AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: SaaS


Revolutionizing Retail with Vinculum’s Multi-Tenant Microservices SaaS Architecture on AWS

Today’s retail customers are tech-savvy and seek convenience and flexibility from the ecommerce ecosystem. Vinculum, a global software provider, plays a vital role in empowering retail customers with its powerful SaaS products that are available for the entire retail value chain. Vinculum’s Vin eRetail solution offers the capability to syndicate product information and digital assets across various webstores, marketplaces, and other sales channels.

How MYCOM OSI Optimized SaaS Storage with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Many Kubernetes applications require access to persistent storage and data services, including block storage, shared file systems, and object storage. Learn how MYCOM OSI has improved the cost-performance dimension by adopting Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. This post explores how the storage option was evaluated to identify a solution that optimizes the handling of large and complex telco assurance datasets.

Liveline Technologies: Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Manufacturing with AWS SaaS Factory Support

Delve into Liveline Technologies and its provision of factory-scale automation for manufacturers. Liveline Technologies swiftly generate AI-based controllers, adjusting equipment parameters in real-time across entire production lines. Learn how it leveraged support from the AWS SaaS Factory team to develop solutions that yield tangible benefits for customers, reducing scrap, waste, and energy usage while enhancing product quality, minimizing unplanned downtime, and boosting productivity.

SaaS Mindset: Don’t Leave Your On-Premises Customers Behind

AWS and the AWS Partner Network (APN) have made strategic investments to empower software providers to create distinctive SaaS solutions. Explore how they cultivate a potent growth strategy through tailored GTM initiatives and facilitate the transition of on-premises customers to modern SaaS offerings. Migrations can be daunting, so we’ll examine success stories of other companies and strategies they’ve employed to face these challenges and thrive in the SaaS landscape.


How Vox Media Automates SaaS Security Risk Controls with DoControl

Security leaders face the dual challenge of cost reduction and resource optimization, while mitigating security threats throughout their organization. A SaaS Ecosystem Security (SES) allows you to centralize data across multiple applications to provide end-to-end visibility into your exposure. Learn how DoControl can help provide visibility, monitoring, and automated remediation to risks that can often be overlooked. DoControl enables customers to accelerate SaaS security risk controls with its SaaS Ecosystem Security.

Rebura’s SaaS Competency Journey: Delivering an AI-Powered SaaS Solution for

Hear from Ross Humphrey, Rebura’s Head of Software Development, about their journey to achieving the SaaS Competency by leveraging various programs such as SaaS Discovery and SaaS Competency On-Ramp. We’ll also review a SaaS on AWS customer story for sports technology company, dive deep on key lessons learned, and learn how other SIs can quickly build AWS SaaS capabilities to better serve customers.

BeyondTrust’s Identity Security Insights SaaS Offering, Supported by AWS SaaS Factory

Delve into the BeyondTrust Identity Security Insights solution and its capacity to provide organizations with a comprehensive understanding of all identities, privileges, and access, thereby illuminating their direct influence on security posture. As we navigate through an era where cloud solutions are an indispensable component of business strategies and automation is deeply integrated into daily operations, the focal point has undeniably shifted towards identity security

Patterns for Deploying SaaS in Remote Environments

SaaS is about achieving innovation and growth through efficient operations. SaaS application should be managed, operated, and scaled through a single management experience that increase this operational efficiency. In this post, we explore three distinct SaaS Anywhere patterns that we’ve identified and delve into the essential business drivers and associated considerations for each pattern. We’ll examine the challenges one should keep in mind when handling and overseeing a solution using the SaaS Anywhere deployment model.

Tenant Onboarding Best Practices in SaaS with the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens

Uncover architectural best practices related to the recommendations in the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens framework for providing a frictionless tenant onboarding experience for a SaaS solution. The technology, tools, and realities of your SaaS environment will influence the specifics of your onboarding experience. With an efficient, automated onboarding mechanism, your solution will be able to provide a robust, repeatable onboarding flow that will benefit both customers (tenants) and your SaaS business.

Integrating Your SaaS Control Plane with AWS Marketplace

Leveraging the AWs serverless quick start solution which details core integration requirements of AWS Marketplace, this post builds on that foundation and offers techniques for providing end-to-end AWS Marketplace-to-SaaS application integration, using the quick start as a starting point. Specifically, we’ll look at ways you can use AWS Marketplace to onboard new tenants into your SaaS application. We’ll also cover a few of strategies for leveraging the billing capabilities of AWS Marketplace to charge for usage.