, such as financial and healthcare data, whose compliance regulations mandate data encryption. You can now enable encryption at rest in AWS GovCloud (US) regions using either the default (service managed) encryption at rest or your own symmetric customer managed AWS KMS keys in AWS Key Management Service (KMS). When you enable encryption at rest, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis encrypts all data on disk including service backups stored in Amazon S3. 

  • AWS Global Accelerator adds support for five new Amazon CloudWatch metrics

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Starting today, you can monitor your AWS Global Accelerator resources using five new Amazon CloudWatch metrics: ActiveFlowCount, PacketsProcessed, TCP_AGA_Reset_Count, TCP_Client_Reset_Count, and TCP_Endpoint_Reset_Count. With these metrics, you can monitor the total number of active TCP or UDP flows between your application’s clients and your accelerator endpoints, the total numbers of packets processed for an accelerator, and the total number of resets generated by Global Accelerator, the client, and the endpoint behind an accelerator. You can create CloudWatch alarms with the five new metrics to more quickly and easily detect issues with your accelerator endpoints.

  • AWS Control Tower now supports APIs in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    AWS Control Tower customers operating in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions can now use APIs to programmatically manage controls, perform landing zone operations, and extend governance to organizational units (OUs). AWS Control Tower APIs include AWS CloudFormation support, allowing customers to manage AWS resources as infrastructure as code (IaC). AWS Control Tower APIs enhance the end-to-end developer experience by enabling automation for integrated workflows and managing workloads at scale.

  • CodeCatalyst workflows runtime image selection

    Posted On: Mar 27, 2024

    Today, Amazon CodeCatalyst announces a new runtime docker image for customers to use with their build and test actions within workflows, along with the ability to choose between curated images. The new image contains updated tooling, including Node18.

  • AWS Lambda Functions powered by AWS Graviton2 now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    AWS Lambda functions powered by AWS Graviton2 processors are now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. With up to 34% better price-performance, functions running on AWS Graviton are ideal for powering mission critical Serverless applications.

  • AWS Global Accelerator extends bring your own IP address (BYOIP) to enable sharing IP space across accounts

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    Starting today, AWS Global Accelerator supports assigning a public IPv4 address from a CIDR block to an accelerator resource in another account.

  • Amazon Time Sync Service now supports microsecond-accurate time in US East (N. Virginia) Region

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    The Amazon Time Sync Service now supports clock synchronization within microseconds of UTC on Amazon EC2 instances in the US East (N. Virginia) region.

  • Amazon EC2 C7gn metal instance is now available

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    Starting today, AWS Graviton-based Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7gn instances are available in bare metal size. Amazon EC2 C7gn instances feature the new 5th generation AWS Nitro Cards and deliver the highest network bandwidth, the best packet-processing performance, and the best price performance for network-intensive workloads. C7gn instances offer up to 200 Gbps network bandwidth and up to 3x higher packet-processing performance per vCPU versus comparable current generation x86-based network optimized instances. Take advantage of the enhanced networking capabilities to scale performance and throughput while optimizing the cost of running network-intensive workloads. Workload examples include network virtual appliances, data analytics, and CPU-based artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) inference.

  • Well-Architected adds 4 new lenses to the Lens Catalog

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    AWS is pleased to announce 4 new industry and domain specific lenses to the Lens Catalog within the AWS Well-Architected Tool. This update gives customer access to additional expert-authored lenses so they can better tailor their reviews to focus on industry-specific and technology-focused topics most relevant to their business

  • AWS Elemental MediaLive now available in Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) region

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    AWS Elemental MediaLive is a broadcast-grade live video processing service. It lets you create high-quality live video streams for delivery to broadcast televisions and internet-connected multiscreen devices, like connected TVs, tablets, smartphones, and set-top boxes.

  • AWS Elemental MediaLive now available in Middle East (UAE) region

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    AWS Elemental MediaLive is a broadcast-grade live video processing service. It lets you create high-quality live video streams for delivery to broadcast televisions and internet-connected multiscreen devices, like connected TVs, tablets, smartphones, and set-top boxes.

  • Amazon Connect supports guided chat experiences using step-by-step guides

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    Amazon Connect now makes it easier for you to create interactive chat experiences using step-by-step guides to help resolve issues faster and improve the customer experience. You can now configure step-by-step guides in the communications widget to quickly create self-service chat and post-chat experiences using dynamic components including carousels, drop down lists, date time pickers, and forms. If chats are escalated to an agent, agents can see context from the self-service interaction, enabling them to provide personalized and efficient service.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle now supports X2iezn instances

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for Oracle now supports x2iezn instances. These instances are designed to deliver high EBS-optimized throughput and IOPS to enhance performance of Oracle database workloads that require high IO and that process large data sets in memory. Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle customers, with right-sizing, can migrate their database instances to smaller-sized x2iezn instances and still meet their workload throughput, IOPS, and memory requirements, saving on compute and database licensing costs.

  • AWS CodeBuild now supports GitLab and GitLab Self Managed

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    You can now use GitLab and GitLab Self Managed as the source provider for your CodeBuild projects. You can initiate builds from changes in source code hosted in your GitLab repositories.

  • AWS Elemental MediaConvert now available in the Middle East (UAE) region

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    AWS Elemental MediaConvert now offers developers, startups, entrepreneurs, and enterprises, as well as government, education, and nonprofit organizations greater choice for transcoding their media in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) region. Starting today, you can configure and submit MediaConvert jobs using the console or API endpoints in the Middle East (UAE) region.

  • Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock now supports Claude 3 Sonnet

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock securely connects foundation models (FMs) to internal company data sources for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to deliver more relevant, context-specific, and accurate responses. Anthropic’s Claude 3 Sonnet foundation model is now generally available on Knowledge Bases. The Claude 3 family of models is the next generation of state-of-the-art models from Anthropic. 

  • AWS AppFabric now supports Dynatrace

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    Today, AWS AppFabric announces support for Dynatrace as a compatible security tool. Starting now, IT administrators and security analysts can use AWS AppFabric to ingest enriched and normalized audit logs from 25 supported applications to Dynatrace and take advantage of its extended threat detection and response capabilities. 

  • AWS announces Reserved Instances for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Optimized Reads

    Posted On: Mar 26, 2024

    AWS announces the availability of Reserved Instances for Amazon Aurora Optimized Reads for Aurora PostgreSQL. Optimized Reads is a price-performance capability available on r6gd and r6id instances that delivers up to 8x improved query latency and up to 30% cost savings compared to instances without it, for applications with large datasets that exceed the memory capacity of a database instance. Reserved Instances are appropriate for steady-state database workloads and offer significant savings over On-Demand Instances improving these savings. 1-year Reserved Instances provide discounts up to 27% and 3-year Reserved Instances provide discounts of up to 47% over On-Demand Instances. Reserved Instances provide flexibility across instance sizes and cluster configuration options. 

  • Amazon Connect Contact Lens now automates agent performance evaluations

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    Amazon Connect Contact Lens now provides businesses with the ability to automatically submit agent performance evaluations. Managers can now evaluate up to 100% of customer interactions, using insights from conversational analytics to automatically fill and submit evaluations, and get aggregations on agent performance across cohorts of agents over time. With this launch, managers can comprehensively monitor and improve regulatory compliance, script adherence (e.g. customer greetings), sensitive data collection, while reducing the time spent on evaluating agent performance.

  • Amazon Lightsail expands blueprint selection with support for AlmaLinux 9

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    Amazon Lightsail now offers AlmaLinux 9, an open source, community owned and governed Linux distribution. AlmaLinux is an alternative for applications that require RHEL compatibility. Starting today, with just a few clicks, you can create a Lightsail virtual private server (VPS) of your preferred size that comes with AlmaLinux 9 preinstalled.

  • Amazon Connect Contact Lens now provides generative AI-powered post-contact summaries (generally available)

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    Amazon Connect Contact Lens now provides generative AI-powered post-contact summaries, which summarize long customer conversations into succinct, coherent, and context rich contact summaries (e.g., “The customer didn’t receive a reimbursement for a last minute flight cancellation and the agent didn’t offer a partial reimbursement as per the SOP”). This helps supervisors improve the customer experience by getting faster insights when reviewing contacts, saving time on quality and compliance reviews, and more quickly identifying opportunities to improve agent performance.

  • AWS Batch now offers multi-container jobs via AWS Management Console

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of full AWS Management Console experience for multi-container jobs in AWS Batch. The multi-container jobs feature makes it easier and faster for you to run simulations when testing complex systems like those used in autonomous vehicles and robotics. With the ability to run multiple containers in a job, you can benefit from the advanced scaling, scheduling, and cost optimization capabilities of AWS Batch without rebuilding your system into a complex monolithic container. Instead, you can use multiple smaller, modular containers that each represent different system components like a 3D virtual environment, robot perception sensors, or a data logging sidecar.

  • Set IMDSv2 as default for all new instance launches in your account

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    You can now set all new Amazon EC2 instance launches in your account to use Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) by default. IMDSv2 is an enhancement that requires session-oriented requests to add defense in depth against unauthorized metadata access. To set your instances to IMDSv2-only, you previously had to use the the IMDS Amazon Machine Image (AMI) property, set Instance Metadata Options during instance launch, or update instances after launch using the ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions API.

  • AWS B2B Data Interchange now publishes events to Amazon EventBridge

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    AWS B2B Data Interchange now enables fully automated, event-driven Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) workflows by publishing events to Amazon EventBridge for all successful and failed transformations. These events can be used to trigger downstream data integration processes, to automate additional processing of your transformed EDI documents, or to automatically send real-time status notifications to you and your trading partners.

  • Amazon Chime SDK provides API endpoints for media pipelines in Seoul, Mumbai, Sydney, Tokyo, Canada, and London

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add intelligent real-time audio, video, screen share, and messaging to their web applications. Media pipelines allows developers to capture the contents from an Amazon Chime SDK meeting. This captured content can then be sent to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket of their choice. The content can also be live streamed to reach a large audience via streaming platforms such as Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) or AWS Elemental MediaLive. Starting today, the Amazon Chime SDK now has media pipeline API endpoints in Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), and Europe (London).

  • AWS Compute Optimizer now supports 51 new EC2 instance types

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    AWS Compute Optimizer now supports 51 additional Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance types. The newly supported instance types include the latest generation general-purpose instances (M6id), compute optimized instances (C7i), memory optimized instances (R7i, X2idn, X2iedn), high-performance-computing (HPC) optimized instances (Hpc7a), and metal sized instances for C7gd, R7gd and M7gd. This expands the total EC2 instance types supported by AWS Compute Optimizer to 702. 

  • IAM Roles Anywhere now offers credentials that are valid for up to 12 hours

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    You can now use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles Anywhere to obtain temporary security credentials for workloads that run outside of AWS that are valid for up to 12 hours. You can use those temporary security credentials to sign and authenticate any AWS request. Previously, the temporary security credentials vended by IAM Roles Anywhere were valid for up to 1 hour. Now, you have the ability to optimize the number of CreateSession requests made to IAM Roles Anywhere by extending the credentials validity for a longer duration to meet your business needs. The duration can range from 15 minutes to 12 hours, with a default value of 1 hour.

  • Amazon Linux announces new quarterly update with AL2023.4 and availability of EKS optimized AMI

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    Today we are announcing the availability of the fourth quarterly update for Amazon Linux 2023, AL2023.4 as well as the Amazon Linux 2023 EKS optimized AMI. Amazon EKS customers can now use the standard AL2023-based EKS optimized Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with Managed Node Groups, self-managed nodes, and Karpenter, and is available across all supported version of Amazon EKS. To learn more about using Amazon Linux 2023 with EKS, see Amazon EKS optimized Amazon Linux AMIs.

  • Amazon Connect agent workspace supports third-party applications in general availability

    Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

    The Amazon Connect agent workspace now supports third-party applications in general availability. Agents can use Amazon Connect’s native agent applications (Q in Connect, Cases, Customer Profiles, and Step-by-step Guides) alongside internal or custom-built agent applications, all within a unified agent workspace. For example, when the customer calls about an order, the agent workspace can automatically open a third-party shipment tracking application and display the details of the customer’s order, saving the agent from needing to navigate multiple applications or manually search for information to solve the issue. With support for third-party apps within the agent workspace, customers can reduce agent handle time and data entry errors, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

  • Amazon MSK Connect now supports deleting worker configurations and tagging resources

    Posted On: Mar 22, 2024

    Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Connect (Amazon MSK Connect) now supports the ability to delete MSK Connect worker configurations, tag resources, and manage worker configurations and custom plugins using AWS CloudFormation. Amazon MSK Connect is a fully managed service for Apache Kafka Connect. With a few clicks, MSK Connect allows you to easily deploy connectors that move data between Apache Kafka and external systems. Together, these new capabilities make it easier for you to manage your MSK Connect resources and automate deployments through CI/CD pipelines. 

  • Introducing the Bedrock GenAI chatbot blueprint in Amazon CodeCatalyst

    Posted On: Mar 22, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the Bedrock GenAI chatbot blueprint in Amazon CodeCatalyst. CodeCatalyst customers can use this blueprint to quickly build and launch a generative AI chatbot with Amazon Bedrock and Anthropic’s Claude. This blueprint helps development teams build and deploy their own secure, login-protected LLM playground that can be customized to their data. You can get started by creating a project in CodeCatalyst. For more information, see the CodeCatalyst documentation and the Bedrock GenAI Chatbot documentation.

  • Amazon EMR Serverless achieves FedRAMP Moderate compliance

    Posted On: Mar 22, 2024

    Amazon EMR Serverless is now in scope for FedRAMP Moderate in the US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), and US West (Oregon) Regions. You can now use EMR Serverless to run your Apache Spark and Hive workloads that are subject to FedRAMP Moderate compliance.

  • Amazon DataZone launches enhancements to Amazon Redshift integration

    Posted On: Mar 21, 2024

    Amazon DataZone is used by customers to catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data at scale across organizational boundaries with governance and access controls. Today, Amazon DataZone has introduced several enhancements to its Amazon Redshift integration, simplifying the process of publishing and subscribing to Amazon Redshift tables and views. These updates streamline the experience for both data producers and consumers, allowing them to quickly create data warehouse environments using pre-configured credentials and connection parameters provided by their DataZone administrators. Additionally, these enhancements grant administrators greater control over who can use the resources within their AWS accounts and Amazon Redshift clusters, and for what purpose.

  • Announcing Package Group Configuration in AWS CodeArtifact

    Posted On: Mar 21, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of Package Group Configuration in AWS CodeArtifact. Customers can now define groups of packages and apply package origin controls to the groups, enhancing security and preventing software supply chain attacks. 

  • EC2 Mac Dedicated Hosts now provide visibility into supported macOS versions

    Posted On: Mar 21, 2024

    Starting today, customers are able to view the latest macOS versions supported on their EC2 Mac Dedicated Host, which enables them to proactively validate if their Dedicated Host can support instances with their preferred macOS versions. As each macOS version requires a minimum firmware version on the underlying Apple Mac to successfully boot, a host may not support booting the latest macOS versions if the firmware on the Apple Mac is outdated, which may happen if an allocated Mac Dedicated Host has remained idle for an extended period of time. To ensure supportability for the latest macOS versions, customers can launch and terminate instances on their allocated Mac Dedicated Host which will trigger the host sanitization workflow and update the firmware on the underlying Apple Mac. A Dedicated Host with a long running instance will be updated automatically when customers stop or terminate their running instance.

  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams launches cross-account access with AWS Lambda in AWS GovCloud (US)

    Posted On: Mar 21, 2024

    Amazon Kinesis Data Streams now supports resource-based policies in the AWS GovCloud (US) regions, so you can process data ingested into a stream in one account with an AWS Lambda function in another account. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a serverless real-time data streaming service that can continuously capture gigabytes of data per second from hundreds of thousands of sources. AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. Together with Kinesis Data Streams and Lambda, you can build a completely serverless data streaming pipeline.

  • Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query now supports listing unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) on Bitcoin blockchain networks

    Posted On: Mar 21, 2024

    Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query now supports listing unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs), enabling developers to quickly and easily build applications on the Bitcoin Mainnet and Testnet blockchain networks.

  • Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with readable standby instances now support C6gd database instances

    Posted On: Mar 21, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports C6gd database (DB) instances in RDS for PostgreSQL and MySQL Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys. These compute optimized DB instances are available in sizes ranging from 1 vCPU up to 64 vCPU (medium up to 16xlarge sizes). C6gd DB instances are the only instances that support medium size instances for Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys. C6gd is an ideal candidate for cost optimizing dev/test workloads intended for Multi-AZ deployments with readable standby instances.

  • Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights now supports kdb database maintenance

    Posted On: Mar 20, 2024

    Amazon FinSpace announces new features that enable customers to perform kdb database maintenance operations and execute long running analytics. First, writable dataviews enable writable copies of the contents of a kdb database. Second, support for long running scripts allow kdb processes to run to completion without timeouts. Together, they enable use of the KX dbmaint tool, commonly used to perform maintenance on databases.

  • AWS License Manager now allows you to track IBM Db2 licenses on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

    Posted On: Mar 20, 2024

    Starting today, you can track your Amazon RDS for Db2 bring your own license (BYOL) usage with AWS License Manager. AWS License Manager provides you better control and visibility of your licenses to help you limit licensing overages and reduce the risk of non-compliance and misreporting.

  • Amazon Neptune Database is now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region

    Posted On: Mar 20, 2024

    Amazon Neptune Database is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region on engine versions and later. You can now create Neptune clusters using R5, R5d, R6g, R6i, X2g, T4g and Serverless instance types in the AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region.

  • Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift announces support for data filtering and CloudFormation

    Posted On: Mar 20, 2024

    Amazon Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift now supports data filtering, enabling you to include or exclude specific databases and tables as part of the zero-ETL integration. Based on your analytics needs, filtering of specific databases and tables helps you selectively bring data into Amazon Redshift. In addition, you can now easily manage and automate the configuration and deployment of resources needed for an Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift using AWS CloudFormation.

  • AWS announces a 7-day window to return Savings Plans

    Posted On: Mar 20, 2024

    Today we are announcing the ability for customers to return Savings Plans within 7 days of purchase. Savings Plans is a flexible pricing model that can help you reduce your bill by up to 72% compared to On-Demand prices, in exchange for a one- or three-year hourly spend commitment. Starting today, if you realize that the Savings Plan you recently purchased isn’t optimal for your needs, you can return it and if needed, repurchase another Savings Plan that better matches your needs.

  • Amazon WorkMail now supports Audit Logging

    Posted On: Mar 20, 2024

    Amazon WorkMail now supports Audit Logging, which allows you to get insights into mailbox access patterns. Using Audit Logging, you can choose to receive authentication, access control, and mailbox access logs on Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, and Amazon Data Firehose. You will also receive new mailbox metrics in CloudWatch about your WorkMail organizations.

  • Amazon DynamoDB now supports resource-based policies

    Posted On: Mar 20, 2024

    Amazon DynamoDB now supports resource-based policies to help you simplify access control for your DynamoDB resources. With resource-based policies, you can specify the Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals that have access to a resource and what actions they can perform on it. You can attach a resource-based policy to a DynamoDB table or a stream. The resource-based policy that you attach to a table can include access permissions to its indexes. The resource-based policy that you attach to a stream can include access permissions to the stream. With resource-based policies, you can also simplify cross-account access control for sharing resources with IAM principals of different AWS accounts.

  • Amazon DynamoDB now supports AWS PrivateLink

    Posted On: Mar 19, 2024

    Amazon DynamoDB now supports AWS PrivateLink. With AWS PrivateLink, you can simplify private network connectivity between virtual private clouds (VPCs), DynamoDB, and your on-premises data centers using interface VPC endpoints and private IP addresses. AWS PrivateLink is compatible with AWS Direct Connect and AWS Virtual Private Network (VPN) to facilitate private network connectivity, and helps you eliminate the need to use public IP addresses, configure firewall rules, or configure an internet gateway to access DynamoDB from your on-premises data centers. As a result, AWS PrivateLink helps you maintain compliance for your DynamoDB workloads over the private network.

  • Amazon Corretto 22 is now generally available

    Posted On: Mar 19, 2024

    Amazon Corretto 22 is now generally available. This version supports the latest OpenJDK feature release and is available on Linux, Windows, and macOS. You can download Corretto 22 from our downloads page.

  • AWS Elemental MediaTailor now supports program rules in Channel Assembly

    Posted On: Mar 19, 2024

    With AWS Elemental MediaTailor Channel Assembly you can now apply program rules to dynamically change the source depending on a viewer ID.

  • AWS CodeBuild now supports custom images for AWS Lambda compute

    Posted On: Mar 19, 2024

    AWS CodeBuild now supports using container images stored in Amazon ECR repository for projects configured to run on Lambda compute. Previously, you had to use one of the managed container images provided by AWS CodeBuild. AWS managed container images include support for AWS CLI, AWS SAM CLI, and various programming language runtimes. 

  • Amazon Athena is now available in AWS Canada West (Calgary) region

    Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

    We are excited to announced that starting today, Amazon Athena and its latest features and benefits are available in the AWS Canada West (Calgary) Region.

  • AWS IAM Identity Center is now available in the Asia Pacific (Melbourne) AWS Region

    Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

    You can now deploy AWS IAM Identity Center in the Asia Pacific (Melbourne) AWS Region. With the addition of this AWS Region, IAM Identity Center is now available in 30 AWS Regions globally.

  • Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink adds in-place version upgrades for Apache Flink

    Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

    You can now upgrade existing applications to new Apache Flink versions in Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink using in-place Apache Flink version upgrades. With in-place Apache Flink version upgrades you retain application traceability across Apache Flink versions including snapshots, logs, metrics, tags, Flink configurations, resource limit increases, VPCs, and more. You can upgrade to new Apache Flink versions by selecting the application, the snapshot you want to restore from, and the new Apache Flink runtime you require using the AWS CLI, SDK, CloudFormation, or Management Console.

  • New Amazon SageMaker integration with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices

    Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

    You can now achieve even better price-performance of large language models (LLMs) running on NVIDIA accelerated computing infrastructure when using Amazon SageMaker with newly integrated NVIDIA NIM inference microservices. SageMaker is a fully managed service that makes it easy to build, train, and deploy machine learning and LLMs, and NIM, part of the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform, provides high-performance AI containers for inference with LLMs.

  • Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink adds support for Apache Flink 1.18

    Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

    Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink now supports Apache Flink 1.18. This new version includes improvements to connectors including Amazon OpenSearch, Amazon DynamoDB, MongoDB, and improved watermark alignment and query performance. For a complete list of supported features, improvements, and bug fixes please see Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink in our documentation. You can use in-place Apache Flink version upgrades to adopt the Apache Flink 1.18 runtime for a simple and faster upgrade to your existing application. 

  • AWS Secrets Manager announces support for Amazon Redshift Serverless data warehouse

    Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

    AWS Secrets Manager launched a new capability that allows customers to create and rotate user credentials for Amazon Redshift Serverless. Amazon Redshift Serverless allows you to run and scale analytics without having to provision and manage data warehouse clusters. With this launch, you can now create and set up automatic rotation for your user credentials for Amazon Redshift Serverless data warehouse directly from the AWS Secrets Manager console. 

  • Get visibility to your auto deployment configuration with a new StackSets API

    Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

    AWS CloudFormation StackSets launches ListStackSetAutoDeploymentTargets API that allows customers to list existing target Organizational Units (OUs) and AWS Regions for a given stack set. With this launch, customers get visibility into the list of Regions where StackSets will auto-deploy stacks when a new account is added to target OUs. Customers no longer have to log into individual accounts under a given OU to get this information. Customers instead can get this Region combination for all target OUs of a given stack set in a single preview.

  • Introducing Service-linked role for AWS Marketplace Resale Authorization

    Posted On: Mar 15, 2024

    Today, AWS Marketplace launched service-linked role for AWS Marketplace Resale Authorization that allows AWS Marketplace sellers such as Independent Software Vendors (ISV), Consulting Partners and Channel Partners to share and accept resale authorizations.

  • Amazon SES now provides guided onboarding to achieve fully authenticated sending

    Posted On: Mar 15, 2024

    Today Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) launched an update to its guided onboarding wizard to help customers meet the authentication requirements introduced by Gmail and Yahoo Mail in 2024. The SES onboarding wizard now guides customers through the steps of verifying their sending identities, establishing custom mail from domains, and publishing a DMARC record if they don’t already have one. This makes it even easier for customers to begin sending authenticated email with SES.

  • Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics now supports 30-day historical data on canary runs

    Posted On: Mar 15, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics, an outside-in monitoring capability to continually verify your customers’ experience using snippets of code called canaries, is extending historical data for canary runs that pass or fail from 7-days to 30-days. Canary run troubleshooting artifacts such as screenshots from the canary run, HAR files, and log files for historical runs can be viewed for up to 30 days to easily pin point persistent versus intermittent canary run failure patterns on the CloudWatch console.

  • Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB is now generally available

    Posted On: Mar 15, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the general availability of Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB, a new time-series database engine. Timestream for InfluxDB makes it easy for application developers and DevOps teams to run fully managed InfluxDB databases on AWS for real-time time-series applications using open-source APIs. 

  • Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink is now available in Canada West (Calgary) Region

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Starting today, customers can use Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink in Canada West (Calgary) Region to build real-time stream processing applications. 

  • Amazon Neptune Analytics is now available in the AWS Europe (London) Region

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Amazon Neptune Analytics is now available in the AWS Europe (London) Region. Neptune Analytics is an analytics database engine that makes it faster for data scientists and application developers to get insights and find trends by analyzing graph data with tens of billions of connections in seconds. Neptune Analytics adds to existing Neptune tools and services such as Amazon Neptune Database, Amazon Neptune ML, and visualization tools. Neptune is a fast, reliable, and fully managed graph database service for building and running applications with highly connected datasets, such as knowledge graphs, fraud graphs, identity graphs, and security graphs. With Neptune Analytics, you can find insights in graph data up to 80x faster by analyzing your existing Neptune graph database or graph data from Amazon S3.

  • Anthropic's Claude 3 Haiku Model now available on Amazon Bedrock

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku foundation model is now generally available on Amazon Bedrock. The Claude 3 family of models (Claude 3 Opus, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Haiku) is the next generation of state-of-the-art models from Anthropic. Claude 3 Haiku is one of the most affordable and fastest options on the market for its intelligence category.

  • AWS Backup is now available in AWS Canada West (Calgary)

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Today, we are announcing the availability of AWS Backup in the Canada West (Calgary) Region. AWS Backup is a fully-managed, policy-driven service that allows you to centrally automate data protection across multiple AWS services spanning compute, storage, and databases. Using AWS Backup, you can centrally create and manage backups of your application data, protect your data from inadvertent or malicious actions with immutable recovery points and vaults, and restore your data in the event of a data loss incident.

  • AWS Signer launches signing container images in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Starting today, AWS Signer container image signing and verification is available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. You can now use AWS Signer, a managed signing service, to sign images in registries, such as Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). You can validate that only approved images are deployed to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters or are in use in Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) clusters.

  • Monitor Amazon WorkSpaces instances via CloudWatch Automatic dashboard

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    You can now obtain an aggregated picture of the performance and health of your WorkSpaces instances using the Amazon CloudWatch Automatic dashboard. This enables WorkSpaces administrators to quickly start monitoring WorkSpaces metrics and identify issues and their potential causes. You can also use CloudWatch Automatic dashboard as a starting point and create your own custom dashboards to meet your monitoring needs.

  • Amazon MSK Replicator now supports replicating existing data on Kafka topics

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Amazon MSK Replicator now supports replicating existing data on your topics across Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) clusters. With this new configuration, you can now start replication from earliest position in your source cluster's topics in addition to latest position.

  • Amazon DynamoDB local upgrades to Jetty 12 and JDK 17

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Today, we are excited to announce that DynamoDB local for Amazon DynamoDB upgrades to Jetty 12 and JDK 17. We recommend that you run the latest version of DynamoDB local to utilize the most recent updates and features of DynamoDB local for your development and testing use cases. 

  • Amazon EC2 now supports tagging when registering or copying AMIs

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Amazon EC2 now enables you to tag your Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) when you create an AMI from an EBS snapshot, or when you copy an AMI within the same or different AWS Regions. Tags are simple key-value pairs that you can assign to AWS resources such as AMIs to easily organize, search, and identify resources, create cost allocation reports, and control access. 

  • Amazon Cognito is now available in Europe (Zurich) Region

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Amazon Cognito is now available in Europe (Zurich) Region. Amazon Cognito makes it easy to add authentication, authorization, and user management to your web and mobile apps. Amazon Cognito scales to millions of users and supports sign-in with social identity providers such as Apple, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, and enterprise identity providers via standards such as SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect.

  • Application Load Balancer enables configuring HTTP client keepalive duration

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Application Load Balancer (ALB) now provides flexibility that allows you to configure HTTP client keepalive duration for communication between clients and load balancer. With this feature, you can configure keepalive values to optimize client experience.

  • AWS Batch now supports alerts to detect and react to jobs stuck in RUNNABLE state

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    Starting today, AWS Batch now supports a Batch Job Queue Blocked CloudWatch Event for jobs stuck in RUNNABLE state. Customers can automate actions using EventBridge to be able to take an action on these stuck jobs. Additionally, customers can configure jobStateTimeLimitActions parameter from the CreateJobQueue and UpdateJobQueue APIs to terminate the stuck job unblocking the jobs behind it within the queue. 

  • AWS CloudFormation accelerates dev-test cycle with new validation checks for stack operations

    Posted On: Mar 14, 2024

    AWS CloudFormation improves its deployment experience to validate customer stack operation upfront for invalid resource property errors. Customers get early feedback that their stack operation will fail due to issues such as spelling errors in their template. With this launch, customers will be able to fail fast and minimize the steps required for a successful stack operation.

  • Amazon S3 on Outposts reduces first-byte latencies for object API requests

    Posted On: Mar 13, 2024

    Amazon S3 on Outposts now caches AWS IAM permissions locally, improving the performance of applications running on AWS Outposts. This local cache eliminates the variability in first-byte latencies that comes from authentication and authorization operations in the parent AWS Region, which improves the performance of your object API requests.

  • Mountpoint for Amazon S3 CSI driver now supports Bottlerocket

    Posted On: Mar 13, 2024

    The Mountpoint for Amazon S3 Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver now supports Bottlerocket, a Linux-based operating system that is purpose-built for containers. With this integration, your Kubernetes applications benefit from Bottlerocket’s immutable root file system, low management overhead, and integration with AWS services, while achieving high aggregate throughput to read and write data in Amazon S3.

  • AWS Fault Injection Service announces target preview for experiments

    Posted On: Mar 13, 2024

    AWS Fault Injection Service (FIS) now allows you to preview targets resources before you start an FIS experiment to verify that your experiment is properly configured. In addition to target preview, FIS APIs now also return the ARNs of experiments, experiment templates, and actions in the response so that you have the information you need to uniquely identify these resources.

  • Automate deployment of SAP S/4HANA Foundation and S/4HANA 2023 on AWS

    Posted On: Mar 13, 2024

    AWS Launch Wizard now allows you to automate deployment of SAP S/4HANA Foundation applications and SAP S/4HANA 2023. This launch expands on existing Launch Wizard capabilities that allow you to automate deployment of SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver, SAP BW/4HANA, and SAP S/4HANA 2020, 2021 and 2022 using APIs or a console-based approach.

  • Amazon EC2 M6gd instances are now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Mar 13, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M6gd instances are available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. These instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors and are built on the AWS Nitro System, a collection of AWS designed hardware and software innovations that enables the delivery of efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage. These instances offer up to 25 Gbps of network bandwidth, up to 19 Gbps of bandwidth to the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), and up to 3.8TB of NVMe SSD local instance storage.

  • Amazon EFS now supports up to 20 GiB/s of throughput

    Posted On: Mar 13, 2024

    Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) has increased the throughput per file system to up to 20 GiB/s of read throughput and up to 5 GiB/s of write throughput.

  • Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch now supports writing checkpoints with PyTorch Lightning

    Posted On: Mar 13, 2024

    The Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch now supports saving PyTorch Lightning model checkpoints directly to Amazon S3, improving the cost and performance of your machine learning training jobs. PyTorch Lightning is an open source framework that provides a high-level interface for training with PyTorch. The Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch automatically optimizes S3 requests to improve data loading and checkpoint performance for your training workloads. Saving PyTorch Lightning model checkpoints is up to 40% faster with the Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch than writing to Amazon EC2 instance storage.

  • Operationalize forecasting models and Fine-tuned FMs with SageMaker Canvas

    Posted On: Mar 12, 2024

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas now extends its Model Registry integration to Timeseries forecasting models and SageMaker JumpStart-powered Fine-tuned foundation models. With a single click, you can register these ML models built in Amazon SageMaker Canvas with the SageMaker Model registry, simplifying their deployment to production environments. This enhancement expands the Model registry integration to all problem types supported in Canvas, including regression/classification tabular models, and CV/NLP models. By streamlining the operationalization of ML models in production, Canvas, a no-code tool to build ML models and generate predictions, continues to democratize ML.

  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server supports minor version 2019 CU25 and 2022 CU11

    Posted On: Mar 12, 2024

    Two new minor versions of Microsoft SQL Server are now available on Amazon RDS for SQL Server, providing performance enhancements and security fixes. Amazon RDS for SQL Server now supports these latest minor versions of SQL Server 2019 and 2022 across the Express, Web, Standard, and Enterprise editions.

  • AWS Backup now supports restore testing for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Snapshots Archive

    Posted On: Mar 12, 2024

    AWS Backup announces support for restore testing of Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive. AWS Backup restore testing helps perform automated and periodic restore tests of supported AWS resources that have been backed up. AWS Backup is a fully managed service that centralizes and automates data protection across AWS services and hybrid workloads. With this launch, AWS Backup customers can test recovery readiness to prepare for possible data loss events and to measure duration times for restore jobs of Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive to satisfy compliance or regulatory requirements.

  • AWS ParallelCluster 3.9 with support for RHEL 9, Rocky Linux 9 and dynamic cluster capacity updates

    Posted On: Mar 12, 2024

    AWS ParallelCluster 3.9.0 is now generally available. Key features of this release include support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL9), Rocky Linux 9 and the ability to resize a cluster's compute capacity without stopping it. Other important features in this release include:

    • Support for mounting and unmounting AWS file systems without stopping the cluster.
    • Ability to disable sudo privileges for the default cluster user.
    • An updated Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) Installer, v1.30, that supports using Open MPI 5 with your applications.
  • Announcing AWS Graviton2 support for Amazon EMR Serverless in China Regions

    Posted On: Mar 12, 2024

    Amazon EMR Serverless is a serverless option in Amazon EMR that makes it simple to run applications using open-source analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark and Hive without configuring, managing, or scaling clusters.

  • Amazon RDS for Db2 expands support for M6i and R6i in additional AWS Regions

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    Amazon RDS for Db2 expands support for M6i in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) and M6i and R6i in Asia Pacific (Hyderabad).

  • Amazon FSx for OpenZFS is now available in Spain and Zurich

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    Customers can now create Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file systems in two new AWS Regions: Europe (Spain) and Europe (Zurich).

  • Announcing Synthetics NodeJS runtime version 7.0 and Synthetics Python runtime version 3.0 for Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics announces new runtime version releases; syn-nodejs-puppeteer-7.0 for NodeJS Runtime and syn-python-selenium-3.0 for Python Runtime. The NodeJS Runtime update includes dependency upgrades to puppeteer (v21.9.0) and Chromium (v121.0.6167.0.85). The Python Runtime update includes dependency upgrades to Chromium and Chromedriver (v121.0.6167.85). To learn more, see NodeJS release notes and Python release notes.

  • CloudWatch Container Insights now delivers observability for NVIDIA GPUs on EKS

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights with Enhanced Observability for EKS now auto-discovers critical health and performance metrics from your NVIDIA GPUs and delivers them in automatic dashboards to enable faster problem isolation and troubleshooting for your AI/ML workloads. Container Insights with Enhanced Observability delivers you out-of-the-box trends and patterns on your infrastructure health and removes the overhead of manual dashboard and alarm set-ups saving you time and effort.

  • Amazon Verified Permissions increases default quotas for authorization APIs

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    Amazon Verified Permissions has increased the default quotas for IsAuthorized and IsAuthorizedWithToken API from 30 to 200 transactions per second (TPS). Applications can call these APIs to request an authorization decision. Increasing the default TPS enables customers to continuously authorize user actions, in line with the principals of zero trust.

  • Amazon FSx for OpenZFS is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    Customers can now create Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file systems in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • Amazon RDS for Db2 expands support for X2iedn instances in additional regions

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    Amazon RDS for Db2 expands support for memory optimized X2iedn DB instances in US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Spain) and South America (Sao Paulo). X2iedn instances are well-suited for memory-intensive, read-heavy and high-throughput write operations.

  • Experience up to 40% faster stack creation with AWS CloudFormation

    Posted On: Mar 11, 2024

    AWS CloudFormation improved its stack creation speed by up to 40% and introduced a new stack creation event, CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE. This event is available at both the stack and resource levels.

  • AWS announces Aurora MySQL integration with Amazon Bedrock for Generative AI

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    Today, AWS announces that Amazon Aurora ML now provides access to foundation models available in Amazon Bedrock directly through SQL in the Aurora MySQL 3.06 version.

  • AWS HealthImaging enables the import of large DICOM objects and high-throughput JPEG 2000 (HTJ2K) transfer syntaxes

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    AWS HealthImaging now supports the import of DICOM instances up to 4 GB with up to 20:1 image compression. Customers can now import and store large DICOM instances, such as those generated by digital pathology systems. With this release, HealthImaging also adds support for importing DICOM objects with pixel data encoded in any of the High-throughput JPEG 2000 (HTJ2K) transfer syntaxes that were recently added to the DICOM standard. Further, HealthImaging now supports import of data in the JPEG Lossless, Nonhierarchical (Process 14) transfer syntax.

  • Application Load Balancer now supports Resource Map in AWS Management Console

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    Application Load Balancer (ALB) now supports Resource Map, a tool in the console that displays all your ALB resources and their relationships in a visual format on a single page, providing you a clear understanding of your ALB architecture.

  • Amazon Cognito is now available in Middle East (UAE) Region

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    Amazon Cognito is now available in Middle East (UAE) Region. Amazon Cognito makes it easy to add authentication, authorization, and user management to your web and mobile apps. Amazon Cognito scales to millions of users and supports sign-in with social identity providers such as Apple, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, and enterprise identity providers via standards such as SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect.

  • AWS WAF now supports larger request body inspections for regional resources

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    Starting today, AWS WAF supports inspecting up to 64KB of the body of incoming HTTP/S requests, for Amazon API Gateway, Cognito user pools, App Runner and AWS Verified Access regional resources. For the resources where this new maximum applies, the default inspection size has also changed from 8KB to 16KB. This new default will be applied to all new and existing WAF web access control lists, without additional charges.

  • AWS Cost Categories launches a revamped user interface

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    The new console experience for AWS Cost Categories simplifies the Cost Categories creation workflows. The new user interface uses a split-view panel to improve the process of setting up Cost Categories rules; as well as to provide an interactive preview of the allocation of month-to-date estimated charges based on these rules. The split-view panel allows you to add or edit Cost Category rules; or visualize the effect of the rules on cost allocation, without leaving the consolidated view of all your rules in the rules table. The rules table gives you an overview of all of your Cost Categories rules, their relative prioritization, and the ability to search, filter, and reorder rules by changing their priority. 

  • Amazon SES now offers support for headers when sending email

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    Today, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) launched a new feature giving customers the ability to set custom headers when sending emails using SES v2 sending APIs. Customers can now set headers for a variety of purposes, including implementing one-click unsubscribe by adding list-unsubscribe headers to emails. Custom headers are set when calling SES v2 sending APIs, and do not require raw email content. This makes it easier to support advanced use cases including those requiring “X-” proprietary header content. 

  • Amazon Aurora MySQL 3.06 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.34) is generally available

    Posted On: Mar 8, 2024

    In addition to security enhancements, bug fixes, and improved data replication performance with binary log (binlog), this release includes new generative AI capabilities and improved cross-region resiliency for Aurora Global Database. With this release, customers can use Aurora MySQL to build scalable generative AI applications, accessing Amazon Bedrock’s foundation models directly through SQL. This release also contains improvements that bolster the cross-region resiliency of Aurora Global Database, enabling secondary regions to seamlessly serve read requests if the primary writer were to become unavailable during an instance restart. For more details, refer to the Aurora MySQL 3 and MySQL 8.0.34 release notes.

  • Amazon Managed Grafana launches Enterprise plugins upgrade

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    Amazon Managed Grafana launches Enterprise plugins upgrade, enabling you to access Grafana Enterprise data source plugins such as ServiceNow, Splunk, and New Relic as well as support and training from Grafana Labs. Enterprise plugins are pre-built plugins that enable you to analyze, query, and alert on third-party enterprise systems in your Amazon Managed Grafana workspace without transferring data from your original data store.

  • AWS HealthLake expands search parameter support

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    Today, AWS HealthLake added 28 new search parameters needed for payor workflows. HealthLake is a HIPAA-eligible service offering healthcare companies a complete view of individual and patient population health data using Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources (FHIR) API based transactions to securely store and transform their data into a queryable format at petabyte scale. With this release, customers can now use over 1,400 search parameters to enrich their healthcare software applications.

  • CloudWatch Metric Streams adds support for streaming of daily metrics

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    Amazon CloudWatch announces support for streaming of daily metrics on CloudWatch Metric Streams. With Metric Streams, you can create a continuous, near real-time stream of metrics to a destination of your choice. You can use Metric Streams to send metrics to your data lake on Amazon Web Services (AWS), such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), or AWS Partner solutions including Datadog, New Relic, Splunk, Dynatrace and Sumo Logic. This new capability provides additional metrics for streaming, adding daily metrics with timestamps up to two days old.

  • AWS AppFabric now supports Box and IBM Security® Verify

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    Today, AWS AppFabric announces support for two new software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications: Box and IBM Security® Verify. Starting now, IT administrators and security analysts can use AppFabric to quickly integrate with 25 SaaS applications, aggregate enriched and normalized SaaS audit logs, and audit end-user access across their SaaS apps. This launch expands AWS AppFabric supported applications used across an organization.

  • Amazon EC2 C6in instances are now available in Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C6in instances are available in AWS Region Asia Pacific (Hyderabad). These sixth-generation network optimized instances, powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and built on the AWS Nitro System, deliver up to 200Gbps network bandwidth, 2x more network bandwidth and up to 2x higher packet-processing performance over comparable fifth-generation instances.

  • Announcing dynamic parameter support for AWS AppConfig Extensions

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    AWS AppConfig now supports dynamic parameters, which enhance the functionality of AppConfig Extensions by allowing you to provide parameter values to your Extensions at the time you deploy your configuration. AWS AppConfig Extensions are customizable actions that AWS AppConfig can invoke during the lifecycle of configuration data. Dynamic parameters empower you to supply inputs at Extension invocation time, rather than when they’re initially associated to your AppConfig resources.

  • AWS X-Ray now supports data events in AWS CloudTrail

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    AWS X-Ray announces support for logging eight new data and one new management event APIs in AWS CloudTrail, enabling you to have full visibility across every AWS X-Ray API action in your AWS account for operational and security best practices. AWS X-Ray provides developers with end-to-end tracing capabilities to help debug distributed applications and quickly identify performance bottlenecks.

  • Announcing new Amazon VPC DHCPv6 setting to adjust IPv6 preferred lease time

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    Today, Amazon VPC added a new feature to its DHCP option set called IPv6 preferred lease time setting, which allows customers to adjust the frequency of IPv6 lease renewals. This feature gives customers the option to increase the preferred lease time of IPv6 address assignments on Amazon EC2 Nitro instances to minimize the number of IPv6 lease renewals and prevent possible renewal failures. This setting applies to both dualstack and IPv6-only Amazon EC2 Nitro instances in the VPC.

  • AWS Wickr achieves FedRAMP High authorization

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    AWS Wickr has achieved FedRAMP High authorization in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region. You can now use Wickr to help protect communications that are subject to FedRAMP High requirements.

  • Amazon OpenSearch Serverless expands support for time-series workloads up to 10TB

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    We are excited to announce that Amazon OpenSearch Serverless can now scan and search up to 10TB of time series data which includes one or more indexes within a collection. OpenSearch Serverless is a serverless deployment option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it simple for you to run search and analytics workloads without having to think about infrastructure management. With the support for much larger datasets than before, you can further enhance unlocking valuable operational insights and make data driven decisions to troubleshoot application downtime, improve system performance, or identify fraudulent activities. 

  • Accelerate no-code ML with a refreshed homepage in Amazon SageMaker Canvas

    Posted On: Mar 7, 2024

    Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a no-code tool to build, customize and deploy machine learning (ML) and Generative AI (GenAI) models. Amazon SageMaker Canvas now features a revamped home page that helps customers get started with their ML and GenAI journey faster. You can view and understand the core capabilities the moment you land in SageMaker Canvas, and thus you can reach the most relevant user journey for you, faster.

  • Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments with two readable standbys now supports security certificate rotation

    Posted On: Mar 6, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Multi-AZ Deployments with two readable standbys now supports database security certificate rotation. Security certificates provide an extra layer of security by validating the connection made to Amazon RDS database instances and clusters.

  • Amazon RDS now supports io2 Block Express for consistent sub-millisecond latency and 99.999% durability

    Posted On: Mar 6, 2024

    Today, AWS announces the availability of next-generation Provisioned IOPS (PIOPS) io2 Block Express storage volumes for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Amazon RDS io2 Block Express volumes provide consistent sub-millisecond latency for mission critical workloads.

  • Amazon GuardDuty is now available in AWS Canada West (Calgary) Region

    Posted On: Mar 6, 2024

    Amazon GuardDuty is now available in the Canada West (Calgary) Region. You can now continuously monitor and detect anomalous behavior and security threats in this additional Region to help protect your AWS accounts, workloads, and data.

  • Amazon EC2 R7i instances are now available in additional AWS region

    Posted On: Mar 6, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) R7i instances are available in Europe(Paris).

  • Introducing the AWS Generative AI Competency Partners

    Posted On: Mar 6, 2024

    We are thrilled to announce the launch of the AWS Generative AI Competency designed to feature AWS Partners that have shown technical proficiency and a track record of continuing success with customers while implementing generative AI technology powered by AWS. The AWS Generative AI Competency includes APN Technology Partners and APN Services Partners. Software path partners have shown their proficiency in either Generative Ai Applications, Foundation Models & App Development, or Infrastructure & Data. Services path partners have shown proficiency in end-to-end generative AI consulting.

  • AWS Health now supports organizational view in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

    Posted On: Mar 6, 2024

    AWS Health announces support for organizational view in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, which allows you to view aggregated AWS Health events for your organization on the AWS Health Dashboard or access them programmatically via AWS Health API. AWS Health is the authoritative source of information about service events and planned changes affecting your AWS cloud resources.

  • Amazon EC2 C7gd, M7gd, and R7gd metal instances are now available

    Posted On: Mar 6, 2024

    AWS announces the general availability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7gd, M7gd, and R7gd metal instances with up to 3.8 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage. They have up to 45% improved real-time NVMe storage performance than comparable Graviton2-based instances. These instances are built on the AWS Nitro System and are great fit for applications that need access to high-speed, low latency local storage, including those that need temporary storage of data for scratch space, temporary files, and caches. C7gd instances are ideal for high performance computing (HPC), and ad serving. M7gd instances are ideal for general purpose workloads such as application servers, and microservices. R7gd instances are ideal for memory-intensive workloads such as open-source databases, and real-time big data analytics.

  • Amazon EC2 M7gd instances are now available in Europe (Paris) region

    Posted On: Mar 5, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7gd instances with up to 3.8 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage are available in Europe (Paris) region.

  • AWS Lake Formation is now available in the Canada West (Calgary) Region

    Posted On: Mar 5, 2024

    AWS Lake Formation is a service that allows you to set up a secure data lake in days. A data lake is a centralized, curated, and secured repository that stores your data, both in its original form and prepared for analysis. A data lake enables you to break down data silos and combine different types of analytics to gain insights and guide better business decisions.

  • Amazon ECS adds gMSA authentication for Linux containers for AWS Fargate

    Posted On: Mar 5, 2024

    Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) announces Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) support for Linux containers running on AWS Fargate. With this support, applications running on AWS Fargate can easily authenticate with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) to access network shared resources.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server supports X2iedn and R5b instances

    Posted On: Mar 5, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server supports memory-optimized X2iedn instance types and EBS-optimized R5b instance types. Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server is a managed database service that allows customization of the underlying operating system and includes the ability to bring your own licensed SQL Server media or use SQL Server Developer Edition.

  • Amazon Neptune is authorized for DoD Impact Level 4 and 5

    Posted On: Mar 5, 2024

    Amazon Neptune is authorized for Department of Defense Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide Impact Levels 4 and 5 (DoD SRG IL4 and IL5) in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions.

  • Anthropic's Claude 3 Sonnet model now available on Amazon Bedrock

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    Anthropic’s Claude 3 Sonnet foundation model is now generally available on Amazon Bedrock. The Claude 3 family of models (Claude 3 Opus, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Haiku) is the next generation of state-of-the-art models from Anthropic. For the vast majority of workloads, Sonnet is faster on inputs and outputs than Anthropic’s Claude 2 and 2.1 models, with higher levels of intelligence. Sonnet is also more steerable, delivering more predictable and higher quality outcomes. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models from leading AI companies, like Anthropic, along with a broad set of capabilities that provide you with the easiest way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models.

  • AWS WAF enhances rate-based rules to support configurable time windows

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    AWS WAF now supports configurable evaluation time windows for request aggregation with rate-based rules. Customers can now select time windows of 1 minute, 2 minutes or 10 minutes, in addition to the previously supported 5 minutes.

  • AWS Batch on Amazon EKS supports the use of private Amazon EKS clusters to run Batch jobs

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    Starting today, you can use private cluster endpoints with AWS Batch on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). You can bring existing private Amazon EKS clusters and create a compute environment on AWS Batch. This setup enables Amazon EKS jobs to run private endpoints using AWS Batch.

  • AWS re:Post introduces re:Post Live

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    Today, AWS re:Post launches AWS re:Post Live - a weekly Twitch livestream series that provides a new and engaging way for builders to interact with a community of experts to grow their knowledge, improve their skills, and discuss the latest in AWS technologies. Every Monday at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST, users can join the livestream to get answers to their questions, chat with experts and other stream attendees, and learn more about top-of-mind AWS topics.

  • Amazon MQ now supports RabbitMQ version 3.11.28

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    Amazon MQ now provides support for RabbitMQ version 3.11.28, which includes several fixes and performance improvements to the previous versions of RabbitMQ supported by Amazon MQ. If you are running earlier versions of RabbitMQ, such as 3.10, 3.9 or 3.8, we strongly encourage you to upgrade to RabbitMQ 3.11.28 or higher. This can be accomplished with just a few clicks in the AWS Management Console. We also encourage you to enable automatic minor version upgrades on RabbitMQ 3.11.28 to help ensure your brokers take advantage of future fixes and improvements.

  • Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP doubles maximum throughput capacity to 72 GBps

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    Starting today, Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is increasing the maximum throughput capacity per file system by 2x (from 36 GB/s to 72 GB/s), letting you leverage ONTAP’s data management features for an even broader set of performance-intensive workloads.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces now supports WebAuthn for in-session authentication

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    WorkSpaces now supports the WebAuthn (Web Authentication) standard for in-session authentication. Users can authenticate into WebAuthn-supported web applications through WebAuthn redirection when using Chrome or Edge on their Windows WSP WorkSpaces. This feature is accessible from WorkSpaces Windows, macOS, and Linux client applications and is compatible with YubiKey, Windows Hello, and other FIDO2-compliant authenticators. Your organization can leverage the latest standard to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive company data on WorkSpaces.

  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle is now available in Middle East (UAE) AWS Region

    Posted On: Mar 4, 2024

    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for Oracle, a managed database service for legacy, custom, and packaged applications that require access to the underlying operating system and database environment, is now available in the AWS Region of Middle East (UAE).

  • Start your Engines! Announcing the 2024 AWS DeepRacer League

    Posted On: Mar 1, 2024

    Today, AWS launches the 2024 season of the award-winning AWS DeepRacer League - where racers of all skill levels advance their knowledge of machine learning (ML) and compete in the world’s first global autonomous racing league! 

  • Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock now supports hybrid search

    Posted On: Mar 1, 2024

    Hybrid Search is now generally available in Knowledge Bases for Bedrock for OpenSearch Serverless. Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) applications typically use semantic search, which relies on semantic vectors to search unstructured text. These vectors are created from machine learning models to capture contextual and linguistic meaning within the data to answer human-like questions. Hybrid search combines this semantic search with a text based search to improve the relevance of retrieved results, especially for keyword searches.

  • Mistral AI foundation models now generally available on Amazon Bedrock

    Posted On: Mar 1, 2024

    Mistral AI’s Mixtral 8x7B and Mistral 7B foundation models are now generally available on Amazon Bedrock. Mistral AI models are now offered in Amazon Bedrock, joining other leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon. You now have even more choice of high-performing models available in Amazon Bedrock via a single API, so you can choose the optimal model to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible AI.

  • AWS Nitro Enclaves is now available in Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

    Posted On: Mar 1, 2024

    Starting today, you can use AWS Nitro Enclaves in the Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) region.

  • QnAIntent for Amazon Lex is now generally available

    Posted On: Mar 1, 2024

    We are excited to announce general availability of the QnAIntent in Amazon Lex, enabling developers securely connect foundation models (FM) to company data for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Introduced in preview at re:Invent in November 2023, the QnAIntent leverages enterprise data and foundation models on Amazon Bedrock to generate relevant, accurate, and contextual responses. The QnAIntent can be used with new or existing Lex bots to automate frequently asked questions (FAQs) through text and voice channels, such as Amazon Connect.