AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Network

Academic medical research

Using artificial intelligence and machine learning to advance medical research

Academic medical centers (AMCs) are under pressure to reduce costs, innovate at scale, and improve operational performance. To do this, they’re turning to the cloud. Two AWS Partner Network (APN) Public Sector Partners used the cloud to create solutions for AMCs that use large datasets to help advance medical research and analyze genomic data. Learn how these two partners are building solutions in the cloud to help AMCs further their mission.

Moving to virtual classrooms: Here’s how EdTechs can help

Over the past few weeks, I have been inspired by the vast community of EdTech companies who have stepped up to transform learning for millions of students around the world. During this unprecedented time of temporary and sustained school closings, virtual classrooms have become a necessity to ensure that teachers and students stay connected, and students continue their education. Whether schools need tools to keep administration offices, educators, and students connected, or need to deploy learning management systems, our EdTech Partners have a number of solutions.


Supporting healthcare with technology in response to COVID-19

Cloud-based technology is supporting healthcare organisations and governments in response to the evolving COVID-19 situation. Healthcare providers and professionals, governments, and patients around the world are facing an unprecedented challenge. Here are some of the ways that these health-focused organisations use cloud-based technology to help improve patient services and outcomes.

student laptop remote learning

AWS expands access to tools that support remote learning and teaching as part of COVID-19 response

As part of our response to COVID-19, AWS is providing tools to support remote learning and teaching. This includes providing customers in the most affected regions with technical support, offerings, and AWS Promotional Credit, which help cover costs while enabling organizations to quickly stand up and scale their infrastructure and tools to meet demand, to help our educational technology providers and educators around the world quickly deploy or extend learning into the home.

GovMatters Industry Insider screengrab

A path to IT modernization with agility and scalability from cloud solutions

How can the cloud help modernize your organization? Members of the AWS Partner Network (APN), customers, and industry experts shared best practices on cloud migration, cloud adoption, and organizational transformation in a recent episode of Government Matters Industry Insider.

Neon sign text "Change"; Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Empowering partners to drive digital transformation: The AWS Partner Transformation Program and eBook

Digital transformation (DX) is shaping the future of business. While it can mean different things to different leaders, DX is about migrating from on-premises and labor-based models to the cloud, then complementing migration with cloud capabilities and agility. But to stop there would miss the full potential of using the cloud to enable DX. To help AWS Partner Network members get started with DX, AWS created the eBook, “The AWS Partner Transformation Program: Setting the Stage to Transformation Your Business.”

ModoLabs Ideathon Winner Check

Food insecurity app built by UC Berkeley students wins national app-building competition

Modo Labs®, an AWS Advanced Technology partner and creator of the no-code app building platform for higher education and enterprises, announced the winner of the 2019 national student Ideathon competition. The winning app, Bear Appétit, tackles food insecurity by facilitating the anonymous donation of meal swipes from those who have swipes to share to those that need them, and connecting those in need to resources such as the food pantry and food assistance programs.

AWS Partner Education Competency screen grab

How artificial intelligence and machine learning can help higher education

The age of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has arrived. Researchers and software providers are launching new solutions using AI and ML to solve business problems and differentiate in their market segments. In higher education, institutions try to stand out by using technology – particularly AI and ML – to improve the daily lives and experiences of students and faculty, managing issues from facility management to student success to fraud detection. Learn how AWS Education Competency Partners are helping with AI & ML.

smart city held up by hand

Smart Cities Challenge to deliver AWS infrastructure to improve public safety

Parsons Corporation, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) Advanced Consulting Partner, announced 10 semi-finalists in the first Parsons Smart Cities Challenge. The competition, titled Transforming Intersections, will award the winning city with a year of support and services to help increase mobility around cities and reduce the amount of time citizens spend at red lights.

Ambulance in front of a hospital

Modernizing 911 to meet the evolving communications needs of constituents

Emergencies and national disasters can strike at any moment. And with the change in how people communicate – from the internet to cell phones and more – emergency response systems need to be modernized to meet the immediate urgent needs of constituents. Amazon Web Services (AWS) supports many disaster recovery architectures, from those built for smaller workloads to enterprise solutions that enable rapid failover at scale. AWS provides a set of cloud-based disaster recovery services that enable fast recovery of your IT infrastructure and data.