AWS Marketplace

Category: Learning Levels

Using TorchServe to list PyTorch

Using TorchServe to list PyTorch models at scale in AWS Marketplace

Recently, AWS announced the release of TorchServe, a PyTorch open-source project in collaboration with Facebook. PyTorch is an open-source machine learning framework created by Facebook, which is popular among ML researchers and data scientists. Despite its ease of use and “Pythonic” interface, deploying and managing models in production is still difficult as it requires data scientists to […]

witfoo precinct aws marketplace

Improving cloud security by deploying WitFoo Precinct 6.0 on AWS

The human resource needs of cybersecurity can cause organizational strain. Organizations have access to plenty of security tools but might not have enough skilled personnel to maximize their use. They might also have difficulty contending with the growing number of security events that need to be investigated every day. There are also financial and technical […]

Creating container products for AWS Marketplace using Amazon EKA and AWS Fargate

Creating container products for AWS Marketplace using Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate

Metered pricing in AWS Marketplace AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog with thousands of software solutions from Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). It makes it easy for AWS customers to find, test, buy and deploy software in minutes on AWS. By listing your software in AWS Marketplace, you can reach a worldwide target audience while reducing […]

Splunk and AWS Control Tower

Monitoring resources in an AWS Control Tower environment using Splunk from AWS Marketplace

As a customer, you deploy workloads on the AWS Cloud, and you often build multi-account environments based on AWS Multi Account Strategy best practices. Many of my customers use AWS Control Tower as an orchestration framework to provision new accounts. AWS Control Tower provides a way to set up and govern a new, secure, multi-account […]

AWS Control Tower with Aviatrix

Automate your network setup in AWS Control Tower using Aviatrix

AWS services support customer needs across various business functions and initiatives. To support this growth, customers are using AWS Control Tower to set up their multi-account environments in a fast and secure way. Customers must also build a framework that enables the network topology to be scalable as they grow their infrastructure footprint on the […]

seller data feed delivery service for aws marketplace

Using Seller Data Feed Delivery Service, Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight to create seller reports

by Varun Krishnakumar, Taylor St. Clair, Vincent Larchet, Ankit Marwaha, Nimish Amlathe, and Alexandru Stroe AWS Marketplace enables more than 1,500 sellers to sell their software and data products to over 260,000 customers worldwide. As sellers growing your businesses using AWS Marketplace, you require timely, secure, and easy access to business, sales, and financial data. […]

AWS Marketplace sessions reInvent 2019

December 6: AWS Marketplace sessions today at re:Invent

Here are your AWS Marketplace sessions for Friday at AWS re:Invent. Please double-check the AWS re:Invent event catalog to confirm the date, time, and venue for your session! You can also get demos and education from 11 sellers (rotating daily) in the AWS Partner Solutions Experience in the southwest corner of the Venetian expo hall. […]

AWS Marketplace sessions reInvent 2019

December 5: AWS Marketplace sessions today at re:Invent

Here are your AWS Marketplace sessions for December 5. Please double-check the AWS re:Invent event catalog to confirm the date, time, and venue for your session! You can also get demos and education from 11 sellers (rotating daily) in the AWS Partner Solutions Experience in the southwest corner of the Venetian expo hall. Follow AWS […]

AWS Marketplace sessions reInvent 2019

December 4: AWS Marketplace sessions today at reInvent

You can also get demos and education from 11 sellers (rotating daily) in the AWS Partner Solutions Experience in the southwest corner of the Venetian expo hall. You can follow AWS re:Invent on Twitter or the #reinvent hashtag for live updates during the event. Please double-check the AWS re:Invent event catalog to confirm the date, […]