AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Learning Levels

Building CIS hardened Golden Images and Pipelines with EC2 Image Builder

Until recently, customers had to navigate to the AWS Marketplace Console and search for a compatible Amazon Machine Image (AMI) product for your image pipeline. They also had to write their own custom components to harden the operating systems to meet Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark guidelines. This required subscriptions to the CIS Benchmark […]

Estimating AWS Config recorder costs and usage using AWS CloudTrail

AWS Config is a service that tracks configuration changes of AWS resources in your AWS account.  AWS Config uses the configuration recorder to create a configuration item whenever it detects a change to a resource type that it is recording. For example, if AWS Config is recording Amazon S3 buckets, AWS Config creates a configuration […]

Report and visualize your AWS Service Catalog estate

AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalog of IT services that are approved for use on AWS. These IT services can include everything from virtual machine images, servers, software, and databases to complete multi-tier application architectures. In addition, organizations can centrally manage deployed IT services, applications, resources, and metadata. This helps you […]

Automating Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Cleanup at Scale

Automating Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Cleanup at Scale

Do you have thousands of Amazon CloudWatch alarms across AWS Regions and want to quickly identify which ones are low-value alarms or misconfigured alarms across regions? Are you looking for ways to identify alarms which are in ‘ALARM’ or ‘IN_SUFFICIENT’ state for several days and need to be revisited? Do you need a cleanup mechanism […]

AWS Organizations, moving an organization member account to another organization: Part 3

In part one, we identified different features of AWS Organizations requiring guidance and consideration when you move an account from one organization in Organizations to another. We focused on Organizations Polices, AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) shares, and AWS global condition context keys. In part two of the series, we identified behavior and actions when you want […]

AWS Organizations, moving an organization member account to another organization: Part 2

In part one, we identified different features of Organizations requiring guidance and consideration when you move an account from one organization in Organizations to another. We focused on Organizations Polices, AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) shares, and AWS global condition context keys. In this post, part two of a three-part series, we identify behaviors […]

AWS Organizations, moving an organization member account to another organization: Part 1

AWS customers use AWS Organizations as the basis of a multi-account AWS environment as defined by the Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts AWS Whitepaper. Organizations is an AWS service that enables you to centrally manage and govern multiple accounts. Often there is a scenario when you must move an AWS account from one […]

Using Open Source Grafana Operator on your Kubernetes cluster to manage Amazon Managed Grafana

Introduction Kubernetes APIs are robust and its control loop mechanism allows us to control the state of resources that are even outside of Kubernetes environments. Customers have shifted their focus towards workload gravity and rely on Kubernetes-native controllers to deploy and manage the lifecycle of external resources such as Cloud resources. We have seen customers […]

View multi-account Service Quotas Increase using AWS CloudTrail Lake

In this post, you’ll learn how to find all of the Service Quotas that were modified across all accounts and regions using AWS CloudTrail Lake. The solution uses AWS CloudTrail’s new feature CloudTrail Lake to analyze CloudTrail events. This solution can help customers be proactive in scenarios including: Workload promotion from lower environment to Production […]

Visualizing Resources with Workload Discovery on AWS

Operations Teams (Ops Teams) across enterprises typically rely on documented architecture diagrams to understand the dependencies of various workloads deployed on AWS. As enterprises continue to deploy large-scale multi-tiered workloads, it can become challenging for Ops Teams to track the ever changing relationships between the deployed resources, often meaning that documentation can’t keep up with […]