AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Enterprise Strategy

How Bucknell IT got 40 percent of their time back by moving ERP to the cloud

“Action cannot be completed because the system is out of date.” Every technology user understands the frustration of getting this message. When Bucknell University turned to the cloud to modernize their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, they found unexpected gifts along the way: more cost savings, better solutions, and best of all, new “found” time to devote to high impact projects.


Top tips for a successful cloud modernization or migration

Digital transformation is a concept that is high on the agenda of many governments. Many large public sector organizations are undertaking mass migrations: the movement of a meaningful portion of your organization’s existing IT assets to the cloud. This might consist of a data center, a collection of data centers, a business unit, or some other portfolio of systems that is larger than a single application. Here are some top tips and real-life learnings for public sector organizations looking to execute a successful cloud migration strategy.

Considerations when planning a cloud migration.

Cloud economics: The value of a TCO assessment

Whether you’re beginning to think about migrating to the AWS Cloud or already planning your migration, you probably have questions such as how much migrating to the cloud will cost. Determining total cost of ownership (TCO) for a cloud migration project can be challenging when evaluating what-if scenarios, over-provisioning, outdated servers, legacy applications, or spreadsheets of stale data. Learn about some AWS TCO tools and best practices.

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A path to IT modernization with agility and scalability from cloud solutions

How can the cloud help modernize your organization? Members of the AWS Partner Network (APN), customers, and industry experts shared best practices on cloud migration, cloud adoption, and organizational transformation in a recent episode of Government Matters Industry Insider.

cloud migration

Defense Logistics Agency migrates five applications to AWS GovCloud (US) ahead of schedule

The U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) successfully migrated five applications to AWS GovCloud (US) under the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) hosting support contract with help from Credence Management Solutions, LLC., an AWS Partner Network (APN) consulting partner in the AWS Public Sector Partner Program. Working with AWS Professional Services, Credence migrated all five applications in just 138 days – almost six weeks ahead of schedule – using CloudEndure Migration.

Do Microsoft workloads work on AWS? Yes. Learn how.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been running Windows workloads for eleven years, and runs nearly twice as many Windows Server instances than any other cloud provider. And with seven times fewer downtime hours in 2018 than the next largest cloud provider*, AWS is the right choice for Microsoft workloads and most any other IT workload. Dive deep and learn more about Microsoft workloads on AWS by checking out some of AWS Public Sector Summit on-demand conference sessions and technical presentations given by AWS solutions architects this June in Washington, DC.