AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Management Tools

Best practices for managing AWS account meta-data at scale

Best practices for managing AWS account meta-data at scale

As we all know, using multiple accounts on your AWS environment is one of the recommended best practices when organizing your workloads and your environment. Using multiple accounts brings multiple benefits allowing you to better leverage AWS services. However, AWS accounts are additional resources that you need to manage. In this blog post, you will […]

Observe dynamic sites with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

Observe dynamic sites with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

Overview Maintaining and improving end user experience is key and as your business grows, the number of endpoints you need to observe can grow quickly. It can become more challenging and time consuming to build multiple canaries to observe them. This solution is designed to show how you can use a consistent and automated approach […]

Centralize image administration for virtual machines and containers using EC2 Image Builder

Customers may have different processes for image building across virtual machines, containers, or both. This variation in processes introduces operational overhead in managing images, including the initial configuration and the ongoing updates. From the AWS Well-Architected Operational Excellence Pillar, section “Document and share lessons learned”, these images should be standardized, configured with the latest patches, […]

Observability using native Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray for serverless modern applications

Introduction In this blog post, we will share how you can use AWS-native observability tools to measure the current state of your modern serverless applications and how to get started with the minimal effort. We will review tools like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray and explore how these services can help you instrument your application […]

Estimating Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for modernizing workloads on AWS using Containerization – Part 2

Introduction Part one of this series described the methodology used to calculate the TCO for containerization and we covered the first scenario of estimating TCO with server inventory information. In the second part we focus on second scenario where we will estimate TCO with application level information. Scenario 2: Estimating TCO with only application level […]

Monitor IoT device health at scale with Amazon Managed Grafana­­

Businesses today employ IoT devices to monitor the health of their equipment, ranging from machines on a factory floor to inventory tracking sensor locations. Insights from these IoT device fleets make them part of critical business infrastructure, however deriving meaningful insights from these IoT device fleets at scale is a common challenge customers face. IT […]

Monitor Amazon EKS Control Plane metrics using AWS Open Source monitoring services

Have you encountered situations where your Kubernetes API calls are constantly throttled by the control plane? Did you see the 429 HTTP response code “Too many requests” all over the place and have no clue on what’s wrong with your cluster? In this blog post, we will talk about monitoring some of the key metrics […]

Auto-remediate best practice deviations detected by AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Trusted Advisor inspects your AWS infrastructure and provides best practice recommendations when opportunities exist to reduce cost, optimize your AWS infrastructure, improve system availability and performance, help close security gaps and monitor service quotas. Trusted Advisor recommendations are based on best practices identified by AWS services experts and learnings from serving thousands of customers […]

Monitoring Generative AI applications using Amazon Bedrock and Amazon CloudWatch integration

Amazon Bedrock is an easy way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models (FMs). As a fully managed service, it offers a choice of high-performing FMs from leading AI companies including AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon. It also offers a broad set of capabilities needed to build generative […]

Provisioning access to security and audit teams in an AWS multi-account environment created by AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower offers the easiest way to set up and govern a secure, compliant, and multi-account AWS environment based on best practices established by working with thousands of enterprises. Organizations can leverage built-in preventive, proactive, and detective controls as a starting point to address the customer part of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. Control […]