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Tag: AWS Marketplace

How Ensono Delivered Guinness World Records’ Award-Winning Migration of Windows Workloads to AWS

Many organizations are cautious about moving to the cloud, or are fighting against gravity by staying on-premises. To keep up with their community’s needs, Guinness World Records has had to reimagine their IT architecture. Learn how Ensono helped Guinness World Records move all-in on AWS over a period of 10 months, and explore how Ensono continues to help them innovate using advanced AWS services.


How to Leverage Amazon Route 53 VPC DNS Queries in Splunk on AWS

Customers are always looking for new ways to improve operational efficiency and the security posture of applications running in their virtual private clouds (VPCs). Amazon Route 53 recently launched a Resolver Query Logs capability which lets customers log the DNS queries originating in their Amazon VPC. Follow along with our step-by-step instructions for logging VPC DNS queries in Amazon Route 53, ingesting them into Splunk, and then analyzing them with Splunk.

How to Export a Model from Domino for Deployment in Amazon SageMaker

Data science is driving significant value for many organizations, including fueling new revenue streams, improving longstanding processes, and optimizing customer experience. Domino Data Lab empowers code-first data science teams to overcome these challenges of building and deploying data science at scale. Learn how to build and export a model from the Domino platform for deployment in Amazon SageMaker. Deploying models within Domino provides insight into the full model lineage.


Connecting Applications Securely to a MongoDB Atlas Data Plane with AWS PrivateLink

Customers want to guarantee private connectivity to MongoDB Atlas running on AWS. All dedicated clusters on MongoDB Atlas are deployed in their own VPC, so customers usually connect to a cluster via VPC peering or public IP access-listing. AWS PrivateLink allows you to securely access MongoDB Atlas clusters from your own VPC. In this post, follow step-by-step instructions to configure AWS PrivateLink for MongoDB Atlas, ensuring private connectivity to your data.


Connecting Your LoRaWAN Devices from The Things Stack to AWS IoT Core

Learn how to integrate a customer’s LoRaWAN devices connected to The Things Stack’s LoRaWAN Network Server with the AWS IoT Core service running in their account. This integration enables you to unleash the functionality available in the AWS IoT portfolio of services (and overall AWS ecosystem) for implementing solutions. The Things Stack is maintained by The Things Industries (TTI) and provides an integrated chain of products and services for customers to start working on IoT.

Reduce Migration Times to AWS By Up to 79% with NetFoundry and CloudEndure Migration

Cloud migration introduces challenges for network systems, as the configurations designed for on-premises usually don’t work well for the cloud. NetFoundry implements cloud-based orchestration and APIs to instantly spin up and manage Zero Trust, performant, edge-to-cloud networks over the internet. NetFoundry is collaborating with CloudEndure Migration to accelerate the application migration process to AWS with the NetFoundry Zero Trust platform.


Meet Your Recovery Time Objectives with Druva and AWS

When choosing between a SaaS backup and recovery solution versus an on-premises one, the most common question that comes up is about the speed of recovery. Druva’s Phoenix solution is designed to protect on-premises and cloud-based workloads. Learn about a series of data restore tests with Druva Phoenix and learn about the speed of recovery possible from a cloud backup and recovery solution.


Using Dremio for Fast and Easy Analysis of Amazon S3 Data

Although many SQL engines allow tools to query Amazon S3 data, organizations face multiple challenges, including high latency and infrastructure costs. Learn how Dremio empowers analysts and data scientists to analyze data in S3 directly at interactive speed, without having to physically copy data into other systems or create extracts, cubes, and/or aggregation tables. Dremio’s unique architecture enables faster and more reliable query performance than traditional SQL engines.


Preparing Your Ecommerce Website for the Holiday Traffic Spike Using AWS and Moovweb XDN

With Moovweb XDN and AWS, retailers can avoid costly slowdowns and maximize revenue potential during the holiday season. Once a product is requested, Mooweb’s CDN-as-JavaScript caches the JSON data at the edge, so it loads instantly. As visitor levels rise, so does cache hit rates for data at the edge, resulting in a faster experience. This enables ecommerce companies to deliver a lightning-fast experience that squeezes the maximum possible conversions out of every visit this holiday season.


Interactive Scientific Visualization on AWS with NVIDIA IndeX SDK

Scientific visualization is critical to understand complex phenomena modeled using high performance computing simulations. However, it has been challenging to do this effectively due to the inability to visualize, explore, and analyze large volumes of data and lack of collaborative workflow solutions. NVIDIA IndeX on AWS addresses each of these problems by providing a scientific visualization solution for massive datasets, thus opening the doors for discovery.