AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: cybersecurity

Streamlining the protection of cities, counties, and schools with AWS Marketplace

In September 2022, the State of Arizona Department of Homeland Security (AZDOHS) launched a new program to bolster the cybersecurity of Arizona’s most vulnerable cities, counties, and K12 school districts. The Arizona Statewide Cyber Readiness Grant Program enables local entities to reduce their cyberattack surface by accessing technical assistance and software licenses across five functional areas. The Cyber Grant Task Force selected two software providers from the AWS Marketplace hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Tanium and CrowdStrike to assist cities, counties, and schools with improving their cybersecurity posture.

Announcing customer and guest speakers for Max Peterson’s Leadership Session at re:Invent 2022

At re:Invent 2022, discover how AWS empowers organizations across the public sector in the AWS Public Sector Leadership Session, on Tuesday November 29, from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Dr. Peggy Whitson, astronaut and director of human space flight at Axiom Space, and Matthew C. Fraser, chief technology officer (CTO) of New York City, will join Max Peterson, vice president of worldwide public sector at AWS, on the re:Invent stage. Learn how these pioneers are paving new paths with AWS and discover how you can push boundaries and drive your mission forward for constituents.

5 things to consider while applying to the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)

State and local government organizations are experiencing an increase in cyber incidents that impact and disrupt citizen services. In 2021, US President Joe Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which created the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) to provide funding to eligible entities to address cybersecurity risks and threats to information systems owned or operated by, or on behalf of, state, local, or tribal governments. This blog post guides you through some resources and approaches to consider as organizations strive to meet the SLCGP funding requirements.

How to create a cybersecurity analytics platform with AWS analytics and machine learning

Cybersecurity analytics is a systematic methodology designed to collect, ingest, process, aggregate, and analyze security events. This methodology empowers organizations to proactively perform security investigations, powered by advanced analytics and machine learning (ML), which help mitigate cyber issues more effectively and efficiently at scale. Learn about the core components of a cybersecurity analytics framework and how organizations can use AWS to design a cybersecurity analytics platform with analytics and ML services.

Developing the US cybersecurity workforce with CISA

At Amazon, we believe cybersecurity skills training and workforce development are essential to addressing cybersecurity challenges. Leading into Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Amazon hosted Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), for a roundtable with leaders across higher education, state and local government, and private industry to discuss ways to develop the cybersecurity workforce through skills training, partnerships between government and industry, and creating pathways to cybersecurity careers. Learn more about how Amazon supports cybersecurity training.

Building a serverless web application architecture for the AWS Secure Environment Accelerator (ASEA)

Government departments work hard to meet required security framework controls for cloud services, and obtaining an Authority to Operate (ATO) can sometimes take up to 18 months. To assist with this process, AWS developed the open-source AWS Secure Environment Accelerator (ASEA), a tool designed to help deploy and operate secure multi-account AWS environments. This post describes how government departments can more simply deploy a web application consisting of a single-page application (SPA), backend API, and database within ASEA.

AWS resources to address Apache Log4j vulnerabilities

This post aims to provide a summary of all the currently disclosed Apache Log4j issues as well as important resources that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has released to help our customers and partners limit any risks posed by these issues.

Cloud security design considerations for state and local government

State and local government (SLG) organizations need to reflect and refocus on cyber hygiene and continuous improvement of their security posture. Here are some best practices for SLG chief information security officers (CISOs) and IT professionals to consider in their cloud journey.

Automate security orchestration in AWS Security Hub with Trend Micro Cloud One

As organizations mature in their cybersecurity capabilities, they are looking to try and leverage automation to reduce the operational burden of alerting, detecting, and responding to threats. This blog post walks through how to combine findings from disparate security systems into a single operational view to help analysts identify, respond, and remediate existing threats while maintaining a dynamic response platform that scales with their environment.

Canadian Centre for Cyber Security adds additional AWS services to its assessment of the AWS Canada (Central) Region

The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) added more AWS services to its assessment of the AWS Canada (Central) Region, bringing the total number of assessed AWS services to 120. This provides Canadian public sector customers additional confidence that AWS Cloud services meet the Government of Canada’s security control requirements. Using these services in conjunction with the deployment of the open source AWS Secure Environment Accelerator (ASEA) solution reduces cloud service configuration time from months to days.