AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon EKS


How Financial Institutions Can Innovate Faster with Virtusa’s Open Innovation Platform on AWS

Financial institutions need to keep up with fast-changing market conditions while increasing digital adoption. To provide an end-to-end digital experience to customers, they need capabilities to rapidly validate ideas and conduct experiments or PoCs with an ability to iterate quickly towards the final solution. Virtusa’s Open Innovation Platform (OIP) is hosted on AWS and helps banks and financial services firms to achieve these goals quickly, efficiently, and at low cost.


MariaDB Collaborates with AWS to Deliver SkySQL on AWS

MariaDB offers a single unified analytical and transactional cloud database that can auto scale without the costly tradeoffs. SkySQL is a database as a service (DBaaS) solution on AWS that makes it easy for customers to start using MariaDB Enterprise in the cloud. It eliminates the need to pre-provision expensive hardware for testing, which often sits idle. In this post, the AWS SaaS Factory team speaks with Alexey Vorovich, VP of Engineering for SkySQL at MariaDB, about the recent SkySQL launch.


Automating ForgeRock Deployment Using Containerization with Amazon EKS

ForgeRock is a modern digital IAM platform that empowers customers and the workforce management for enterprises, providing engaging and secure user experiences. The ForgeRock Identity Platform is a full-suite identity solution that works across a wide range of industries. The AI-driven platform helps organizations improve and scale all things identity, governance, and access management. Learn about the rapid deployment process of a production-ready ForgeRock Identity Platform based on Amazon EKS.


890 by Capgemini with AWS: Powering Business Decisions Through an Intelligent Data and Analytics Engine

A data-powered culture means overcoming difficult challenges such as using analytics solutions to reduce the complexity of stand-alone data. The 890 by Capgemini solution is a plug-and-play AI and analytics product hosted on AWS. As an activator of data analytics, it informs you so that you can speed up decision-making, flex and grow at scale, increase efficiency, automate processes, and make products and services that will truly connect with your customers.


Improving Productivity with Real-Time Insights from the Atos Digital Twin Platform for Shop Floor

Customers across industries are looking to optimize business KPIs and outcomes throughout the product lifecycle. Enterprises can achieve this goal by using real-time insights from industrial assets provided by their digital twins, a unique data-driven approach has evolved to become a critical tool for accelerating enterprise digital transformation. Learn about the Atos Digital Twin Platform, its delivery methodology, the industry challenges it addresses, and the underlying reference architecture powered by AWS.


Improve Development Velocity and Reduce Troubleshooting Time By Up to 70% Using Epsagon

Companies like Personal AI look for a cloud provider and tools to help them build resilient applications that can scale seamlessly. With a combination of AWS and Epsagon, Personal AI found the right solution to address their technical and business needs. Personal AI is a startup focused on safekeeping thoughts and memories that are worth recalling. Amazon EKS is Personal AI’s platform of choice so they can leverage the power of Kubernetes to set up infrastructure per user base and have namespace separation to isolate the data.


Enabling Data Trust with Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud on AWS

Data in any format is valuable as long as you know how to use it effectively, but such data monetization is only possible if you also trust your data. In today’s fast-paced world, where data is rapidly produced, stored, and consumed, many organizations struggle to organize, find, and utilize their data skillfully and successfully. Collibra’s data lineage, access control, and data cataloging capabilities powered by AWS are a valuable asset in terms of analyst productivity for data discovery and research.


Debugging Distributed Workloads on AWS Fargate in a Fast and Secure Way with Thundra Sidekick

The robustness and ultimate scalability of AWS has made it possible to build a reliable and fast architecture. Application teams are looking for ways of understanding, isolating, and resolving problems faster without causing a negative impact on end users. In this post, we’ll discuss several approaches to debugging remote applications on AWS Fargate and suggest a solution developed by Thundra that handles the downsides of existing approaches.


How Aviatrix Provides Deep Visibility, Troubleshooting, and Monitoring for Your AWS Network

Aviatrix can augment cloud-native functionality with enterprise-grade visibility, troubleshooting, and monitoring tools. Learn about the Aviatrix Cloud Network Platform and dig into the advanced capabilities that make day-2 operations a breeze. The Aviatrix Cloud Network Platform consists of a centralized controller that is multi-cloud aware and intelligent cloud routers called gateways. By bringing a data plane into AWS, you get more control over traffic and can introduce intelligent routing.


Automation-Driven Atos Cloud Migration Factory for Accelerated Containerization

Containerization has emerged as one of the most popular choices for application deployment. Some apps can be easily moved to managed container platforms, but they require changes before they are ready for containerization. The Atos cloud factory migration approach helps customers adopt modernization along with migration rather than do it in a two-step process which starts with lift and shift and ends with modernization. Atos is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner with the Migration Competency.