AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Partners with AWS Qualified Offerings

Optimizing Customer Experiences for Speed Using AWS and Crownpeak

One of the biggest obstacles for brands today is improving the performance of their digital properties. While much of today’s marketing technologies leverage modern advances in cloud computing, many of the technologies powering digital properties (web and mobile sites) still use the prior generation of server-based technologies. Learn how to modernize your digital technology stack with Crownpeak to optimize customer experiences for speed, and ultimately improve performance for your brand.


Protecting Your Amazon EBS Volumes at Scale with Clumio

Many AWS customers who use Amazon EBS to store persistent data need to back up that data, sometimes for long periods of time. Clumio’s SaaS solution protects Amazon EBS volumes from multiple AWS accounts though a single policy via tagging. Amazon EBS backups by Clumio are securely stored outside of your AWS account in the Clumio service built on AWS, which is protected by end-to-end encryption and stored in an immutable format.


Transforming the Customer Experience at Speed and Scale with AWS and Braze

Braze is a comprehensive customer engagement platform built on AWS that helps brands bring modern, stream processing, and data-science frameworks to their engagement strategies. When a minute can make or break a customer experience, brands need a tool that allows them to make virtually instantaneous and meaningful connections with every one of their customers. Learn about recent campaigns from Burger King, Overstock, and BlaBlaCar and the technology that made them possible.


How to Visualize and Monitor Your AWS Container Fleet with Datadog

To fully leverage the versatility and scalability of containers, you need a monitoring solution capable of providing clarity into a highly dynamic environment comprising thousands (or even tens of thousands) of ephemeral containers. Learn how Datadog provides visibility into dynamic, ephemeral container workloads running on Amazon EKS, a service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate your own Kubernetes clusters.


Improving the Performance of Distributed Atlassian Applications with Amazon CloudFront

Atlassian users who run Jira, Confluence, or Bitbucket applications across distributed teams find that, due to slower network connectivity, content sometimes loads much slower for team members in geographically distant regions. A new feature in Atlassian’s Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket Data Center versions allows the use of Amazon CloudFront to improve the user experience and overall performance of applications hosted in other global regions.


Monitoring Microservice-Based Cloud Applications Using Distributed Tracing

As application complexity increases, the debugging process in production environments gets more complicated as well. AWS understands this challenge and includes tracing tools in its cloud services. For instance, AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. Epsagon specializes in automated tracing for cloud microservices, providing automated end-to-end tracing across not distributed AWS services.


Enabling Customer Attribution Models on AWS with Automated Data Integration

Attribution models allow companies to guide marketing, sales, and support efforts using data, and then custom tailor every customer’s experience for maximum effect. Combined together, cloud-based data pipeline tools like Fivetran and data warehouses like Amazon Redshift form the infrastructure for integrating and centralizing data from across a company’s operations and activities, enabling business intelligence and analytics activities.


AWS Single Sign-On Integration Guide for Dynatrace

End users can now configure AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) to access Dynatrace with a single sign-on experience using the same credentials they use with their Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. AWS Single Sign-On provides administrators a simple way to assign users and groups access to AWS accounts, roles, and SAML-based applications. This eliminates the need for users to log in to Dynatrace separately.


New-Look AWS Competency Validation Checklists for APN Technology Partners

To receive the AWS Competency designation, which showcases top APN Partners to customers, organizations must undergo rigorous technical validation. To help APN Technology Partners understand this process and our validation requirements, we are releasing new versions of the AWS Competency Validation Checklists (VCL). These checklists outline the customer case study and technical criteria needed for APN Technology Partners to achieve the AWS Competency designation.


How to Use Xplenty with AWS KMS to Provide Field-Level Encryption in ETL Data Processing

Enterprises often choose to mask, remove, or encrypt sensitive data in the ETL step to minimize the risk of sensitive data becoming stored, logged, accessible, or breached from their data lake or data warehouse. Xplenty’s ETL and ELT platform allows customers to quickly and easily prepare their data for analytics using a simple-to-use data integration cloud service. Xplenty’s global service uses AWS KMS to create and control the keys used to encrypt or digitally sign your data.