AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Shared Responsibility Model


Best Practices from SoftServe for Using Kubernetes on AWS in Enterprise IT

Over the past couple of years, enterprises have increasingly started to adopt containers to increase IT agility. Often, Kubernetes is being used as the platform to power these efforts. Managing traditional Kubernetes clusters can be difficult and require a lot of time and know-how to set up and operate, especially at scale. Hear from AWS Ambassador Jarosław Grząbel, a cloud architect at SoftServe, how to run Kubernetes in an enterprise IT environment.


Automate Your Cloud Storage Security with AWS and IBC S6 from Ionburst

Ionburst in an AWS Partner that was founded in 2018 on the underlying principle that data privacy is a human right. Its mission is to provide data privacy as part of the cloud, not only as a default posture but as the only posture. Learn how Ionburst Cloud’s private-by-default storage solution, called IBC S6 (Simple Secure Sovereign Scalable Storage Service), is helping customers take advantage of Amazon S3 whilst reducing risk due to misconfiguration or malice.

Achieving Sustainable IT Through Elasticity with IBM Turbonomic and AWS

Data centers represent the information bedrock that supports many aspects of the modern economy. When building cloud workloads, the practice of sustainability is to understand environmental impacts like energy consumption and apply best practices to reduce these impacts. Learn why IT operations have become a crucial component of sustainability strategies, and how IBM Turbonomic Application Resource Management (ARM) can help AWS customers with sustainability in the cloud.


Securing the 5G Network on AWS with Palo Alto Networks

Security is job zero at AWS and is one of the most important design principles of a Well-Architected Framework. Learn how to implement a 5G end-to-end security model based on Zero Trust principles using Palo Alto Networks’ 5G-native security solution for highly distributed and cloud-native 5G networks—with containerized 5G security and real-time threat correlation among 5G users, device identifiers, and a 5G network slice.


Provisioning Secure and Compliant Applications on AWS with DevSecOps and DuploCloud

It has become increasingly important for companies to meet security and compliance standards set forth across industries today, but this is particularly a hurdle for smaller ISVs and startups that do not have the resources and budget to navigate the ever-growing list. Learn about an approach and best practices for SOC 2 compliance, and how DuploCloud accelerates time to compliance by natively integrating security controls into mainstream DevOps workflows.

How to Use a CIS Hardened Image to Set Up an Amazon EC2 Mac Instance

Learn how to set up an Amazon EC2 Mac instance with a hardened image provided by the Center for Internet Security (CIS). This will help you to mitigate common threats like malware, denial of service, insufficient authorization, and overlapping trust boundary threats. CIS is an AWS Partner and community-driven nonprofit that aims to make the connected world a safer place for people, businesses, and governments.

Create AWS Accounts and Align to the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark with Stax

Learn how the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark helps organizations operate securely whilst examining the common challenges businesses face in its implementation. Stax can offer a solution to speed up AWS account creation while adhering to the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark. Creating and configuring AWS accounts securely can be a time-consuming and tedious exercise. Competing priorities can result in rushed or inconsistent process, impacting security, agility, and velocity.

Centralized Traffic Inspection with Gateway Load Balancer on AWS

SoftwareOne has a proven record of successful implementations of centralized inspection with AWS Transit Gateway and site-to-site VPN attachments for our customers. Vendor-provided firewalls remain an option, and the focus of this post is their integration with Gateway Load Balancer. Explore the decisions SoftwareOne took while migrating from centralized north-south inspection with Transit Gateway VPN attachments to centralized inspection with GWLB in front of the Palo Alto VM-Series Firewalls.


Harden Your Cloud Security Posture in 3 Simple Steps with Zscaler

The notion of shared responsibility has become very popular in the public cloud, and rightly so. This post focuses on helping organizations achieve their part of shared responsibility—security in the cloud. We start by introducing three areas of responsibility—configuration, access, and data—and then illustrate how tools from AWS Security Competency Partner Zscaler can address security and compliance issues in each of these areas.


Transforming the Asset Value Chain Through Smart Digitization Using HCL IATM and AWS IoT

Advancements in IoT-supporting technologies, communications, and miniaturization have expanded the range of asset tracking to multiple industries and various asset types. Learn how HCLTech’s Intelligent Asset Tracking & Management (IATM) solution helps enterprises improve operations efficiency and productivity. IATM aims to digitally transform asset inventory management processes and improve asset visibility through proactive notifications and alerts to the asset manager.