AWS Public Sector Blog


woman working on her laptop at home next to phone and notebook

Mission: Providing business continuity for the future of work

Over the past few months, one of the biggest challenges for organizations and employees alike has been the sudden transition to remote work. But we have learned that remote work works when the right technology and leadership come together. Check out some impactful stories that demonstrate how governments have gone above and beyond using the cloud to quickly adapt to this new environment and shift away from the status quo.

AWS Public Sector Summit Online October 20

Announcing the October 20 AWS Public Sector Summit Online keynote and customer speakers

The AWS Public Sector Summit Online is happening October 20, 2020—registration is now open and at no cost. Max Peterson, vice president of international sales of worldwide public sector at AWS, is hosting the opening keynote, featuring inspiring stories from leaders who are serving their missions with AWS. In the keynote, Max will also share insights into emerging trends in the public sector and discuss topics around digital transformation, business continuity, resilience, security, and privacy—as well as training and workforce development. Meet the inspiring leaders featured in the keynote and learn a bit about their stories.

Stockholm at night

Announcing AWS ClearStart for Swedish public sector to accelerate security and regulatory compliance

To help our public sector customers in Sweden accelerate their journey to the cloud, we are launching the AWS ClearStart program. AWS ClearStart helps organizations meet security and regulatory needs through a set of guides, trainings, technology tools, and cloud computing experts to simplify the process of complying with Swedish and EU regulations, including the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (OSL) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as with international information security standards, such as ISO/IEC27001.

AWS Public Sector Summit Online October 20

Register now for the October 20 AWS Public Sector Summit Online

Now more than ever, governments, education institutions, healthcare organizations, and nonprofits globally look to modernize IT to operate more effectively and meet their missions. Cloud technologies are being used to power machine learning and data analytics for quicker insights to advance medicine and science, manage data at scale, and build a resilient workforce and foster a culture of innovation. To help and inspire organizations to use the cloud to accelerate modernization and digital transformation, AWS will hold the AWS Public Sector Summit Online on October 20, 2020.

Healthcare tech

Putting patients at the center of care: Innovative health tech

Innovative healthcare technology puts patients at the center of care. Solutions that let patients stay in control of their care are transforming and defining modern healthcare. Let’s look at three health technology organizations who have built patient-centric, cloud solutions on Amazon Web Services (AWS), paving a new way for healthcare to be delivered.

tube train speeding past in a blur at station at night

Mission: Delivering at speed

From speeding the time to science to accelerating the delivery of critical citizen services, our customers are migrating to the AWS Cloud to successfully deliver on their missions. Our current environment has pushed us all into new ways of learning, working, and even socializing. And the cloud has made these recent changes and innovations possible. These customer examples can offer a playbook and inspiration for how organizations can leverage the cloud to innovate quickly and deliver on behalf of citizens.

Hot AWS EdStart Startups: Virtually supporting marginalized learners using EdTech solutions

Quality, inclusive, and relevant education for all helps break the cycle of poverty and reduce inequalities worldwide. As education continues to shift to an online format, the potential for marginalized learners to fall behind is increasing due to the limited number of resources and tools available to help these students succeed. These four AWS EdStart companies from the United States, Brazil, China, and Europe are dedicated to equipping diverse students with tools that can aid them in their educational journey, no matter where they are learning.

older woman doing telemedicine visit with doctor on laptop

Delivering modern, accessible virtual healthcare solutions with the cloud

Telehealth solutions make virtual, real-time interactions between patient and provider possible. These solutions can be beneficial for both patients and care providers, letting patients receive care without having to step into a doctor’s office—a key feature that has benefits for those in hard-to-reach or rural areas and patients with mobility issues. Additionally, these solutions can help reduce physical traffic in hospitals, which is imperative during the pandemic. Customers around the globe share how building on AWS, helps them scale, innovate, and operate at scale to improve the patient and care provider experience.

Photo by Brandon Griggs on Unsplash

T Digital shares lessons learned about flexibility, agility, and cost savings using AWS

T-Digital, a division of Tshwane University Technology Enterprise Holding (TUTEH) in South Africa, built TRes, a digital platform for students living in student housing and for accommodation providers. TRes connects students with available housing and verified and authorized property owners. It addresses student accommodation needs and helps verified and approved property owners fully allocate their residences, while alleviating administrative burden. With help from AWS Professional Services, T-Digital experienced flexibility, agility, and realized cost savings.