AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog


Elastio Integrates with AWS Backup for Secure Backups to Enhance Ransomware Defense

Elastio’s integration between its Cyber Recovery as a Service (CRaaS) platform and AWS Backup is run from within the customer’s AWS account, and Elastio does not have access to view or take custody of customer data, nor does it have access to encryption keys. AWS customers control all policy details, including which account(s) to run it in, what assets to scan, and whether to automatically scan or do so on a point-in-time basis.

Act Now or Lag Behind: Why SaaS Leaders Can’t Afford to Overlook PLG on AWS

The AWS SaaS Factory team has supported many AWS Partners in implementing Partner-Led Growth (PLG) tactics as part of their efforts to reduce customer acquisition cost, widen their funnel, and expand globally. If you’re thinking your SaaS business is not growing fast enough, PLG may be the key to unlock your product’s potential. Everyone from boards, investors, founders, C-suite executives, and even individual team members can benefit from understanding this game-changing strategy.

How MHP SOUNCE Enhances Shopfloor Quality Control by Analyzing Acoustic Anomalies

Learn how MHP built an artificial intelligence-supported acoustic testing solution named MHP SOUNCE, which can be deployed on any manufacturing line or shopfloor-like environment to address the aforementioned challenges. Leveraging the capabilities of AWS, MHP SOUNCE is able to carry out noise-based quality testing operations in a reliable, scalable fashion, while at the same time being completely modular and cost-efficient.


Achieving Compliance with Healthcare Regulations Using safeINIT’s HIPAA-Compliant Environment

Healthcare organizations must take strict measures to protect patient data, including using secure infrastructure to host applications. It’s important to remember that compliance is not just about avoiding penalties—it’s about keeping patients’ personal health information safe. Learn how a new infrastructure-as-code HIPAA-compliant environment from safeINIT is designed specifically to protect sensitive data for healthcare applications on AWS.

Say Hello

Say Hello to 176 AWS Competency, Service Delivery, Service Ready, and MSP Partners Added or Renewed in May

We are excited to highlight 176 AWS Partners that received new or renewed designations in May for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), AWS Service Delivery, and AWS Service Ready programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top AWS Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. AWS Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.


Using Computer Vision to Enable Digital Building Twins with NavVis and AWS

Managing existing brownfield buildings is a challenging task because teams usually lack accurate ground truth data. Object detection algorithms are a key technology to automate and scale the creation of a digital building twin, providing a solution to this challenge. For detecting objects in indoor environments with machine learning, learn how NavVis and AWS collaborated to build a digital building twin for a large industry customer.


Building Multi-Edge Data Architectures on AWS Wavelength and MongoDB

With the advent of high-speed 5G networks, enterprises have sought to deliver low-latency experiences across industrial Internet of Things IoT (IIoT), media and entertainment, automotive, and beyond. At the core of these low latency experiences is data. This post builds on an earlier demonstration of MongoDB Realm on AWS Wavelength by amplifying the existing architecture with new features, and shows how to use the AWS Load Balancer Controller to deploy an Application Load Balancer in front of the database.


5 Stages to Building a Successful Partner Practice with AWS

Over the years working with AWS Partners, we have learned that having a focused AWS practice helps partners be more successful in supporting our evolving mutual customer base. Learn how a dedicated AWS practice can be essential in getting the most out of your AWS Partner Network (APN) involvement, especially if your organization is on the Services Path. We’ll describe the five stages of a successful partner practice and offer insights into how to optimize your APN resources and benefits.


Automate SAML 2.0 Federation for AWS Organizations Using Azure Active Directory

Many enterprises want to streamline identity management by introducing a single identity provider for their multi-cloud approach. In this post, we’ll cover the integration of single sign-on with Azure Active Directory in the context of AWS Control Tower. Learn how Devoteam A Cloud recently led a migration project where it presented a client with two options for integrating SAML 2.0 federation into their AWS Organization using Azure AD.


Protecting Sensitive Data with Collibra Protect and AWS Lake Formation    

Ensuring the security and proper management of sensitive information is paramount, and Collibra Protect and AWS Lake Formation offer a powerful combination to address the growing challenges of enterprise data access governance. Learn how Collibra Protect, part of the Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud, protects sensitive data and makes it available to specified groups of users. AWS Lake Formation is a fully managed serverless service that allows you to build clean and secure data lakes in days.