AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Education

Parliament Hill Ottawa Canada

Learning how to create citizen-specific services in the cloud with AWS DigiGov

The cloud can help governments meet evolving citizen demands by enabling agility, cost savings, elasticity, and global reach. In 2008, Shared Services Canada, a federal department tasked with providing IT services to Canadian government, announced a streamlined procurement process to help support government agencies’ adoption of cloud services as part of the Government of Canada’s Cloud Adoption Strategy. To help Canadian government entities and their employees build innovative and citizen-centric services for their digital citizenry in the cloud, AWS created AWS DigiGov.

We Power Tech re:Invent 2019

Empowering diversity and inclusion in technology through We Power Tech

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we believe the future of tech is every color, gender, belief, origin, and community. The future of tech is diverse, inclusive and accessible – but we have a long way to go before realizing this future. At AWS re:Invent 2019, We Power Tech hosted activities to teach and learn from attendees about diversity and inclusion at the intersection of technology. Check out more about what We Power Tech was up to at re:Invent 2019.

Woman on a laptop

Top five desktop-as-a-service trends in higher education

Educational institutions are turning to cloud-based solutions to enable anywhere, anytime access from any device. By using secure desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) solutions to provide consistent applications on every virtualized desktop, institutions can reduce variable costs, remove capital expenditures, and achieve mission objectives. Check out five DaaS trends in education.

Neon sign text "Change"; Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Empowering partners to drive digital transformation: The AWS Partner Transformation Program and eBook

Digital transformation (DX) is shaping the future of business. While it can mean different things to different leaders, DX is about migrating from on-premises and labor-based models to the cloud, then complementing migration with cloud capabilities and agility. But to stop there would miss the full potential of using the cloud to enable DX. To help AWS Partner Network members get started with DX, AWS created the eBook, “The AWS Partner Transformation Program: Setting the Stage to Transformation Your Business.”

Dr. Nicholas Chilton and his research group at The University of Manchester’s Department of Chemistry in the School of Natural Sciences.

How researchers at The University of Manchester explore magnetic properties of molecules with the AWS Cloud

Dr. Nicholas Chilton and his research group at The University of Manchester’s Department of Chemistry in the School of Natural Sciences investigate the magnetic properties of molecules for high-density storage, quantum computing, and applications like MRI contrast agents. He turned to the cloud when the university’s onsite HPC cluster couldn’t provide the high-throughput compute power needed to answer his research questions.

Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

Beginning the journey to cloud in Australia and New Zealand

With the recent news of the Australian Cyber Security Centre certifying AWS to PROTECTED – the highest data security certification available in Australia for cloud service providers – many public sector customers in the region want to know how to get started on the cloud. To help, AWS created the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Public Sector Agency FastStart Guide.

Fix This episode 5: human trafficking can end

Human trafficking can end: Fix This Podcast January round up

This month, the Fix This podcast focused on how technology can be used to end human trafficking. To raise awareness of the issue, we interviewed leaders who are committed to finding solutions to the problem. Listen to episodes five and six now, featuring interviews with Thorn, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), The Freedom Seal, and Unseen UK. The episodes are available for streaming and download on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast, iHeartRadio, and via RSS.

Education World Forum panel AWS Andrew Ko

Addressing workforce demand challenges in cloud computing with AWS at Education World Forum

At the Education World Forum (EWF) in London, global leader for workforce and education at Amazon Web Services (AWS) Andrew Ko discussed the workforce shortage in cloud skills – and the importance of piloting initiatives that “cloudify” curriculum to skill-up, upskill, and reskill students, educators, the current workforce, and IT leaders.