AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Service Catalog


Easily Delegate Responsibilities Using AWS Permissions Boundaries and Kion

Permissions boundaries allow admins to delegate permissions to users so they can create new AWS service roles without elevating their own permissions. This removes the need for admins to field requests for these role creations and promotes self-service for users. The ultimate goal is to remove blockers for enhanced productivity. Learn how to pair permissions boundaries with Kion for increased automation and delegation.

How BriteCore Improved Security and Scalability by Migrating Insurance Workloads with AWS Landing Zone

BriteCore was originally designed as an on-premises data center-based monolith; a state-of-the-art core insurance solution. However, the business agility, cost savings, and increased security of the cloud made it clear the insurance industry had to migrate. Learn how BriteCore used AWS Landing Zone to deliver a modern administrative system for Property & Casualty insurance that could be more agile, scale better, and be more secure than on-premises infrastructure.

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New-Look AWS Service Delivery Validation Checklists for APN Consulting Partners

To receive the AWS Service Delivery designation, organizations must undergo rigorous technical validation. They are also assessed on the security, performance, and reliability of their AWS solutions. To help APN Consulting Partners better understand this process and our validation requirements, we are releasing new versions of the AWS Service Delivery Validation Checklists. These outline for the customer case study and technical criteria needed to achieve the AWS Service Delivery designation.


Managing Multi-Tenancy in Digital Banking with AWS Control Tower

Cost conscious credit unions looking to provide digital banking services need logical isolation from other tenants. Larger credit unions, on the other hand, require physical as well as logical isolation from other tenants. Persistent Systems Digital Credit Union Solution helps a credit union go live in a short time frame with digital banking offerings such as digital loans or digital deposits. The solution uses fine-grained microservices, deployed on Amazon EKS and provided as secure API’s using Amazon API Gateway.

Reducing the Cost of Managing Multiple AWS Accounts Using AWS Control Tower

As larger and more complex workloads are deployed on AWS, multi-account solutions are an increasingly common architectural blueprint. Often referred to as cloud “landing zones,” these blueprints enable simple administrative boundaries. However, using multiple accounts increases the complexity of security tooling, access control and authorization, and cross-account networking. AWS Control Tower simplifies the process of setting up multi-account environments with predefined security baseline templates.


Using Terraform to Manage AWS Programmable Infrastructures

Terraform and AWS CloudFormation allow you to express infrastructure resources as code and manage them programmatically. Each has its advantages, but some enterprises already have expertise in Terraform and prefer using it to manage their AWS resources. To accommodate that preference, CloudFormation allows you to use non-AWS resources to manage AWS infrastructure. Learn the steps to create a CloudFormation registry resource type for Terraform and deploy it as an AWS Service Catalog product.

Serverless_AWS Solutions

Deploying Code Faster with Serverless Framework and AWS Service Catalog

Serverless Framework is an open source project and popular choice for many AWS customers who wish to quickly construct and deploy serverless applications. For developers and operations professionals, Serverless Framework builds, packages, and deploys code with one simple command. Learn about a solution that GoDaddy and AWS jointly developed leveraging Serverless Framework to expedite and simplify the code deployment process.

How to Automate Cloud Governance to Achieve Safety at Speed

Compliance-as-code is an alternative to performing a manual audit. It’s an automated method to check that controls are being followed where rules are written in a programming language that can be run on an event. The source of this event could be from a recurring schedule, or from a change that has happened in the environment. Mechanical Rock uses AWS Service Catalog to distribute common infrastructure patterns that enable development teams to quickly build and deploy modern cloud native applications.

Say Hello

Say Hello to 73 New AWS Competency, MSP, and Service Delivery Partners Added in August

We are excited to highlight 73 APN Partners that received new designations in August for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), and AWS Service Delivery programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top APN Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. APN Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.

Scheduling Provisioning and Termination of Amazon EMR Clusters with AWS Service Catalog Connector for ServiceNow

Scheduling when to provision Amazon EMR clusters allows data scientists to run analytics workloads at their own schedule. Scheduling when to terminate clusters allows them to run analytics workloads only when they need them. Here, we demonstrates how to automatically schedule provisioning and termination of EMR clusters by utilizing AWS Service Catalog Connector for ServiceNow. The capability discussed in this post can also be extended to other AWS services.