AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Cloud Storage

S3 cost optimization

Reducing AWS Key Management Service costs by up to 99% with Amazon S3 Bucket Keys

Customers across many industries face increasingly stringent audit and compliance requirements on data security and privacy. Certain compliance frameworks, such as FISMA, FEDRAMP, PCI DSS, and SOC 2, have specific regulatory standards for validating the security of systems. A common requirement for these compliance frameworks is more rigorous encryption standards for data-at-rest, where organizations must […]

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Extending Java applications to directly access files in Amazon S3 without recompiling

The Java programming language has been among the most used languages in software development for many years, and a vast number of Java applications exist today. Almost all applications interact with files in some way, yet most of these have been written to interact with a file system based on block storage and cannot directly […]

Best practices for monitoring Amazon FSx for Lustre clients and file systems

Lustre is a high-performance parallel file system commonly used in workloads requiring throughput up to hundreds of GB/s and sub-millisecond per-operation latencies, such as machine learning (ML), high performance computing (HPC), video processing, and financial modelling. Amazon FSx for Lustre provides fully managed shared storage with the scalability and performance of the popular Lustre file […]

AWS Snow Family Featured Image

Understanding Direct Network Interfaces on AWS Snow Family

To leverage the benefits of modern software development and automation, the telecommunications industry (telco) commonly employs containerized network functions (NF). The containerized environment demands certain requirements from the underlying infrastructure as opposed to a legacy monolithic IT workload. For example, a single network interface is reused for multiple workflows: network operations and maintenance (O&M) traffic, […]

Performance analysis for different Amazon EFS throughput modes via Amazon CloudWatch

When I talk with customers about their file storage, I frequently get asked “How can I determine the right throughput capacity for my file storage?” The simple answer is through monitoring the performance of your workload to determine the right performance configuration for your file storage. Throughput modes for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) determine […]

Seamlessly map file shares for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server with AWS Auto Scaling

When managing a fleet of Windows instances, you often need a central repository for files that can be accessed from multiple locations. Having an automatically mapped Server Message Block (SMB) file share when your end-users connect to the domain-joined instances automates the repetitive and time-consuming task of mapping file shares manually to hundreds of new […]

S3 Security

Enforcing encryption in transit with TLS1.2 or higher with Amazon S3

Update April 8, 2024: As of February 27th, 2024, all AWS service API endpoints (including for Amazon S3) now require a minimum of TLS version 1.2. Therefore, the S3 bucket and S3 Access Point policy examples in this post that enforce minimum of TLS version 1.2 are no longer necessary as this is the default […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Accelerate development refresh cycles and optimize cost with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP cloning

Organizations perform refreshes of database environments to ensure they can perform development, testing, and QA on copies of the most up-to-date, production-like datasets. In addition, IT teams are tasked with managing increasing data footprints, while maintaining the highest levels of availability, resiliency, and performance. Many customer development cycles maintain DTAP (Development, Test, Acceptance, and Production) […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Create a cross-platform distributed file system with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Due to need to control costs in the face of exponential data growth, doing more with existing on-premise resources while minimizing their growth has become ever more important. Most organizations would like to enjoy the benefits of the cloud while leveraging their existing on-premise file assets to create a highly resilient hybrid enterprise file share. […]

Maximizing price performance for big data workloads using Amazon EBS

Since the emergence of big data over a decade ago, Hadoop ­– an open-source framework that is used to efficiently store and process large datasets – has been crucial in storing, analyzing, and reducing that data to provide value for enterprises. Hadoop lets you store structured, partially structured, or unstructured data of any kind across […]