AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon EKS


Breaking Down High Performance Computing Barriers with Amazon FSx for Lustre

Popular in the HPC community and a range of industry verticals, Lustre is a powerful, open source, Linux-compatible, parallel file system. Amazon FSx for Lustre is a fully managed, scalable shared storage solution to power your compute workloads. Six Nines is deeply familiar with HPC storage pain points, and has helped customers address this very issue over the past five years. Dive deep with Six Nines’ FSx for Lustre experience, particularly the high availability, performance, and integration features of its latest releases.


CloudZero Simplifies Kubernetes Cost Tracking with Support of AWS SaaS Factory

With the support of AWS SaaS Factory, CloudZero launched a new capability for companies with investments in containerized workloads orchestrated with Kubernetes in the AWS environment. With this new capability, software providers can understand the exact container costs breakdown and how they roll up to products, features, and teams along with their other AWS services. Hear from Tim Buntel, Chief Product Officer at CloudZero, who shares some insights about their recent launch.


Simplify and Protect Your AWS Outposts Deployment and Accelerate Access to Insights with AWS Partner Solutions

As customers adopt AWS Outposts, they need the right solutions to help deploy, monitor, secure, and integrate their Outposts-based workloads. The new AWS Outposts Ready Program makes it easy for customers to find integrated storage, networking, security, and industry-specific solutions that have been validated by AWS and tested on Outposts. This enables customers to easily identify solutions that will integrate with their Outposts deployments.


Deploying DevSecOps on Amazon EKS with Aqua Security – Part 2

Aqua Security was built to redefine security and help you address the security skills gap in a rapidly evolving cloud-native landscape, automating security controls at the speed of DevOps. Unlike traditional security, cloud-native security cannot adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. It has to be seamlessly integrated with the existing processes, organizational culture as well as the technology. Learn how to implement a DevSecOps pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and Aqua Platform.


Automating Containerization at Scale with AWS App2Container

AWS App2Container (A2C) is an enabler for containerizing and migrating legacy applications to AWS quickly. Its value-add is specifically seen for use cases where the legacy system in question is large with heterogeneous applications, where A2C helps to bring a commonality to the migration approach, tools, and the target state architecture. With A2C, customers can quickly containerize their legacy applications and migrate to AWS with minimal remediation and at scale.


Modernize Your CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins X with Amazon EKS

At a time when software delivery speed matters more than ever, teams need a toolchain that allows them to build and deploy rapidly while realizing the cost savings of open source technologies. CloudBees is a provider of Jenkins-based CI/CD solutions (Jenkins X) that meet the security, scalability, and manageability needs of on-premises and cloud environments. Learn how to combine Amazon EKS with Jenkins X to establish a Kubernetes-native CI/CD process.


Getting Started with Bottlerocket and Certified AWS Partners

Bottlerocket is an open source Linux-based OS purpose-built for hosting containers, and APN Partners and AWS customers can quickly get up and running with Bottlerocket. Our goal is to continue to enhance the capabilities of our APN Partners by working together to incorporate it within their offerings and services, so that our mutual customers benefit from the reduced footprint, improved security, performance, and automation capabilities of the OS.

Secure and Flexible Self-Service Analytics with Cloudera Data Warehouse and Amazon EKS

The demands of modern data warehousing spans analysis across all data—those that originate from traditional backend business systems to those that come from sensors at the edge. Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) delivers powerful self-service analytics across hybrid and multi-cloud environments, along with sophisticated and granular security and governance policies that IT and data leaders demand.


Deploying DevSecOps on Amazon EKS with Aqua Security — Part 1

Customers running their microservices-based applications on Amazon EKS come to Aqua Security looking for guidance about architecting end-to-end CI/CD pipelines using DevSecOps principles. Sometimes called security as code, DevSecOps integrates security best practices into a DevOps pipeline instead of bolting them on at the end. Aqua Security has formulated a security portfolio that provides coverage throughout the application development lifecycle while also securing the underlying infrastructure.


Managing Multi-Tenancy in Digital Banking with AWS Control Tower

Cost conscious credit unions looking to provide digital banking services need logical isolation from other tenants. Larger credit unions, on the other hand, require physical as well as logical isolation from other tenants. Persistent Systems Digital Credit Union Solution helps a credit union go live in a short time frame with digital banking offerings such as digital loans or digital deposits. The solution uses fine-grained microservices, deployed on Amazon EKS and provided as secure API’s using Amazon API Gateway.