AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

New Modernization Category for AWS Migration and Modernization Services Competency Partners

By Erico Penna, Principal Migration and Modernization PSA – AWS
By Giovanni Gravesande, Migration and Modernization PSA – AWS
By Pragnesh Shah and Yogesh Bhatia, Senior Migration and Modernization PSA – AWS
By Zoe Baur, Principal Migration and Modernization PM – AWS

Application modernization is a key migration strategy for businesses. Helping customers modernize their applications—either before or after migrating to Amazon Web Services (AWS)—delivers higher agility and cost savings than migration alone. Combining migration and modernization maximizes cloud benefits for customers, but effective modernization requires expertise in advanced application development, data architecture, security, and integration.

To better support AWS Partners helping customers navigate complex transformation journeys, we recently enhanced the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP), introducing new Strategic Partner Incentives for modernization opportunities. Now, we’re excited to introduce a new modernization category for Services Partners in the AWS Migration and Modernization Competency (previously AWS Migration Competency).

In 2021, we expanded the competency to include validated modernization software partners, recognizing the importance of modernization in maximizing cloud benefits. With distinct migration and modernization services categories, the AWS Migration and Modernization Competency helps partners differentiate their expertise, making it easier for customers to find validated software and services solutions for every phase of their cloud journey—from initial migration to ongoing modernization. Additionally, we updated technical requirements to streamline the process of collecting and submitting case study materials for partners.

Updates to AWS Migration and Modernization Competency categories

The updated AWS Migration and Modernization Competency categories help customers identify partners with demonstrated expertise in migration, modernization, or both.

Migration Services

AWS Partners in this category have deep expertise in rehost, relocate, or like-to-like replatform migration patterns designed to move multiple systems swiftly to AWS. These patterns are intended for rapid or large-scale data center exits with minimal architectural changes, enabling quicker realization of cloud benefits.

New! Modernization Services

These AWS Partners have deep expertise in replatform or refactor (rearchitect) patterns, where significant changes to the application architecture or underlying platform are implemented. Modernization involves transforming legacy applications and infrastructure to leverage cloud-native services, while preparing customers to operate these workloads using modern DevOps principles.

Customers: Work with an AWS Migration and Modernization Partner

AWS Migration and Modernization Competency Partners offer expert guidance for businesses transitioning to AWS from on-premises or other cloud environments. These partners use a proven migration and modernization framework, advanced automation, and specialized tools to manage complex projects. Their structured approach aligns to the AWS methodology (Assess, Mobilize, Migrate & Modernize)—ensuring successful transformations.

Explore the AWS Migration and Modernization Competency Partners page to learn more.

Partners: Become an AWS Migration and Modernization Competency Partner

AWS Partners with Migration and Modernization solutions can learn more about becoming an AWS Competency Partner.

In addition to AWS Specialization Program benefits, AWS Migration and Modernization Competency Partners receive access to MAP funding.

AWS Partners looking to get their Migration and Modernization solution validated through the AWS Competency Program must be enrolled in the Services Path and AWS Advanced or Premier Tier prior to applying. For requirements and eligibility criteria for each category, review the the AWS Migration and Modernization Competency Validation Checklist (VCL) in AWS Partner Central (login required).

To apply, review the Program Guide and access the application in Partner Central.