AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon QuickSight

AWS Week in Review – July 4, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! Summer has arrived in Finland, and these last few days have been hotter than in the Canary Islands! Today in the US it is Independence Day. I hope that if […]

Amazon QuickSight Q – Business Intelligence Using Natural Language Questions

Making sense of business data so that you can get value out of it is worthwhile yet still challenging. Even though the term Business Intelligence (BI) has been around since the mid-1800s (according to Wikipedia) adoption of contemporary BI tools within enterprises is still fairly low. Amazon QuickSight was designed to make it easier for […]

image of sales charts and quicksight graphs as example

New – Amazon QuickSight Q Answers Natural-Language Questions About Business Data

We launched Amazon QuickSight as the first Business Intelligence (BI) service with Pay-per-Session pricing. Today, we are happy to announce the preview of Amazon QuickSight Q, a Natural Language Query (NLQ) feature powered by machine learning (ML). With Q, business users can now use QuickSight to ask questions about their data using everyday language and […]

New – Announcing Amazon AppFlow

Software as a service (SaaS) applications are becoming increasingly important to our customers, and adoption is growing rapidly. While there are many benefits to this way of consuming software, one challenge is that data is now living in lots of different places. To get meaningful insights from this data, we need to have a way […]

New – Pay-per-Session Pricing for Amazon QuickSight, Another Region, and Lots More

Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed cloud business intelligence system that gives you Fast & Easy to Use Business Analytics for Big Data. QuickSight makes business analytics available to organizations of all shapes and sizes, with the ability to access data that is stored in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse, your Amazon Relational Database Service […]

IoT Analytics Now Generally Available

Today, I’m pleased to announce that, as of April 24th 2018, the AWS IoT Analytics service is generally available. Customers can use IoT Analytics to clean, process, encrich, store, and analyze their connected device data at scale. AWS IoT Analytics is now available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio), and […]

Amazon QuickSight Update – Geospatial Visualization, Private VPC Access, and More

We don’t often recognize or celebrate anniversaries at AWS. With nearly 100 services on our list, we’d be eating cake and drinking champagne several times a week. While that might sound like fun, we’d rather spend our working hours listening to customers and innovating. With that said, Amazon QuickSight has now been generally available for […]

New – S3 Sync capability for EC2 Systems Manager: Query & Visualize Instance Software Inventory

It is now essential, with the fast paced lives we all seem to lead, to find tools to make it easier to manage our time, our home, and our work. With the pace of technology, the need for technologists to find management tools to easily manage their systems is just as important. With the introduction […]