AWS Storage Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Reduce storage costs with fewer noncurrent versions using Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Keeping multiple copies and versions of data is a tried-and-true security and data protection protocol. In the event that one version is harmed or corrupted, another is ready as a backup. While increased security with multiple versions and copies is a plus, the added storage costs of (purposefully) redundant data must be carefully considered. It […]

Amazon EBS

Addressing I/O latency when restoring Amazon EBS volumes from EBS Snapshots

From a storage volume perspective, latency is the time elapsed between sending an I/O request to a volume and receiving an acknowledgement from the volume that the I/O read or write is complete. Latency is a key measurement for applications which are sensitive to the round trip time (RTT) of I/O operation. An example of […]


Automating CloudEndure Disaster Recovery blueprint changes for testing and recovery

Non-disruptive testing of a disaster recovery (DR) solution is critical to ensuring frequent and effective validation of that solution. This can be difficult with traditional DR solutions, which can lead to a lack of testing and even a failed recovery during a disaster. To perform non-disruptive testing of DR solutions, companies need a scalable way […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

How to move and store your genomics sequencing data with AWS DataSync

Genomics data is expanding at a rate exceeding Moore’s law according to the National Human Genome Research Institute. As more sequencing data is produced and researchers move from genotyping to whole genome sequencing, the amount of data produced is outpacing on-premises capacity. Organizations need cloud solutions that help manage data movement, storage, and analysis. The […]

S3 cost optimization

Optimize storage costs by analyzing API operations on Amazon S3

The demand for data storage has increased with the advent of a fast-paced data environment – creating, sharing, and replicating data at a large scale. Most organizations are looking for the optimal way to store their data cost-effectively, giving them everything they need from their data but without breaking the bank. Cloud storage provides flexible […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Recovering network file shares with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery and AWS DataSync

Data is one of the most valuable assets that a business owns. Protecting that data from disasters, such as system or infrastructure failures, is an important part of business continuity planning. Companies have diverse IT infrastructures in which data can be presented from multiple sources. This includes on-premises network-attached storage devices via different file-sharing protocols, […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automate and improve your security posture using AWS Backup and AWS PrivateLink

Enterprises set up their AWS environment preconfigured in-line with organizational security policies, compliance, and detective and preventive controls codified right from the beginning. Furthermore, enterprises want to access cloud-native services in a manner similar to how they have been consuming services in the past, from within their own secured networking environment according to their security […]

S3 Security

How Simon Data reduced encryption costs by using Amazon S3 Bucket Keys on existing objects

As more organizations look to operate faster and at scale, they need ways to meet critical compliance requirements and improve data security. Encryption is a critical component of a defense in depth strategy, and when used correctly, can provide an additional layer of protection above basic access control. However, workloads that access millions or billions […]

Amazon EFS serverless featured image

Analytical processing of millions of cell images using Amazon EFS and Amazon S3

Analytical workloads such as batch processing, high performance computing, or machine learning inference often have high IOPS and low latency requirements but operate at irregular intervals on subsets of large datasets. Typically, data is manually copied between storage tiers in preparation of processing, which can be cumbersome and error-prone. Given this, IT teams want to […]

Synchronize your Oracle databases quickly and easily with Amazon FSx for OpenZFS

Update 4/8/2024: You can find a more recent version of this solution in the blog “Accelerate development refresh cycles and optimize cost with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP.” That post presents an alternative solution to the same use case found in this post, but using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. This post, which uses Amazon […]