AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Backup

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

5 ways to simplify backup plans using AWS Backup resource assignment rules

Prior to the announcement of new resource assignment capabilities in AWS Backup, customers could assign resources to a backup plan in two ways. They could either select a specific resource using its resource ID or define a specific selection tag, which helps the service identify resources to be backed up by the backup plan. While […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automate and centrally manage data protection for Amazon S3 with AWS Backup

Customers globally, especially in regulated industries, require centralized protection and demonstrable compliance for their application data. Centralized data protection and enhanced visibility across backup operations can reduce the risks of costly disasters and accidents, improve business continuity, and simplify the auditing process. With AWS Backup for Amazon S3 now being generally available, you can centralize […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Manage backup and restore of Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) with AWS Backup

On November 8, 2021, AWS Backup announced support for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) clusters, adding to the supported AWS services across compute, storage, and database. Many customers, especially in regulated industries, require centralized management of their data protection and compliance across different AWS services. With this launch, you can centrally manage and govern the […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Simplify auditing your data protection policies with AWS Backup Audit Manager

Have you had to prove to an auditor that you are protecting and retaining data adequately to meet regulatory or organizational requirements?  The audit process can be resource intense. To meet an auditor’s criteria, the burden of proof is on you to show that you had proper controls in place to protect and retain your […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Centralizing data protection and compliance for Amazon Neptune with AWS Backup

Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, fully managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets. Amazon Neptune has native support for backing up and restoring Neptune DB clusters and customers currently using those methods can continue to do so. However, many customers, especially those […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Obtain aggregated daily cross-account multi-Region AWS Backup reporting

UPDATE (2/3/2022): Source code extended to support AWS Backup for Amazon S3. UPDATE (6/24/2022): Source code updated to support tag extraction to support cost allocation reporting. Customers treat data as an asset and look to protect their data assets through data protection mechanisms. Customers value the seamless ability to report and act on data protection […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Enhance the security posture of your backups with AWS Backup Vault Lock

When dealing with backups, data managers frequently ask, “how do I prevent my backups from being accidentally or maliciously deleted?” or “what can I do to enhance protection against ransomware?” In highly regulated industries, WORM* (write-once-read-many) compliance is required for backups and archives. WORM compliance means immutability and an immutable backup helps in the recovery […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

How to retain resource tags in AWS Backup restore jobs

UPDATE (2/3/2022): Source code extended to support AWS Backup for Amazon S3. UPDATE (6/24/2022): Source code updated to read tags from recovery points inline with changes to AWS Backup boto3 APIs. Update (2/23/2023): Fixed bug in source code related to support for Amazon S3 backup restores. AWS customers use tags to track ownership of resources, […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Managing access to backups using service control policies with AWS Backup

Effective and reliable ways of securing data are important to any organization, and every business must address the protection of valuable information. When thinking about security in the cloud, an important consideration is reducing the surface area of negative impacts using a strategic data protection plan. Your data protection plan should mitigate the risk of […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automate centralized backup at scale across AWS services using AWS Backup

UPDATE 11/11/2021: Updated to improve the user experience in the walkthrough steps. Reliable and consistent backup of cloud data is important to have a secure data archive and restore in the event of data loss. Traditionally, backup administrators used manual backup procedures that were difficult to scale and lowered productivity, with data distributed across multiple […]