AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Cloud Storage

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Preserving last-modified timestamps when restoring Amazon S3 objects with AWS Backup

Customers operating in highly regulated industries are usually subject to rules mandating that data integrity be maintained and available throughout its entire lifetime. To meet integrity requirements, data must be restorable along with any associated audit trail and metadata information, such as object creation dates, last modified timestamps, and tags. When restoring backups of Amazon […]

Amazon S3 Object Lambda

How Audible uses Amazon S3 Object Lambda to improve streaming playback performance

Audible is a leading creator and provider of premium audio storytelling that offers its customers a new way to enhance and enrich their lives daily. Audible content includes over 790,000 audiobooks, podcasts, and Audible Originals. Audible has millions of members worldwide, who subscribe to one of 10 localized services designed for customers in Australia, Canada, France, […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Increase your recovery point agility with custom snapshot policies on Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Data has become a vital asset for individuals and businesses alike. As data continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, it becomes increasingly important for organizations to have robust data management solutions in place that address specific data protection and recovery requirements. When making decisions on how to achieve their recovery point SLAs, customers evaluate […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Implementing HA and DR for SQL Server Always-On Failover Cluster Instance using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

One of the most difficult challenges organizations face today is ensuring data availability and accessibility across their locations. Maintaining high availability and accessibility for SQL Server databases across different AWS Regions is a top data protection requirement for enterprises considering moving to the cloud. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP offers a quick way to fail […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

Migrating Azure Blob Storage to Amazon S3 using AWS DataSync

UPDATE (7/25/2023): AWS DataSync now supports copying data to and from Azure Blob Storage, view the what’s new post and view our video for more information. UPDATE (3/26/2024): When deploying the AWS DataSync agent, this repository contains a script designed to convert the DataSync Agent VHDX to VHD on Amazon Linux 2 (AL2), and upload […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Using Quality of Service in Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

When building file systems in the cloud, one major advantage is that administrators are no longer constrained by the traditional large storage controller. This makes the entry point much lower, which means that they can provision individual file systems for each workload. However, customers may occasionally have to combine workloads into a central file system. […]

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Retrieving previous versions of S3 bucket policies

When dealing with applications or storage, it is often helpful to log previous policy configurations and have the ability to retrieve them. This can help you managed and troubleshoot configuration changes and comply with security regulations. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket policies are resource-based policies that you can use to grant access permissions […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Building a disaster recovery site on AWS for workloads on Microsoft Azure

Some enterprises run their IT operations using a multi-cloud environment, often for compliance, cost, or redundancy reasons. At times, these enterprises may be required to host a copy of their data, or even a full disaster recovery (DR) solution, on another cloud provider to provide an additional layer of protection. In this post, we show […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

How to restore archived Amazon EC2 backup recovery points from the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

This is the second post in a two-part series. In part one, we described a process to automatically archive Amazon EC2 backup recovery points from AWS Backup to an Amazon S3 bucket in one of the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes. In this post, we describe the process to restore an archived EC2 backup recovery point from […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

How to archive Amazon EC2 backup recovery points to Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

Centralizing and automating data protection helps you support your business continuity and regulatory compliance goals. Centralized data protection and enhanced visibility across backup operations can reduce the risks of disasters, improve business continuity, and simplify the auditing process. Many organizations have requirements to retain backups of their compute instances for a certain time based on […]