AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Guest Post


How to Centralize SSH Key Management with Userify and AWS CloudFormation

As teams begin to build their architecture on AWS, the question often arises about how to manage access control to all of their instances. Userify solves this problem quickly and easily by providing Userify Cloud or, for self-hosting, a single instance or multi-Availability Zone cluster that runs in your Amazon VPC. Userify Cloud is a fully managed service that can be used across your VPCs and AWS accounts with no installation needed.

Stromasys_AWS Solutions

Re-Hosting SPARC, Alpha, or Other Legacy Systems to AWS with Stromasys

Companies still rely on mission-critical applications running on Sun SPARC, Alpha, or other legacy systems like PDP, VAX, or HP 3000. Maintenance costs for these systems goes up as time goes on, and reliability declines due to their age. Fortunately, they can be re-hosted on AWS in a matter of days using cross-platform hypervisors from Stromasys. Here, we describe the challenges customers face with legacy systems, the Stromasys technical solution, and a successful customer migration to AWS.

Tuning Your Amazon FreeRTOS Application for Maximum Performance

By their very nature, embedded applications have to be very tightly written because the microcontrollers used in embedded designs are very resource-constrained. When companies build embedded applications that work with AWS, they look to IAR Systems to provide highly-optimized development tools. In this post, we discuss how IAR Systems provides not only the tools but the insights to help customers deliver optimized products faster leveraging Amazon FreeRTOS.


Architecting High Value Care Solutions with HIPAA-Eligible Services on AWS 

High value care means achieving the best possible patient outcomes for the least amount of money. Health systems are looking for ways to deliver high value care as they get increasing pressure from payers to rein in runaway healthcare costs. As a leader in precision health, ensures the right patient gets the right test and the right prescription. Through their advanced bioinformatics platform, hc1 personalizes healthcare, resulting in improved patient well-being and reduced medical spending.

AWS Partner Network

The Most Viewed APN Blog Posts in 2018

Take a look at the most popular APN Blog posts in 2018. Our goal with this blog is to share timely and relevant news, technical solutions, Partner success stories, and more from Amazon Web Services and the APN specifically. For AWS customers, you can trust that APN Partners are focused on your success, helping you take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer. With their deep expertise, APN Partners are uniquely positioned to help your company at any stage of your Cloud Adoption Journey.

AWS Big Data

Reinventing Relational Data Management Using AWS Big Data Services

Today’s businesses deal with many different varieties of data, including structured datasets stored in various repositories like a relational databse management system (RDBMS) or enterprise resource planning (ERP); semi-structured datasets like web logs and click-stream datasets; and unstructured datasets like images and videos. AWS provides a secure, scalable, comprehensive, and cost-effective portfolio of services that enable customers to build their data lake in the cloud.

Alert Logic_AWS Solutions

7 Key Best Practices for Cloud Security from Alert Logic

Cyber-attacks are going to happen; vulnerabilities and exploits are going to be identified. Having a solid security-in-depth strategy, coupled with the right tools and people that understand how to respond, will put your company in stronger position to minimize exposure and risk. AWS has security-in-depth strategies for their global infrastructure that cover processes, people, and technology that protect the physical and foundational layers of their offering.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda Custom Runtime for PHP: A Practical Example

The new AWS Lambda runtime API and layers capabilities give us the ability to build a clean, supportable implementation of PHP on Lambda of our own. We’ll take a brief look at the overall workflow and runtime lifecycle, and then show you one way to build a PHP runtime to start powering your PHP applications on AWS Lambda. Not a PHP developer? You can adapt the examples in this guide to build a custom runtime in your language of choice.

OmniSci_AWS Solutions

GPU-Powered Big Data Analytics with OmniSci Helps Change Data into Information

With the rapid growth of data comes the challenge of getting meaningful information from it. Ongoing advancements in harnessing the power of GPU for processing complex programmatic algorithms is enabling user experience of interactively analyzing large volume of data with near real-time latency. OmniSci (formerly named MapD) is using these advancements to provide GPU-based SQL store and analytical tools.

Cloud Management Tools-1

Why Even the Pros Need a Cloud Management Solution to Optimize Cost and Performance

It’s easy for vendors to get caught up in the needs of their customers that they forget to tend to their own needs. When CloudCheckr was a young startup, we admittedly had to make a deliberate effort to focus on leveraging all our platform has to offer. The results were as significant for CloudCheckr as they were for our clients. Identifying a Cloud Management Platform that’s available as a SaaS enables you to get started immediately with no overhead and nothing to install, including no agents.