AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Tag: amazon ses

How Amazon Simple Email Service supported the growth of email in 2020

Over the last 12 months, organizations of all types have increasingly needed to stay connected to their customers. With the move to virtual interactions accelerating across industries, email has remained a trusted channel for customer communications. Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) has seen record outbound email traffic in 2020, supporting critical customer communications during COVID […]


The value of using an Email Service Provider (ESP) for end customer communications

In the world of pervasive consumer chat and messaging applications, email has retained its place as a ubiquitous channel for end customer communications. The Radicati Group reports that email usage will continue to grow from an estimate of 3.9 billion users in 2019 to 4.4 billion in 2023.1 Email is a welcome (and preferred) conduit for […]

Learn About Amazon Pinpoint at Upcoming Events Around the World

Connect with the AWS Customer Engagement team at events around the world to learn how our technology can to help you better engage with your customers. Get demos on recent feature releases, discover how you can use Amazon Pinpoint for your specific use case, and attend informative sessions to hear how companies around the world […]