AWS for Industries

Existing Warranty Claim Analysis Process_Figure 2

How Machine Learning on AWS can help customers predict the risk of Automotive Part Recalls

This blog focuses on a potential method to use Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) machine learning models to help customers predict parts that are likely to become defects or recalls. Specifically, we show how predictions generated from an LSTM may provide customers with early indicators that generally out-perform existing manual processes and can help assist […]

AI-Assisted Annotation of Medical Images using MONAI Label on AWS

Blog is guest authored by Professor Ken Butcher, Medical Director of the New South Wales Telestroke Service and Andres Diaz-Pinto, Senior Deep Learning engineer at NVIDIA Annotating medical images accurately and at scale is a key prerequisite for training Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, which are later used for diagnostic support in a clinical production environment. […]

Integrating Customer data platforms with Amazon Marketing Cloud to drive better Ad campaigns

Integrating CDP with Amazon Marketing Cloud to drive better Ad campaigns

There is customer data across more sources today than ever—from email, websites, and mobile apps, to physical stores, social media platforms, and more. Such data, which a company directly collects from its customers, is referred to as first-party data or signal (1P signal). Creating actionable insights, and next-best actions for specific users or segments, from […]

Selecting the best automatic machine learning to meet your manufacturing needs

Introduction Machine learning (ML) has become a core technology in manufacturing, but it can be difficult to know which ML services and tools are best for your industrial operations. We will define and explain the use cases of when to use different Amazon Web Services (AWS) ML services. In an age of rapid innovation, manufacturing […]

Partnerships extend Just Walk Out technology to more colleges and universities

Partnerships extend Just Walk Out technology to more colleges and universities

In September 2022, Texas A&M University became the first higher education institution to launch Just Walk Out technology at its sports venue, Kyle Field. Three “March In, March Out” stores were installed, offering fans products like snacks, chips, soda, water, and alcoholic beverages. The stadium is one of the 10 highest capacity stadiums in the […]

Embrace Retail’s Future: Bringing AWS Smart Store Solutions to Life

Embrace Retail’s Future: Bringing AWS Smart Store Solutions to Life

Key questions and strategies to accelerate innovation with AWS Smart Store solutions The world of retail continues its digital transformation with the rise of ecommerce and the increasing prevalence of digital devices in the shopping experience. Furthermore, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of retail digital tools, experiences, and technologies. Now that stores are re-opened […]

ALDO Group solves their OMS challenges with Fluent Commerce on AWS

ALDO Group solves their OMS challenges with Fluent Commerce on AWS

Order management & challenges Order management systems (OMS) are critical tools for retailers that want to optimize their supply chain operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences. These systems provide businesses with near real-time global inventory visibility, allowing them to make informed decisions about inventory replenishment, allocation, and fulfillment. Additionally, order allocation is another critical capability […]

Geo-based real time marketing for Financial Services on AWS

Financial Services Institutions (FSIs) are looking for opportunities to exploit interoperability across a collaborative ecosystem to boost transactions through their channels, partners’ channels, and payment methods. From this post: “Forrester asserts that aggregators and intermediaries that create value across industries will become important agents in a diverse collaborative ecosystem. However, not all organizations have the […]

AWS increases scalability of Epic database performance

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) has increased maximum sizing of global references per second (GRefs/s) for Epic on AWS customers.  AWS now supports operational database workloads of up to 42 million GRefs/s.  This represents a 61% GRefs/s increase from the previous AWS GRefs/s sizing announcement.  This step-change in scalability, delivered on the R6in instance, represents […]

AWS Innovation Enables Streamlining of Wind Permits

AWS Collaborates with WindEurope and Accenture to Streamline Wind Permitting in Europe

Wind energy is a strategic industry central to Europe’s energy security strategy. Wind already meets 17% of Europe’s electricity demand today¹. The European Commission wants wind to be half of Europe’s electricity by 2050. This move to clean and renewable energy is critical to decarbonise Europe’s economy but the backlog in wind permitting across Europe […]