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Tag: AWS Partner Success Stories


SaaS Cost Attribution: How to Align Technology with Business

A key challenge SaaS providers face is understanding the cost profile of their environment and the customers within it. Measuring the cost of each tenant in the system, understanding cost-effectiveness of product features, and accurately metering the margin in a SaaS solution are examples of abilities that are critical for SaaS success. Learn why breaking down the cost to different unit metrics, customers, features, segments, and business units is a requirement for any modern SaaS business.


Provisioning and Securing Bottlerocket OS-Based Amazon EKS Clusters Using Nirmata Kubernetes Platform

Securing the Kubernetes environment without compromising on developer agility holds the key to success with cloud-native adoption. The Nirmata Kubernetes Platform is designed to address these challenges comprehensively. It’s an open and easy-to-adopt platform to deploy, operate, and optimize Kubernetes workloads on any infrastructure, enabling self-service, segregation of responsibilities, and security and governance controls.

Element 84-AWS-Partners

Transforming Geospatial Data to Cloud-Native Frameworks with Element 84 on AWS

Element 84, in collaboration with AWS and Geoscience Australia, has released the Sentinel-2 Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) dataset on AWS Open Data. Sentinel-2 is an important platform for Earth observation, and its imagery contributes to ongoing research in climate change, land use, and emergency management. By making the Sentinel-2 archive more cloud-native, we are making the data more user-friendly and (hopefully) making the lives of emergency managers, climate scientists, and policy makers that much easier.


Sending Amazon Inspector’s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Findings to the ServiceNow SecOps Module

This post will show you how to send Amazon Inspector‘s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) findings to the ServiceNow Security Operations (SecOps) module. At the time of this write-up, there is no native adaptor from AWS to the ServiceNow SecOps module and, as such, requires a custom integration. Learn how to use ServiceNow’s native RESTful API to create a custom interface that an AWS Lambda function will leverage to send the CVE findings as they reach AWS Security Hub.


How to Enhance 5G Network Planning Using Analytics for Faster Time to Market

Building an optimized mobile network requires careful planning to ensure proper coverage and capacity. This post discusses how CSPs can augment their existing network planning with additional data while leveraging analytics for cell site placement and network optimizations. Learn how Kinetica, a GPU-accelerated data platform, unites historical analytics and streaming analytics, location intelligence, graph analytics, and machine learning to tackle massive scale network data challenges.


How Financial Institutions Can Innovate Faster with Virtusa’s Open Innovation Platform on AWS

Financial institutions need to keep up with fast-changing market conditions while increasing digital adoption. To provide an end-to-end digital experience to customers, they need capabilities to rapidly validate ideas and conduct experiments or PoCs with an ability to iterate quickly towards the final solution. Virtusa’s Open Innovation Platform (OIP) is hosted on AWS and helps banks and financial services firms to achieve these goals quickly, efficiently, and at low cost.

Amorph Systems-AWS-Partners

Advanced Industrial Connectivity with AWS and Amorph’s SMARTUNIFIER

Industrial data exists in different components and systems, in various formats, and with separate access protocols. To harness this data and benefit from the synergies of system-wide interoperability, businesses must effectively digitize shop floor data. Learn how Amorph Systems’ SMARTUNIFIER software complements AWS services to deliver leading-edge connectivity for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Amorph Systems is a leading developer of software technologies and products for industrial connectivity.


How to Scale Your AWS Infrastructure as Code with Torque from Quali

The foundational approach for most companies adopting DevOps is to embrace an automation-first approach using a range of tools. Learn why implementing DevOps at scale can be a challenge, however, and why an environment-as-a-service (EaaS) approach using Quali Torque can overcome these challenges. Torque enables developers to access their application environments on demand while ensuring governance for the ITOps team.


MariaDB Collaborates with AWS to Deliver SkySQL on AWS

MariaDB offers a single unified analytical and transactional cloud database that can auto scale without the costly tradeoffs. SkySQL is a database as a service (DBaaS) solution on AWS that makes it easy for customers to start using MariaDB Enterprise in the cloud. It eliminates the need to pre-provision expensive hardware for testing, which often sits idle. In this post, the AWS SaaS Factory team speaks with Alexey Vorovich, VP of Engineering for SkySQL at MariaDB, about the recent SkySQL launch.


How Wipro Improves Airport Passenger Boarding Queue Times Using AWS Services

The aviation industry was impacted greatly by COVID-19 as the need for social distancing and safety precautions became fundamental in reducing the spread. As air travel begins to increase, enabling social distancing standards for passenger safety is critical in restoring confidence when flying. AWS Premier Consulting Partner Wipro has developed a solution called Passenger Queue System (PQS) that alleviates passenger congestion and affords more freedom for passengers to dine and shop prior to the boarding process.