AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Amazon CloudWatch

Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics to monitor time to expiration for Reserved Instances | Amazon Web Services

This post shows you how to monitor the days remaining for Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances. The solution uses a custom Amazon CloudWatch metric published via an AWS Lambda function. It creates a CloudWatch alarm and an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic for notification when the alarm exceeds the user-defined threshold. CloudWatch allows you […]

Monitoring Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora using Amazon Managed Grafana

Organizations running critical applications on AWS using fully managed database services such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Aurora rely on robust monitoring to ensure that their databases are performant, and cause no service disruptions to their customers. Amazon Managed Grafana is a fully managed and secure data visualization service that you […]

Monitoring the status of Windows services with Amazon CloudWatch

When you have an application that relies on a specific Windows service being up and running, knowing the status of this service can be a useful part of your observability solution. This service status data can be displayed on dashboards, used to create alarms, or used to trigger automated resolutions. This post presents a solution […]

AWS Service Catalog Account Factory-Enhanced

Many enterprise customers who use AWS Control Tower to create accounts want an uncomplicated way to extend the next steps in the account creation process. These next steps cover common business use cases, including creating networks, security profiles, governance, and compliance. Executing these processes for every new account created manually is cumbersome and challenging to […]

Enhancing DevOps Practices with Amazon CloudWatch Application Performance Monitoring

Organizations seeking to deliver meaningful technology services at a higher velocity to their customers have incorporated application performance monitoring (APM) into their DevOps operating models. Software development and IT operations teams that have traditionally worked in their own silos now strive to work in concert to increase organizational agility. The transformation path is unique for […]

AWS Cloud Operations Kiosks at AWS re:Invent 2022

The Expo on Day 3 of AWS on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. For most organizations, the question isn’t “if we move to the cloud” anymore; it’s “what do we move first?” and “how soon can we be operating in the cloud?” Wherever you are in your digital […]

Monitoring the availability and health of on-premises application using AWS CloudWatch Synthetics

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service that provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, and optimize resource utilization. You can utilize various CloudWatch capabilities to monitor the health of your application that is available over the internet, or resides within an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) […]

Deciding between large accounts or micro accounts for distributed operations at AWS

When you’re starting your journey at AWS, you must define your AWS account strategy. There are many possible variations for how to organize the AWS accounts – by workload, team, specialization, business domain, functional domain, and many others. A common question from customers is: should I deploy multiple workloads into a single AWS account, or […]

Monitoring Data Ingestion Tasks with Amazon CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms

Data is produced every day in increasing volumes and varieties in on-premises and cloud environments. Data ingestion into AWS is a common task and there are many services and architecture patterns that customers use to bring in data. In this post, we provide a guide for establishing monitoring and alerting on a data ingestion workload […]

How to get a daily report for your resources configuration changes

AWS allows customers to build, experience, and innovate in their AWS accounts, resulting in dynamic environments. You can manage your resources changes using different controls, such as: Preventive controls with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies Detective controls with AWS Config Rules Preventive and Detective controls with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines […]