AWS Compute Blog

Optimizing Amazon ECS task density using awsvpc network mode

This post is contributed by Tony Pujals | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS   AWS recently increased the number of elastic network interfaces available when you run tasks on Amazon ECS. Use the account setting called awsvpcTrunking. If you use the Amazon EC2 launch type and task networking (awsvpc network mode), you can now run more […]

Using AWS App Mesh with Fargate

This post is contributed by Tony Pujals | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS   AWS App Mesh is a service mesh, which provides a framework to control and monitor services spanning multiple AWS compute environments. My previous post provided a walkthrough to get you started. In it, I showed deploying a simple microservice application to Amazon ECS […]

Simple Two-way Messaging using the Amazon SQS Temporary Queue Client

This post is contributed by Robin Salkeld, Sr. Software Development Engineer Amazon SQS is a fully managed message queuing service that makes it easy to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. Asynchronous workflows have always been the primary use case for SQS. Using queues ensures one component can keep running smoothly without losing […]

Integrating AWS X-Ray with AWS App Mesh

This post is contributed by Lulu Zhao | Software Development Engineer II, AWS   AWS X-Ray helps developers and DevOps engineers quickly understand how an application and its underlying services are performing. When it’s integrated with AWS App Mesh, the combination makes for a powerful analytical tool. X-Ray helps to identify and troubleshoot the root […]

Deploying an Nginx-based HTTP/HTTPS load balancer with Amazon Lightsail

This post is contributed by Mike Coleman | Developer Advocate for Lightsail In this post, I discuss how to configure a load balancer to route web traffic for Amazon Lightsail using NGINX. I define load balancers and explain their value. Then, I briefly weigh the pros and cons of self-hosted load balancers against Lightsail’s managed load […]

Scaling Kubernetes deployments with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

This post is contributed by Kwunhok Chan | Solutions Architect, AWS   In an earlier post, AWS introduced Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Kubernetes Metrics Server support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. These tools make it easy to scale your Kubernetes workloads managed by EKS in response to built-in metrics like CPU and memory. However, one common use case for applications […]

Step Functions

Configuring user creation workflows with AWS Step Functions and AWS Managed Microsoft AD logs

This post is contributed by Taka Matsumoto, Cloud Support Engineer AWS Directory Service lets you run Microsoft Active Directory as a managed service. Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory, also referred to as AWS Managed Microsoft AD, is powered by Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2. It manages users and makes it easy to integrate with compatible AWS services […]

Increasing real-time stream processing performance with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams enhanced fan-out and AWS Lambda

Live business data and real-time analytics are critical to informed decision-making and customer service. For example, streaming services like Netflix process billions of traffic flows each day to help you binge-watch your favorite shows. And consumer audio specialists like Sonos monitor a billion events per week to improve listener experiences. These data-savvy businesses collect and […]

Access Private applications on AWS Fargate using Amazon API Gateway PrivateLink

This post is contributed by Mani Chandrasekaran | Solutions Architect, AWS   Customers would like to run container-based applications in a private subnet inside a virtual private cloud (VPC), where there is no direct connectivity from the outside world to these applications. This is a very secure way of running applications which do not want to […]