AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Marketplace


Automated Device Provisioning to AWS IoT Core Using 1NCE Global SIM

AWS IoT Core offers a managed cloud services to ingest trillions of messages from billions of devices, and easily and securely interact with other AWS cloud services and other devices. Learn how you can use the 1NCE IoT Connectivity Suite to take the complexity out of IoT projects and overcome the challenges of cellular IoT adoption. 1NCE is an AWS Advanced Technology Partner that offers managed connectivity services for low bandwidth IoT applications.


AWS ISV Accelerate Helps Partners Co-Sell with AWS and Reach New Customers

ISVs are increasingly seeking access to AWS customers to grow their cloud business, and they want a simple way to engage AWS field sellers on joint customer opportunities. That’s why we designed the AWS ISV Accelerate Program to enable partners to co-sell with Amazon Web Services. This program helps AWS Partners drive new business and accelerate sales cycles by connecting participating ISVs with the AWS Sales organization.


AWS Spurs Enterprise-Tech Startups Growth with Expanded Partner Program and Benefits

AWS has empowered entrepreneurs across the world with the tools they need to build and scale their companies faster and cost effectively. Since launching in 2019, the APN Global Startup Program has continued to experience significant momentum. This year, we increased the number of startups supported by the program by more than 50 percent. Startups have received dedicated support from co-sell specialists to drive engagement with AWS Sales and field teams.

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How AWS Marketplace is Innovating to Help Customers Modernize, Transform, and Govern

We see customers increasingly turn to AWS Marketplace to modernize the software they use, and to transform their software supply chain. AWS Marketplace helps you reach more customers, establish contracts faster, and automate renewals. It also enables data sharing with AWS and a co-sell motion with the AWS Sales team. Learn how partners can leverage AWS Marketplace to delight customers through innovations that help them modernize, transform, and govern.

Unify On-Premises and Cloud-Hosted Data Assets Using Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog

Systems are growing more complex, cloud applications are growing in adoption, and cloud data lakes are being increasingly deployed. At the same time, organizations need to implement data cataloging solutions to provide data governance, data analytics, or pure metadata management. Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog (EDC) scans and catalogs an enterprise’s data assets, whether hosted on the cloud or stored on-premises.


How to Connect Your LoRaWAN Devices to AWS IoT Core Using Actility ThingPark 

AWS IoT Core offers a managed cloud service to support trillions of messages from billions of devices, and route messages easily and securely to devices and other AWS services. Learn how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to build the Actility ThingPark X connector to AWS IoT as the first step to connect LoRaWAN-enabled endpoints to AWS IoT Core, and to make use of other cloud services available on AWS.

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Know Before You (Virtually) Go: An AWS Partner’s Guide to re:Invent 2020

AWS re:Invent 2020 is being held as a free, three-week virtual conference. To help you prepare for the Global Partner Summit, we’ve rounded up a number of things to check out (virtually, of course). Global Partner Summit offers content and activities designed specifically for AWS Partners and prospective partners alike. Learn how to leverage AWS services to build solutions for customers, and explore programs that can help differentiate your business and reach new customers faster.


AWS re:Invent Enables Partners to Learn and Explore Innovations in Cloud Technology

AWS re:Invent is a special time for all of us at Amazon Web Services, our customers, and certainly for our valued AWS Partners. There is nothing more exciting and gratifying than bringing people together to learn and explore innovations in cloud technology. We have doubled down for 2020 on a virtual program of re:Invent sessions and activities designed to showcase how together, we can deliver incredible results for our customers.


WANdisco Accelerates GoDaddy’s Hadoop Cloud Migration to AWS Without Business Interruption

Advances in migration technology enable you to migrate data from actively-used Hadoop environments at scale to the cloud. You can benefit from AWS managed services, pace of innovation, and improve costs for your largest and most complex analytic workloads. Learn how GoDaddy migrated data from their 800-node, 2.5 PB production Apache Hadoop cluster to Amazon S3 using WANdisco’s LiveData Migrator product.


AI-Driven Analytics at Any Scale with ThoughtSpot and Amazon Redshift

ThoughtSpot has developed a way for business people to easily answer their own data questions. Search-driven analytics is based on the concept that finding answers to business questions should be as easy as a basic internet search. With ThoughtSpot, there’s no need for SQL expertise or lengthy training sessions—rather, simple searches are translated into database queries and answers are calculated on-the-fly.