AWS Marketplace

Category: Technical How-to

How to self-service AWS Marketplace updates for Saas-based products

How to self-serve AWS Marketplace updates for SaaS based products

AWS Marketplace now enables sellers, independent software vendors (ISVs), and consulting partners (CPs) an opportunity to use a self-service experience to update your software as a service (SaaS) based products. In this post, I show how to use the self-service feature to update the different features of SaaS-based products in AWS Marketplace.

Masking Patient Data with DataMasque's template for Amazon HealthLake

Masking Patient Data with DataMasque’s template for Amazon HealthLake

In this post, Brian, Snehanshu, and I’ll show you how to mask healthcare data for regulatory compliance using Amazon HealthLake and DataMasque.

How to provision software available in AWS Marketplace in AWS GovCloud

How to provision software available in AWS Marketplace in AWS GovCloud

In this post, I will show why and how to use AWS Marketplace to make your software purchases in GovCloud (US). In addition, I will show you how to subscribe to software available in AWS Marketplace as well as how to use AWS Marketplace in the GovCloud Regions to meet your business needs. I will also show how managed entitlements and private offers work in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

Track machine learning experiments using InfinStor MLflow with Amazon SageMaker Studio

Track machine learning experiments using InfinStor MLflow with Amazon SageMaker Studio

In this post, I show how to use InfinStor MLflow with Amazon SageMaker Studio to experiment, collaborate, train, and run inferences using this ML platform. With this solution, you do not need to write special code for experiment tracking or model management. You can also share experiments and models with authorized colleagues. SageMaker Studio provides the Notebook and remote IPython kernel portion of the solution, and InfinStor MLflow provides the experiment tracking and model management.

Building an AWS CICD Pipeline for IBM API Connect Enterprise

Building an AWS CI/CD Pipeline for IBM API Connect Enterprise

Using a CI/CD pipeline with IBM API Connect can help simplify and streamline your API publishing and testing workflows. In this blog post, Senthil and I will show you how to set up AWS CodePipeline (CodePipeline) to build an API Connect CI/CD pipeline to publish and test APIs and product changes.

Enhance web application security using AWS WAF and Cloudbric's OWASP Top 10 managed rule set

Enhance web application security using AWS WAF and Cloudbric’s OWASP Top 10 managed rule set

In this tutorial, Global Marketing Manager at Cloudbric Corporation Yongwook Lucas Yoon shows how to implement the Cloudbric Managed Rule Set for AWS WAF to reinforce and maintain web security from ever-changing new threats. Learn how to enhance application security by subscribing to the service and implementing Cloudbric’s Managed Rule Set to a web ACL.

Database auditing with DataSunrise Security in AWS Marketplace

Database auditing with DataSunrise Security in AWS Marketplace

In this post, Juston and I will show you how to make an automated data access report using the DataSunrise application for Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.

Create catchment areas using drive times with Redshift and Carto available in AWS Data Exchange

Create catchment areas using drive times with Redshift and AWS Data Exchange

Spatial data is a key ingredient for many analytical use cases, such as route optimization, location-based marketing, asset tracking, or environmental risk assessment. Bulk geospatial tasks like geocoding and generating isoline polygons have traditionally required complex APIs or highly specialized software—not to mention the Extract Transform Load (ETL) processes involved in those approaches. CARTO has […]