AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS SaaS Factory


GA Telesis Launches a Fraud Detection SaaS Solution with Support from AWS SaaS Factory

With the support of AWS SaaS Factory, GA Telesis launched the FraudBlock SaaS solution, a fraud protect API service for companies to protect their organizations from BEC/EAC scams and help securely perform B2B transactions. The SaaS Factory team spoke with Darryl Maraj, Head of Technology at DIG and CTO at Blockrails, to learn more about Blockrails, the value its new FraudBlock solution brings to customers, and the key lessons learned building a SaaS solution on AWS.


Accelerate Your SaaS Journey with Help from AWS SaaS Competency Partners

While SaaS remains a huge growth driver and provides benefits to end customers and software providers, the transition to this model can be challenging as technology and operations take on new responsibilities in an “as-a-service” environment. To be successful, organizations need to rethink every dimension of how they build, sell, manage, support, and operate their solution. Learn how to accelerate your SaaS journey with help from AWS SaaS Competency Partners.


Implementing a Multi-Tenant MLaaS Build Environment with Amazon SageMaker Pipelines

Organizations hosting customer-specific machine learning models on AWS have unique isolation and performance requirements and require a solution that provides a scalable, high-performance, and feature-rich ML platform. Learn how Amazon SageMaker Pipelines helps you to pre-process data, build, train, tune, and register ML models in SaaS applications. We’ll focus on best practices for building tenant-specific ML models with particular focus on tenant isolation and cost attribution.


Exasol Accelerates Customers’ Migration to Cloud with Support of AWS SaaS Factory

Exasol provides a high performance in-memory analytics database to give organizations the power to transform how they work with data. Working with AWS SaaS Factory, Exasol launched their analytics database through a SaaS model and navigated technical and business decisions for launch and beyond. In this Q&A, Peter Jackson, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Exasol, shares insights on their journey and advice for organizations who are in the process of building SaaS on AWS.


Broadpeak Launches New Video Streaming API SaaS Platform with Support from AWS SaaS Factory

Video delivery is changing as viewers expect content providers to deliver an exceptional streaming experience with personalized and context-aware streaming. Broadpeak is an AWS Partner and leading provider of CDN and video streaming solutions that helps content providers and pay-TV operators worldwide. We recently spoke with Mathias Guille, VP Cloud Platform at Broadpeak, to learn more about the new SaaS platform and the value it brings to customers.


The Most Viewed APN Blog Posts in 2021

From a wide range of AWS Partner success stories to new partner programs launched at AWS re:Invent, here’s a look at the most popular APN Blog posts we shared in 2021. Our goal with this blog has always been to share timely and relevant news, technical solutions, partner stories, and more from Amazon Web Services and the AWS Partner Network (APN) specifically. Thank you for reading the APN Blog, and Happy New Year to all our AWS Partners and customers!


Behind the Scenes: What Makes a SaaS Organization Successful on AWS?

What does it take to build and run a successful SaaS business on AWS? This is a question the AWS SaaS Factory team gets often during our conversations with AWS Partners and customers who are moving to SaaS. While there is no single formula, we have been observing some common patterns and strategies that help organizations maximize SaaS success. In a recent webinar series, AWS SaaS Factory demystified some of the common patterns and strategies with AWS Partners Druva, NetWise, Stripe, Crowdstike, and Snowflake.


SaaS Cost Attribution: How to Align Technology with Business

A key challenge SaaS providers face is understanding the cost profile of their environment and the customers within it. Measuring the cost of each tenant in the system, understanding cost-effectiveness of product features, and accurately metering the margin in a SaaS solution are examples of abilities that are critical for SaaS success. Learn why breaking down the cost to different unit metrics, customers, features, segments, and business units is a requirement for any modern SaaS business.


Implementing SaaS Tenant Isolation Using Amazon SageMaker Endpoints and IAM

As multi-tenant SaaS providers look to leverage machine learning services, they must consider how they’ll protect the data that flows in and out of these services from different tenants. Learn how tenant isolation of machine learning services can be achieved using AWS IAM, and how the integration between IAM, Amazon SageMaker, and many other AWS services provide developers with a rich set of mechanisms that can be applied to realize tenant isolation goals.


MariaDB Collaborates with AWS to Deliver SkySQL on AWS

MariaDB offers a single unified analytical and transactional cloud database that can auto scale without the costly tradeoffs. SkySQL is a database as a service (DBaaS) solution on AWS that makes it easy for customers to start using MariaDB Enterprise in the cloud. It eliminates the need to pre-provision expensive hardware for testing, which often sits idle. In this post, the AWS SaaS Factory team speaks with Alexey Vorovich, VP of Engineering for SkySQL at MariaDB, about the recent SkySQL launch.