AWS Storage Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Mount Amazon EFS file systems cross-account from Amazon EKS

Many customers use multiple AWS accounts managed by AWS Organizations to create security and cost boundaries around business units, projects, or applications. AWS Organizations helps you centrally manage and govern your environment as you grow and scale your AWS resources. In some cases, an application in one AWS account must access data in another. As […]

Amazon S3 Object Lambda

Automate the configuration of Amazon S3 Object Lambda to process data as its retrieved

Customers often have multiple applications consuming information from a single dataset stored in Amazon S3, but each application requires different variations to meet their specific needs. For example, one application may require that data be in a redacted CSV format, while another application requires unredacted information. As another example, a stock image website may require […]

Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Automate S3 Lifecycle rules at scale to transition data to S3 Intelligent-Tiering

The vast majority of data customers store on Amazon S3 has unknown or changing access patterns, such as data lakes, analytics, and new applications. With these use cases, a dataset can become infrequently and even rarely accessed at specific points in time. The problem is that customers don’t know how data access patterns will change […]

Automate file retrieval from S3 Glacier when using FSx for Lustre

Customers are running modern high performance computing (HPC) workloads on AWS to process large datasets cost-effectively and optimize performance. These workloads typically rely on a high-performance file system to provide low latency and high throughput access to the data. A performant file system is important so that the file storage can keep up with the […]


Tracking CloudEndure Disaster Recovery resources with AWS Cost Explorer and cost allocation tags

CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is a block level replication tool that uses Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, and EBS Snapshot resources to create a safe and secure disaster recovery solution for customers. The CloudEndure Disaster Recovery console is purpose built to focus on disaster recovery, but does not provide visibility into underlying infrastructure costs. This means that […]


Enabling multiprotocol workloads with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

In an enterprise environment, it is common that both Linux and Windows workloads require access to the same data. For example, electronic design automation (EDA) and media and entertainment workloads often involve Windows users accessing data produced by Linux compute instances. Concurrent access to this data requires multiprotocol access: NFS for Linux workloads and SMB […]

Amazon S3 Object Lambda

Managing access to your Amazon S3 objects with a custom authorizer

Data protection is critical for most customers seeking to safeguard information, maintain compliance, secure applications, and more. Protecting data can become challenging when different entities or personas need different levels of access to data. In Amazon S3, access control can be managed with tools like AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, bucket policies, access […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Manage backup and restore of Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) with AWS Backup

On November 8, 2021, AWS Backup announced support for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) clusters, adding to the supported AWS services across compute, storage, and database. Many customers, especially in regulated industries, require centralized management of their data protection and compliance across different AWS services. With this launch, you can centrally manage and govern the […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Simplify auditing your data protection policies with AWS Backup Audit Manager

Have you had to prove to an auditor that you are protecting and retaining data adequately to meet regulatory or organizational requirements?  The audit process can be resource intense. To meet an auditor’s criteria, the burden of proof is on you to show that you had proper controls in place to protect and retain your […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Centralizing data protection and compliance for Amazon Neptune with AWS Backup

Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, fully managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets. Amazon Neptune has native support for backing up and restoring Neptune DB clusters and customers currently using those methods can continue to do so. However, many customers, especially those […]