AWS Marketplace

Category: AWS Marketplace

Desire 2 Learn customer success case study AWS Marketplace

D2L manages petabytes of data, delivers reliable data access using NetApp solution from AWS Marketplace

In this post, I will share a recent story about how a customer successfully migrated critical applications to the AWS Cloud to provide reliable, continuous access to data. D2L is a Canadian learning company founded in 1999. It offers web-based applications to its customers, who are primarily people searching for new ways to learn online. […]

Starling Bank Genymotion case study CI/CD

Starling Bank releases Android apps faster with Genymotion from AWS Marketplace

In this post, I will show how Starling Bank scaled its DevOps pipeline using Genymotion from AWS Marketplace. Starling Bank is a mobile-only bank based in the UK. With no branches or ATMs, its mobile app is the center of the company’s business. Starling Bank regularly maintains and improves its app, with a long history […]

CloudEndure architecture diagram

Automate AWS account provisioning and server migration using AWS Service Catalog and CloudEndure from AWS Marketplace

If you’re involved in a migration project for your company that is moving to the AWS Cloud, you’ll likely go through a variety of stages, such as migration preparation, portfolio discovery, planning, and design. In most cases, the rubber hits the road after these stages, and you begin migrating your physical, virtual, or cloud-based infrastructur­­­­­e […]

send metering records simultaneously code

Going to market with SaaS subscriptions and contracts in AWS Marketplace

By Judah Bernstein, Partner Solutions Architect (SA) at AWS focused on SaaS Tapo Ghosh, Partner Solutions Architect focused in AWS Marketplace This post is for independent software vendors (ISVs) offering software as a service (SaaS) solutions. In this blog post, we provide an overview of billing through SaaS contracts in AWS Marketplace. We also give […]

prioritize security ops blog

Prioritizing security ops in the cloud: overview of an AWS and SANS Institute educational webinar

Security practitioners designing and implementing solutions on Amazon Web Services (AWS) have a breadth of AWS services and third-party Independent Software Vendor (ISV) security solutions to help them customize and control security. AWS services can help you enable relevant controls for key security use cases and lay the foundation for a stronger overall security posture. […]

OpenVPN settings AWS Marketplace

Setting up OpenVPN Access Server in Amazon VPC

As you bring more workloads on to AWS, you sometimes need to serve private content without publicly exposing services on the internet. For example, internal portals for employees typically need to be accessible only via a private network. A common solution is setting up a remote-access virtual private network (VPN), which enables users to directly […]

AWS Marketplace seller account settings

7 Tips to Successfully Submit Your Product Listing in AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog that enables qualified Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to sell software solutions to AWS customers. In this post, I offer seven chronological tips to successfully submit your product listing in AWS Marketplace. Tip 1: Check requirements and complete your tax and banking wizard The best way to start is by […]

ClougFormation AWS Marketplace AMI reference architecture

CloudFormation Templates 101 for Sellers in AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog that enables qualified Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to market software solutions and makes it easy for AWS customers to find, buy, and deploy software on AWS. In this post, I will explain a use case where CloudFormation template is a better fit than a Single-AMI solution, and then I […]

sample break-even analysis for annual pricing

Determining when to buy annual licenses in AWS Marketplace

Overview AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog of software solutions from independent software vendors (ISVs) that offer a variety of pricing options, including SaaS contracts, hourly billing, annual licenses, and private offers for their software products. Almost half of these AMI products offer annual subscription options, so customers often ask me how to know when […]

AWS Marketplace Private Image Build workflow

Extend your approved golden AMI with AWS Marketplace Private Image Build

In this post, I will show you how to automate the installation of software from AWS Marketplace onto your golden AMI using Private Image Build, a new feature of AWS Marketplace currently in public beta. A “golden AMI” or “gold image” is an AMI you standardize through configuration, consistent security patching, and hardening. It also contains agents […]