AWS for M&E Blog

Tag: AWS Elemental Link

How transformed live event streaming with AWS Elemental Link

Authored by Brian Lisi, CEO, iOiO. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. iOiO provides automated solutions for creating end-to-end video workflows by productizing the power of AWS Media Services and cloud scalability. With over 12 years […]

AWS Insights highlights APN partner launch announcements

Today, thousands of media professionals are tuning into the AWS Insights Online Conference, a virtual event featuring strategies and solutions for M&E workloads across multiple keynotes and three session tracks. As a part of this in-depth learning event, the AWS Partner Network (APN) team covers 27 recent launches and API/SDK integrations made by APN media partners across […]

See the agenda: AWS Insights Online Conference

Join us May 28 and June 2 for a deep dive on the latest innovations in media technology with AWS customers, partners, and media experts. The conference agenda is now live, featuring four educational tracks spanning the M&E supply chain. Sign up to see breakthrough workflows and hear perspectives from industry leaders in 14 half-hour […]