AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

AWS offers new artificial intelligence, machine learning, and generative AI guides to plan your AI strategy

Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been in the headlines for months—and for good reason. The emerging and evolving capabilities of this technology promises new business opportunities for customer across all sectors and industries. But the speed of this revolution has made it harder for organizations and consumers to assess what […]

Announcing provisioned concurrency for Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference

Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference allows you to serve model inference requests in real time without having to explicitly provision compute instances or configure scaling policies to handle traffic variations. You can let AWS handle the undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing the underlying infrastructure and save costs in the process. A Serverless Inference endpoint spins up […]

Virtual fashion styling with generative AI using Amazon SageMaker 

The fashion industry is a highly lucrative business, with an estimated value of $2.1 trillion by 2025, as reported by the World Bank. This field encompasses a diverse range of segments, such as the creation, manufacture, distribution, and sales of clothing, shoes, and accessories. The industry is in a constant state of change, with new […]

MLOps deployment best practices for real-time inference model serving endpoints with Amazon SageMaker

After you build, train, and evaluate your machine learning (ML) model to ensure it’s solving the intended business problem proposed, you want to deploy that model to enable decision-making in business operations. Models that support business-critical functions are deployed to a production environment where a model release strategy is put in place. Given the nature […]

Federated Learning on AWS with FedML: Health analytics without sharing sensitive data – Part 2

This blog post is co-written with Chaoyang He and Salman Avestimehr from FedML. Analyzing real-world healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) data poses several practical challenges, such as distributed data silos, lack of sufficient data at a single site for rare events, regulatory guidelines that prohibit data sharing, infrastructure requirement, and cost incurred in creating a […]

Federated Learning on AWS with FedML: Health analytics without sharing sensitive data – Part 1

This blog post is co-written with Chaoyang He and Salman Avestimehr from FedML. Analyzing real-world healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) data poses several practical challenges, such as distributed data silos, lack of sufficient data at any single site for rare events, regulatory guidelines that prohibit data sharing, infrastructure requirement, and cost incurred in creating a […]

Large-scale feature engineering with sensitive data protection using AWS Glue interactive sessions and Amazon SageMaker Studio

Organizations are using machine learning (ML) and AI services to enhance customer experience, reduce operational cost, and unlock new possibilities to improve business outcomes. Data underpins ML and AI use cases and is a strategic asset to an organization. As data is growing at an exponential rate, organizations are looking to set up an integrated, […]

CITM solution overivew

Build taxonomy-based contextual targeting using AWS Media Intelligence and Hugging Face BERT

As new data privacy regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, 2017) have come into effect, customers are under increased pressure to monetize media assets while abiding by the new rules. Monetizing media while respecting privacy regulations requires the ability to automatically extract granular metadata from assets like text, images, video, and audio files at […]

MLOps foundation roadmap for enterprises with Amazon SageMaker

As enterprise businesses embrace machine learning (ML) across their organizations, manual workflows for building, training, and deploying ML models tend to become bottlenecks to innovation. To overcome this, enterprises needs to shape a clear operating model defining how multiple personas, such as data scientists, data engineers, ML engineers, IT, and business stakeholders, should collaborate and […]