AWS Compute Blog

Tag: AWS Lambda

EventBridge Content Filtering

Reducing custom code by using advanced rules in Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge allows you to route events between AWS services, integrated software as a service (SaaS) applications, and your own applications. Event producers publish events onto an event bus, which uses rules to determine where to send those events. The rules can specify one or more targets, which can be other AWS services or Lambda […]

Chris Munns presenting 'Building microservices with AWS Lambda' at re:Invent 2019

ICYMI: Serverless Q4 2019

Welcome to the eighth edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed! In case you missed our last ICYMI, checkout what happened last quarter […]

Using artificial intelligence to detect product defects with AWS Step Functions

Factories that produce a high volume of inventory must ensure that defective products are not shipped. This is often accomplished with human workers on the assembly line or through computer vision. You can build an application that uses a custom image classification model to detect and report back any defects in a product, then takes […]

Orchestrating a security incident response with AWS Step Functions

In this post I will show how to implement the callback pattern of an AWS Step Functions Standard Workflow. This is used to add a manual approval step into an automated security incident response framework. The framework could be extended to remediate automatically, according to the individual policy actions defined. For example, applying alternative actions, or […]

A collection of various ESP32 development boards.

Building an AWS IoT Core device using AWS Serverless and an ESP32

Using a simple Arduino sketch, an AWS Serverless Application Repository application, and a microcontroller, you can build a basic serverless workflow for communicating with an AWS IoT Core device. A microcontroller is a programmable chip and acts as the brain of an electronic device. It has input and output pins for reading and writing on […]

Continued support for Python 2.7 on AWS Lambda

UPDATE – Oct 20, 2020 – We’re extending the support of Python 2.7 in AWS Lambda until at least June 1, 2021. Additionally, Boto3/Botocore SDK for Python 2.7 will also be supported till this date. Although you will continue to get critical security updates on Python 2.7 runtime and the SDK for the extended support […]

ICYMI: Serverless re:Invent re:Cap 2019

In the week before AWS re:Invent 2019 we wrote about a number of service and feature launches leading up to the biggest event of the year for us at AWS. These included new features for AWS Lambda, integrations for AWS Step Functions, and other exciting service and feature launches for related product areas. But this […]

Opt-in in Description

Coming soon: Updated Lambda states lifecycle for VPC networking

On November 27, we announced that AWS Lambda now includes additional attributes in the function information returned by several Lambda API actions to better communicate the current “state” of your function, when they are being created or updated. In our post “Tracking the state of AWS Lambda functions”, we covered the various states your Lambda […]

Provisioned Concurrency ready

New for AWS Lambda – Predictable start-up times with Provisioned Concurrency

Since the launch of AWS Lambda five years ago, thousands of customers such as iRobot, Fender, and Expedia have experienced the benefits of the serverless operational model. Being able to spend less time on managing scaling and availability, builders are increasingly using serverless for more sophisticated workloads with more exacting latency requirements. As customers have […]

Using Amazon RDS Proxy with AWS Lambda

Update – June 30, 2020: Amazon RDS Proxy support for MySQL and PostgreSQL is now generally available. Update – April 8, 2020: We have announced Postgres compatibility with the Amazon RDS Proxy. Version 10.11 and 11.5 are supported in the preview. The AWS Serverless platform allows you to build applications that automatically scale in response to demand. […]