AWS Machine Learning Blog

Build well-architected IDP solutions with a custom lens – Part 5: Cost optimization

Building a production-ready solution in the cloud involves a series of trade-off between resources, time, customer expectation, and business outcome. The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the benefits and risks of decisions you make while building workloads on AWS. An intelligent document processing (IDP) project usually combines optical character recognition (OCR) and natural language […]

Build well-architected IDP solutions with a custom lens – Part 6: Sustainability

An intelligent document processing (IDP) project typically combines optical character recognition (OCR) and natural language processing (NLP) to automatically read and understand documents. Customers across all industries run IDP workloads on AWS to deliver business value by automating use cases such as KYC forms, tax documents, invoices, insurance claims, delivery reports, inventory reports, and more. […]

How Amazon Search M5 saved 30% for LLM training cost by using AWS Trainium

For decades, Amazon has pioneered and innovated machine learning (ML), bringing delightful experiences to its customers. From the earliest days, Amazon has used ML for various use cases such as book recommendations, search, and fraud detection. Similar to the rest of the industry, the advancements of accelerated hardware have allowed Amazon teams to pursue model […]

Heat Map Visualization

Geospatial generative AI with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Location Service

Today, geospatial workflows typically consist of loading data, transforming it, and then producing visual insights like maps, text, or charts. Generative AI can automate these tasks through autonomous agents. In this post, we discuss how to use foundation models from Amazon Bedrock to power agents to complete geospatial tasks. These agents can perform various tasks […]

How Amazon Music uses SageMaker with NVIDIA to optimize ML training and inference performance and cost

In the dynamic world of streaming on Amazon Music, every search for a song, podcast, or playlist holds a story, a mood, or a flood of emotions waiting to be unveiled. These searches serve as a gateway to new discoveries, cherished experiences, and lasting memories. The search bar is not just about finding a song; […]

Machine Learning with MATLAB and Amazon SageMaker

This post is written in collaboration with Brad Duncan, Rachel Johnson and Richard Alcock from MathWorks. MATLAB  is a popular programming tool for a wide range of applications, such as data processing, parallel computing, automation, simulation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. It’s heavily used in many industries such as automotive, aerospace, communication, and manufacturing. In […]

Text embedding and sentence similarity retrieval at scale with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

In this post, we demonstrate how to use the SageMaker Python SDK for text embedding and sentence similarity. Sentence similarity involves assessing the likeness between two pieces of text after they are converted into embeddings by the LLM, which is a foundation step for applications like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Layout visualization with Amazon Textract Textractor

Amazon Textract’s new Layout feature introduces efficiencies in general purpose and generative AI document processing tasks

Amazon Textract is a machine learning (ML) service that automatically extracts text, handwriting, and data from any document or image. AnalyzeDocument Layout is a new feature that allows customers to automatically extract layout elements such as paragraphs, titles, subtitles, headers, footers, and more from documents. Layout extends Amazon Textract’s word and line detection by automatically […]

Use Amazon SageMaker Studio to build a RAG question answering solution with Llama 2, LangChain, and Pinecone for fast experimentation

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) allows you to provide a large language model (LLM) with access to data from external knowledge sources such as repositories, databases, and APIs without the need to fine-tune it. When using generative AI for question answering, RAG enables LLMs to answer questions with the most relevant, up-to-date information and optionally cite […]

KT’s journey to reduce training time for a vision transformers model using Amazon SageMaker

KT Corporation is one of the largest telecommunications providers in South Korea, offering a wide range of services including fixed-line telephone, mobile communication, and internet, and AI services. KT’s AI Food Tag is an AI-based dietary management solution that identifies the type and nutritional content of food in photos using a computer vision model. This […]