AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: government


Helping the Australian Government innovate securely in the world’s most secure cloud

The rapid acceleration of digital transformation has raised expectations for efficient and effective engagement with service providers. Many expect the same engagement with government agencies as they do from consumer services such as video-on-demand, ecommerce, and online food delivery. In Australia, the government is prioritising delivering services through technology in a fast and secure way. The CSCP was closed in March 2020 and the ISM was updated to remove the requirement to select services from the Certified Cloud Services List (CCSL). However, the discontinuation of the CSCP does not alter Amazon Web Services (AWS) commitment to help Australian Government agencies innovate rapidly and securely.

flag in front of government building

Scaling to share unprecedented volume of election donation data, quickly and cost-effectively

Campaign contributions have grown exponentially in the United States. In 1980, there were around 500,000 contributions made; in 2020 alone, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) expects 500 million contributions. Meanwhile, the evolution of technology has changed the way Americans contribute to political campaigns, making it easier to make many small contributions. To meet unprecedented demand for data transparency, the FEC turned to the cloud.

Digital skills MENA

The global digital skills landscape: Acquiring cloud skills is critical to workforce development

Over the past decade, cloud technology has been the driver of digital transformation, allowing organizations to operate with greater efficiency—and more importantly, innovate at speed. But as institutions of every size and type have discovered, keeping up with the pace of technological change can be difficult. The key hurdle? Skills.

woman about to get her blood drawn

European Convalescent Plasma Collection Platform: Data-driven initiative to fight COVID-19

The European Commission, with three of its Directorates-General (DG) (DG SANTE, DG DIGIT, and DG CONNECT) in collaboration with the European Blood Alliance (EBA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), created the European Union (EU) COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma (CCP) Platform. This database is based on the concept of passive immunization (an approach promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) Blood Regulators Network), which tests the potential of plasma collected from convalescent persons to treat or prevent viruses and diseases such as COVID-19.

laptop next to a pile of paperwork and a pen

Improving customer experience for benefits eligibility and enrollment

State governments are currently experiencing a spike in the number of applications for social benefit programs. These programs serve millions of people every year to support healthcare and to help keep them out of poverty. To address the surge, agencies are looking at cloud-based services including artificial intelligence (AI), conversational bots, and call centers to improve the customer experience as well as workforce productivity, provide more visibility for agency leadership into program performance, and help reduce fraud, waste, and abuse.

US Census online

U.S. Census brings nationwide count to the AWS Cloud

The U.S. Census Bureau has made history by inviting people to participate in its decennial count online for the first time, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). The decennial census is an official count of every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories, and it takes place once every ten years. To help bring the Census online, the Census Bureau moved its website to AWS GovCloud (US).

satellite at night

Capella uses space to bring you closer to Earth

Capella Space, a provider of on-demand Earth observation data via synthetic aperture radar (SAR), is going all-in on AWS. Capella runs its entire IT infrastructure on AWS to automate and scale its operations. AWS Ground Station makes it simple and cost effective for Capella to command and control its constellation and receive its satellite data directly into AWS using a fully managed network of antenna systems located around the world.

Fix This episode 17

Final episode in special series of the Fix This podcast, Mission Critical Cloud: Healthcare

The fifth and final episode of the Mission Critical Cloud Fix This podcast is now live. We spoke with three healthcare customers—University of California San Diego Health (USCD), Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), and MedStar Health—to learn more about how the cloud helps power modern healthcare. You can stream all episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast, iHeartRadio, and via RSS.

CMMC compliance

How to plan for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)

Later this year, the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) accreditation framework will take effect, impacting U.S. DoD contractors, supply chain, solution providers, and systems integrators. The DoD estimates that more than 300,000 organizations will require certification. In addition, other U.S. federal agencies and international organizations may adopt a similar framework to protect their intellectual property (IP). No matter the size of your organization, cloud-based services can help you meet the requirements of CMMC.