AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon OpenSearch Service

Accelerate analytics on Amazon OpenSearch Service with AWS Glue through its native connector

As the volume and complexity of analytics workloads continue to grow, customers are looking for more efficient and cost-effective ways to ingest and analyse data. Data is stored from online systems such as the databases, CRMs, and marketing systems to data stores such as data lakes on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), data warehouses […]

Introducing persistent buffering for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion is a fully managed, serverless pipeline that delivers real-time log, metric, and trace data to Amazon OpenSearch Service domains and OpenSearch Serverless collections. Customers use Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines to ingest data from a variety of data sources, both pull-based and push-based. When ingesting data from pull-based sources, such as Amazon Simple […]

Build scalable and serverless RAG workflows with a vector engine for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless and Amazon Bedrock Claude models

In pursuit of a more efficient and customer-centric support system, organizations are deploying cutting-edge generative AI applications. These applications are designed to excel in four critical areas: multi-lingual support, sentiment analysis, personally identifiable information (PII) detection, and conversational search capabilities. Customers worldwide can now engage with the applications in their preferred language, and the applications […]

Configure dynamic tenancy for Amazon OpenSearch Dashboards

Amazon OpenSearch Service securely unlocks real-time search, monitoring, and analysis of business and operational data for use cases like application monitoring, log analytics, observability, and website search. In this post, we talk about new configurable dashboards tenant properties. OpenSearch Dashboards tenants in Amazon OpenSearch Service are spaces for saving index patterns, visualizations, dashboards, and other […]

An automated approach to perform an in-place engine upgrade in Amazon OpenSearch Service

Software upgrades bring new features and better performance, and keep you current with the software provider. However, upgrades for software services can be difficult to complete successfully, especially when you can’t tolerate downtime and when the new version’s APIs introduce breaking changes and deprecation that you must remediate. This post shows you how to upgrade […]

Enable cost-efficient operational analytics with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

As the scale and complexity of microservices and distributed applications continues to expand, customers are seeking guidance for building cost-efficient infrastructure supporting operational analytics use cases. Operational analytics is a popular use case with Amazon OpenSearch Service. A few of the defining characteristics of these use cases are ingesting a high volume of time series […]

Build multi-layer maps in Amazon OpenSearch Service

With the release of Amazon OpenSearch Service 2.5, you can create maps with multiple layers to visualize your geographical data. You can build each layer from a different index pattern to separate data sources. Organizing the map in layers makes it more straightforward to visualize, view, and analyze geographical data. The layering also helps fetch […]

SmugMug’s durable search pipelines for Amazon OpenSearch Service

SmugMug operates two very large online photo platforms, SmugMug and Flickr, enabling more than 100 million customers to safely store, search, share, and sell tens of billions of photos. Customers uploading and searching through decades of photos helped turn search into critical infrastructure, growing steadily since SmugMug first used Amazon CloudSearch in 2012, followed by […]

Unleash the power of Snapshot Management to take automated snapshots using Amazon OpenSearch Service

Snapshot Management helps you create point-in-time backups of your domain using OpenSearch Dashboards, including both data and configuration settings (for visualizations and dashboards). You can use these snapshots to restore your cluster to a specific state, recover from potential failures, and even clone environments for testing or development purposes. In this post, we share how to use Snapshot Management to take automated snapshots using OpenSearch Service.

Achieve higher query throughput: Auto scaling in Amazon OpenSearch Serverless now supports shard replica scaling

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless is the serverless option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it simple for you to run search and analytics workloads without having to think about infrastructure management. We recently announced new enhancements to autoscaling in OpenSearch Serverless that scales capacity automatically in response to your query loads. At launch, OpenSearch Serverless supported […]