AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: upskilling

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance expands to Texas"

AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance expands to Texas

The tech industry in the state of Texas is booming, with a growing demand for skilled workers in cloud, information technology (IT), software development, and data analytics roles. To help meet this demand for talent, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance is expanding into Texas, with support from key collaborators across industry, education and government. The alliance aims to help modernize tech programs of study at higher education institutions, connect learners to in-demand tech jobs, and support the development of a highly-skilled tech workforce in the Lone Star State.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Generative AI for public agencies: 5 best practices for secure implementation"

Generative AI for public agencies: 5 best practices for secure implementation

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing public agencies by streamlining services and providing valuable insights from large datasets. However, adding generative AI to your agency is not a simple process. SMX, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Premier Tier Services Partner, helped one nonprofit agency build a robust architecture in the AWS Cloud that provided them the foundation for building and implementing generative AI tools. In this guest post, experts from SMX explain five best practices they used to help this agency prepare for generative AI.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "AWS Canada launches $5 million K12 Cyber Grant Program"

AWS Canada launches $5 million K12 Cyber Grant Program

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of the K12 Cyber Grant Program across Canada. To help public schools across Canada implement cloud-based cybersecurity solutions, AWS is investing $5 million CAD in AWS promotional credits to new and existing AWS customers. This program will allow school boards to improve their security posture and advance their ransomware protection. AWS has been architected to be the most flexible and secure cloud computing environment available today and our cloud infrastructure is secure by design and secure by default.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Brazil, Colombia join the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance to tackle talent gap"

Brazil, Colombia join the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance to tackle talent gap

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the demand for skilled tech professionals continues to outpace the supply. This talent gap poses significant challenges for businesses across Latin America, with almost half of tech vacancies remaining unfilled due to a lack of qualified candidates. Addressing this challenge, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has expanded the Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance to Brazil and Colombia. This initiative aims to foster collaboration among employers, academic institutions, and governments, ensuring that academic curricula aligns with real-world demands of businesses.

AWS branded background graphic with text overlay that says "New AWS survey reinforces need to accelerate AI fluency in healthcare"

New AWS survey reinforces need to accelerate AI fluency in healthcare

Access Partnership recently conducted a study commissioned by Amazon Web Services (AWS) on artificial intelligence (AI) skills across various industries globally. The results underscored the need to address low rates of AI fluency among healthcare leaders and employees, and this blog post provides a summary and analysis of the study’s key findings.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "AWS Tech Alliance introduced in India to bolster cloud talent pool"

AWS Tech Alliance introduced in India to bolster cloud talent pool

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is launching the Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance (Tech Alliance) in India to boost career readiness for learners entering the workforce and bridge the tech talent needs of the country’s employers. The new initiative will help align programs of study with in-demand, entry-level cloud roles in India, with the initial focus to prepare learners for roles such as cloud engineer, cloud administrator, and DevOps engineer.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "A tech pipeline for rural communities: West Virginia joins AWS Tech Alliance"

A tech pipeline for rural communities: West Virginia joins AWS Tech Alliance

Last year, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance to improve the employment gap by increasing tech skills globally. To kick off 2024, we are excited to announce West Virginia as the fourth state in the US to join the Tech Alliance, and the first to focus specifically on developing a tech pipeline to rural communities. Read this blog post to learn more about the Tech Alliance and its expansion to West Virginia.

AWS branded background with tex overlay that says "AWS Tech Alliance expands to Germany, Italy and Singapore"

AWS Tech Alliance expands to Germany, Italy and Singapore

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance expansion into three new countries carries the same mission of aligning education providers, employers, government agencies, and business conveners to grow tech skills in a specific geography. These new Tech Alliances in Germany, Italy, and Singapore will directly connect more than 3,500 learners to cloud employers throughout the 2023-2024 academic year. Read this blog post to learn more about this expansion.

4 steps to launching a successful data literacy program for public sector employees

Public sector agencies today require digital skills to deliver the functions citizens expect, and the innovations necessary to speed up processes and address gaps and inequity. However, digital transformation can only be achieved when workers have the data literacy skills to read, interpret, communicate, and reason with this data. Coursera, an AWS Training Partner, hosts their global online learning platform in AWS Cloud. Coursera has created a four-step framework for successfully building and managing a data literacy program. Learn how your organization can adopt this framework to empower your workforce to harness data more effectively.

AWS Industry Quest: Healthcare screenshot

New immersive cloud training to advance public sector healthcare and beyond

The AWS public sector and AWS Training and Certification (T&C) teams worked with customers and partners across Latin America, Canada, and Caribbean (LCC) region to develop and test the recently launched AWS Industry Quest: Healthcare, an interactive learning experience that teaches how to build cloud solutions that can benefit healthcare customers globally.