AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Build a live streaming app with user-generated content in less than an hour with Amazon IVS

User-generated content (UGC) forms the backbone of many popular social media services today. As internet access becomes more widespread, many people are using apps and services to share their own, personal experiences to a global audience. In recent years, live streaming video services featuring user-generated content have become a powerful way to connect with others […]

Automate broadcast video monitoring using machine learning on AWS  

Monitoring service providers for broadcast and over-the-top (OTT) livestreams perform a large number of quality checks. These range from low-level signal errors to high-level issues like content errors. Traditional live media analyzer software focus on quality checks at the signal level, such as the ETSI TR 101 290 Priority 1 and 2 checks. Higher-level quality checks, such as […]

Anatomy of a live streaming AWS CloudFormation template

To build an end-to-end, live video streaming workflow with AWS, you typically begin by setting up each of the required AWS Media Services through the AWS Management Console. The console is a great tool to explore all the features each Media Service offers, and the settings you can enable, disable, or tweak as you put […]

Build a reliable HLS live channel with AWS Elemental MediaStore

For resilient live streams, you usually have two encoders, which creates two master manifests. However, that on its own is not enough. If one of the encoders suffers a failure – let’s say encoder 1 – the manifests for encoder 1 becomes stale (no longer updated), while encoder 2’s manifests and A/V segments continue to […]

Enhanced origin failover using Amazon CloudFront and AWS Lambda@Edge

Recently, an AWS customer serviced more than 10 billion API calls per day at peak. They needed a failover option for brown-outs and other origin failures. They served these API calls through Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN) that securely delivers static and dynamic web content with low latency and high transfer speeds using […]

Automate AWS client VPN’s CRL updates, when using AWS Private Certificate Authority

Importing the updated Certificate Revocation List (CRL) for AWS Client Virtual Private Network (AWS Client VPN) Endpoint becomes a challenge, especially when the AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS PCA) is used to generate and manage the client certificates. Normally, an Admin has to manually import the CRL file to Client VPN Endpoint before it expires […]

Playing your ads-featured content with AWS Elemental MediaTailor and VideoJS

In the previous installments of this blog series, we showed how to monetize your content with a custom workflow with FFmpeg on Amazon Elastic Container Service at Fargate and with Amazon Rekognition. In this post, we show you how to display and interact with an HLS stream in a simple webpage similar to this.   Sample […]

How to diagnose AWS Elemental MediaTailor ad insertion flows using debugging

AWS Elemental MediaTailor allows you to serve targeted ads to viewers while maintaining broadcast quality in over-the-top (OTT) video applications. This article explains how it is possible to use the debugging feature of MediaTailor to dive deep into an ad insertion session lifecycle to troubleshoot or visualize what is happening behind the scenes. The PDF […]

Build an Android App with a scrollable feed of live streams

As smartphones and mobile internet become more advanced, many apps have implemented media-rich experiences that connect content creators with end users. Sharing and consuming video is exceptionally popular among smartphone users, leading to the rise of interactive, social video. While mobile video streaming is popular, it’s often difficult for app developers to create a great […]

Enhance your Android ecommerce app with Amazon Interactive Video Service

The internet has drastically changed the way that many people around the world shop. Although online shopping can be more convenient than shopping in-person, the human touch of a retail experience can be difficult to recreate in a website or app. As stores expand their online presence, some have turned to live, interactive video streams […]