AWS for Industries

Category: Announcements


AWS Entity Resolution Expands Data Matching Capabilities with LiveRamp, TransUnion, and Unified ID 2.0 Integrations

Launched in July 2023, AWS Entity Resolution has been helping organizations like Best Western Hotels, Merkle, ActionIQ, and Thompson Reuters to more easily match and link related records stored across multiple applications, channels and data stores using advanced matching techniques including rule-based and machine learning (ML)-powered matching. The service capabilities have enabled these companies to […]

Introducing Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights, a fully managed analytics engine, commonly used by capital markets customers for analysis of real-time and historical time series data

Today, AWS is announcing Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights, a new capability that makes it simple to configure, run, and manage kdb Insights on AWS. KX Systems’ kdb Insights, a high-performance analytics engine, is optimized for analyzing real-time and multi-petabyte historical time series data. Kdb Insights is widely used in capital markets to power […]

Element Biosciences offers Bases2FASTQ as a Ready2Run workflow on Amazon Omics

Blog is guest authored by Maxim Mass, Rosi Bajari, and Bryan Lajoie from Element Biosciences. To help customers easily build, deploy, and scale workloads, Amazon Omics now supports pre-built Ready2Run workflows from third-party software companies and open-source pipelines. Read more about the launch here. Last year, Element Biosciences launched the AVITI benchtop sequencing instrument to […]

Introducing four new solutions that help customers integrate AWS Clean Rooms into their advertising workflows

At AWS re:Invent 2022, we announced the preview of AWS Clean Rooms, a new analytics service that helps customers collaborate with their partners to more easily and securely analyze their collective datasets—without sharing or revealing underlying raw data. The service is particularly relevant for brands, media publishers, agencies, and their partners who are looking to […]

Recapping re:Invent – What’s new in the Industrial and Manufacturing industry

Re:Invent 2022 is behind us, and if you didn’t make it to Las Vegas, you missed an exciting week of keynotes, sessions, announcements, and other content to help simplify and speed industrial digital transformation. Industrial customers had a lot to see and explore in the expo, Industry demo tent, and a variety of sessions. Highlights […]

Image of Sketchfab app

Epic Games launches RealityScan app on AWS; announces 2M MetaHumans milestone at re:Invent

At AWS re:Invent 2022, Epic Games, a leading interactive entertainment company and provider of 3D engine technology, announced that RealityScan, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), is now available as a free download on iOS. AWS’s highly performant infrastructure enables Epic to cost-efficiently scale RealityScan to support tens of thousands of creators, turning images into […]

Amazon Omics launches with broad support from ISV and Consulting Partners

Amazon Omics launches with broad support from ISV and Consulting Partners

Amazon Omics is a new fully managed service which helps AWS customers store, query, analyze, and generate insights from genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data to improve health and accelerate scientific discoveries. Many AWS customers want to go faster in their migration to the cloud, and the good news is that Amazon Omics has broad support […]

Part 2 - Introducing Amazon Omics - Automated End-to-End Genomics Data Storage and Analysis

Part 2: Automated End-to-End Genomics Data Storage and Analysis using Amazon Omics

We would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions of David Obenshain, Gargi Singh Chhatwal, and Joshua Broyde, who are Solutions Architects at AWS. With the rapid advancement and use of Genomic sequencing within research and clinical organizations, we need reliable, reproducible, scalable, and cost-efficient infrastructure to manage data and compute resources. Organizations want to spend […]

Part 1 - Introducing Amazon Omics - From sequence data to insights, securely and at scale

Part 1: Introducing Amazon Omics—from sequence data to insights, securely and at scale

This is the first installation of a two-part series detailing the launch of Amazon Omics. The second installation provides deeper technical details. We are excited to launch the general availability of Amazon Omics–a purpose-built service that will help bioinformaticians, researchers, and scientists store, query, analyze, and generate insights from genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data. […]

Amazon HealthLake Imaging Partners

Amazon HealthLake Imaging Partners

Amazon HealthLake Imaging is a new HIPAA-eligible capability that enables healthcare providers and their software partners to store, access, and analyze medical images at petabyte scale. For customers who want to accelerate their digital transformation of medical imaging to the cloud, Amazon HealthLake Imaging Partners provide solutions and services that can help. Whether it is […]