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Tag: AWS CodeBuild

Embracing DevSecOps: Building Security into Cloud-Native Development Workflows

Automation and integration are critical to producing applications with fewer flaws at a speed that won’t slow developers down. However, this is only possible with a well-planned DevSecOps program and the right tools embedded into your software development lifecycle. Dig into the importance of the digital shift and how you can implement DevSecOps into existing workflows with the combined control of Veracode’s scanning tools and AWS integrations.


Using AWS CodeBuild and Bridgecrew to Prevent Misconfigurations in AWS CloudFormation and Terraform

Scanning for misconfigurations as part of your CI/CD pipeline helps maintain a solid security posture for all changed resources before provisioning them to a running environment. Learn how to integrate infrastructure as code security and compliance scanning using AWS CodeBuild and Bridgecrew, a cloud security platform for developers. Bridgecrew is generally used to find security misconfigurations and policy violations across Amazon Web Services (AWS) and in configuration frameworks.

How to Enhance the Security and Compliance of Cloud Architectures with Datacom and AWS Services

Security and compliance governance is one of the most challenging problems organizations face when managing their cloud infrastructure. After years of working with AWS, Datacom Group has observed that each client has their own industry-specific security and compliance requirements. What’s needed is a solution that is flexible enough to cater to diverse customer requirements. Datacom’s governance solution is flexible and can integrate with a number of AWS native services to offer enhanced capabilities.


Deploying DevSecOps on Amazon EKS with Aqua Security – Part 2

Aqua Security was built to redefine security and help you address the security skills gap in a rapidly evolving cloud-native landscape, automating security controls at the speed of DevOps. Unlike traditional security, cloud-native security cannot adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. It has to be seamlessly integrated with the existing processes, organizational culture as well as the technology. Learn how to implement a DevSecOps pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and Aqua Platform.


Automating Containerization at Scale with AWS App2Container

AWS App2Container (A2C) is an enabler for containerizing and migrating legacy applications to AWS quickly. Its value-add is specifically seen for use cases where the legacy system in question is large with heterogeneous applications, where A2C helps to bring a commonality to the migration approach, tools, and the target state architecture. With A2C, customers can quickly containerize their legacy applications and migrate to AWS with minimal remediation and at scale.


Accelerating Agility with 12 Attributes for Mainframe Workloads

Mainframes typically host core business processes and data. To stay competitive, customers have to quickly transform their mainframe workloads for agility while preserving resiliency and reducing costs. There is a challenge in defining the agility attributes and prioritizing the corresponding transformations for maximum business value in the least amount of time. In this post, dive deep in the practical agility attributes needed by mainframe workloads, and how to accelerate the transformation towards such agility with AWS.


Building a Data Processing and Training Pipeline with Amazon SageMaker

Next Caller uses machine learning on AWS to drive data analysis and the processing pipeline. Amazon SageMaker helps Next Caller understand call pathways through the telephone network, rendering analysis in approximately 125 milliseconds with the VeriCall analysis engine. VeriCall verifies that a phone call is coming from the physical device that owns the phone number, and flags spoofed calls and other suspicious interactions in real-time.

5 Adaptive IT Principles to Get Digital Transformation Right

Adapting to the digitally disrupted world is high on the agenda for organizations everywhere. DevOps is a response to this challenge. It lowers internal transaction costs, flattens hierarchies, and makes the IT function more responsive. DevOpsGroup, an AWS DevOps Competency Partner, is addressing this need with the Adaptive IT Framework. It draws on learnings gained helping organizations implement DevOps methodologies, as well as established best practice principles.

WhiteSource_AWS Solutions

How to Bake Open Source Security into Your AWS CodeBuild Pipeline

Managing open source vulnerabilities can be challenging, especially at scale in a fast-moving continuous integration pipeline. Developers and DevOps professionals depend on CI pipeline tools like AWS CodeBuild to help them develop and test software at a breakneck pace, pushing out new software with greater efficiency and flexibility. In this post, learn how to integrate WhiteSource into CodeBuild pipeline to fuse open source security into existing build processes without having to compromise on speed or agility.