AWS for Games Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Game Developers Guide to Getting Started with Amazon DynamoDB

  We all know that a database is an integral part of many games. But, as a game developer, you want to dedicate all your time and expertise to building great games, not engineering databases. I get it, I’d much rather worry about fixing collision volumes, getting my frame rate up or making the perfect […]

Guest post: How Space Ape Games delivers secure WebApps using AWS

We invited Space Ape Games Lead DevOps Engineer Louis McCormack to write a guest blog. Learn how Space Ape Games secure the front and backend of a private React application using Amazon CloudFront, AWS Amplify, AWS Lambda@Edge, and Amazon API Gateway. The frontend part is heavily inspired by this post. About the author Louis McCormack is […]

How to Deliver Custom Game Content to Players using Lambda@Edge

When your mobile game client starts, you want it to always reach out and grab the latest and greatest content, right? That way, when you make changes and introduce new features, you can always put them in the hands of your players. But you can’t always guarantee that all your players have updated to the […]

How to Set Up Player Authentication with Amazon Cognito

Game development is all about the players. Personalizing a game experience can be key to transforming first time players into invested fans who keep coming back to your game day after day. But to offer a unique experience to a player, you need to be able to identify them. Amazon Cognito is a quick and […]

Creating Servers for Multiplayer Mobile Games with Just a Few Lines of JavaScript

Multiplayer servers are hard Traditionally, developing a custom game server is a pretty arduous task. Putting a server together requires a lot of knowledge about networking systems, backend development and server operations. This can be tough on smaller teams who may not have the resources required to develop this type of system. And, when you […]