AWS Public Sector Blog

Demystifying AI: How RAG boosts efficiency in state and local government departments

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Welcome to the frontier of public sector innovation, where artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword but a tool for transformative change. As citizens’ expectations evolve and the need for rapid, accurate information becomes more pronounced, state and local governments seek smarter ways to keep pace. Enter Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and large language models (LLMs)—the dynamic duo powering the next wave of efficient state and local government services.

To understand how these technologies work together to enhance information retrieval and generation, let’s examine the process flow of an LLM integrated with RAG. Figure 1 illustrates the steps involved in generating contextually accurate responses based on user input, highlighting the synergy between querying relevant information and leveraging the advanced capabilities of LLMs.

Figure 1. Process flowchart for text generation by an LLM. The image illustrates the process flow of how an LLM generates responses based on user input.

The steps are as follows:

  1. The process starts with a user providing a prompt and query.
  2. The query is sent to search relevant information from various knowledge sources.
  3. Relevant information is retrieved to enhance the context.
  4. The original prompt and query are combined with the enhanced context.
  5. The large language model endpoint generates a text response based on this enhanced input.

Why we need to talk about RAG and LLMs

With the digital era in full swing, staying informed and leveraging current data is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. In state and local government, where decisions and information have significant impacts, having outdated knowledge is akin to navigating without a compass. That’s why understanding RAG and LLMs isn’t just for tech enthusiasts. It’s critical for anyone invested in the future of public service.

Bridging the knowledge gap with LLMs

Imagine if every government employee had an assistant who had read every book, document, and memo in the world. This assistant could draft policies, answer public inquiries, and create reports in seconds. That’s what an LLM can do—it’s a powerhouse of stored knowledge that mimics human understanding to generate responses and documents based on vast data it has been trained on.

RAG: The real-time update system

However, knowledge becomes stale. Policies change, new data emerge, and what was true yesterday may not be accurate today. This is where RAG comes into play. RAG continuously feeds the LLM with fresh, authoritative information, much like giving your GPS a real-time traffic update to find the best route in a constantly changing road network.

The intersection of RAG and LLMs for state and local government services

When these two technologies work together, they create a responsive and informed digital service that can rival even the most efficient bureaucracies. With RAG-enhanced LLMs, government departments can:

  • Provide citizens with answers that reflect the latest laws and data
  • Create policies informed by the most recent research and statistics
  • Ensure public communications are not only articulate but also accurate

Following are a couple of examples of how these technologies are making a real difference. 

Streamlining permit approvals

A local government department has integrated RAG with their existing LLM systems to expedite the processing of building permits. By automatically retrieving and applying the most recent zoning laws and construction standards, they reduced the time it takes to seek information about permit requirements and submittal specifications. Previously, this process took weeks, but with RAG, it now takes less than 15 minutes per inquiry, significantly improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Improving public information services

To better serve their community, a state agency uses an LLM-powered chatbot enhanced with RAG to provide real-time, accurate information on public transportation schedules, public health advisories, and more. This system pulls the latest updates directly from state databases, ensuring that residents receive the most relevant and timely information.


In summary, the introduction of RAG alongside LLMs stands as a pivotal step forward for state and local government departments. These AI technologies promise to refine how governments manage data, interact with citizens, and execute their responsibilities. As we have seen, the implications of integrating RAG with LLMs are profound, offering streamlined workflows, up-to-date information dissemination, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

Looking ahead, the next steps for state and local governments ready to embark on this transformation include:

  • Assessment of current systems – Evaluate your current information management systems to identify areas where RAG and LLMs could make the most significant impact.
  • Pilot projects – Initiate pilot projects to integrate RAG and LLM technologies in a controlled environment to witness their potential and understand the implementation nuances.
  • Training and development – Invest in training for your workforce to become adept at leveraging these AI tools, ensuring a smooth transition into a more tech-empowered mode of operation.
  • Community engagement – Engage with citizens to gather feedback on AI-enhanced services and foster a transparent dialogue about AI’s role in public service.

We encourage state and local government officials to further explore the capabilities of RAG and LLMs and consider how these AI advancements can be applied within their own departments. For more information, resources, and guidance on initiating your journey with these transformative technologies, visit the AWS Public Sector Blog to stay abreast of the latest developments in AI for governance.

With RAG and LLMs, the opportunity to redefine public service is at our doorstep. Embrace these tools to build a future where government operations are not just effective and efficient but also resilient and attuned to the needs of the society they are meant to serve.

Ash Naik

Ash Naik

Ash is a solutions architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Prior to her current role, she worked as a consultant at Accenture and a backend engineer at Cisco. Ash holds master's and bachelor's degrees in computer science, and her passion lies in problem-solving and using technology to create efficient solutions. In her free time, she loves to explore new restaurants and spend time with her dog.