AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Oracle on AWS


New APN TV Series Showcases How AWS Competency Partners Help Customers Grow with AWS

The Next Smart video series on APN TV showcases how AWS Competency Partners are helping customers grow with AWS. Whether you’re looking for consulting services or strategic technology solutions, you’ll discover APN TV videos that show how AWS customers in similar situations have teamed up with AWS Competency Partners to drive better business and bigger results. The Next Smart video series on APN TV includes demos, interviews, success stories, and webinars featuring AWS Competency Partners.

Accelerate Workload Migrations with modelizeIT’s Application Architecture Discovery Technology

A critical first step to successfully migrate workloads from data centers to AWS is to analyze the IT assets in your data center using a comprehensive discovery process, followed by a total cost of ownership analysis to produce a directional business case for migration. Learn about the key characteristics of technologies needed to effectively serve the discovery purpose, such as modelizeIT, an advanced discovery and application architecture mapping tool that helps customers maximize discovery automation and accuracy.


Introducing APN TV: Learn How the AWS Partner Network Can Help You Grow and Scale on AWS

To help you sharpen cloud skills and strengthen your AWS-based business offerings, we are excited to introduce AWS Partner Network TV, or APN TV for short. Whether you’re looking for consulting services or strategic technology solutions, you’ll discover APN TV videos that showcase how AWS customers in similar situations have teamed up with APN Partners to drive better business and bigger results. Videos include demos, interviews, success stories, and webinars featuring top APN Partners.


Identifying and Resolving Application Performance in Hybrid Environments with NETSCOUT

By using NETSCOUT’s Application Management Solution available in AWS Marketplace, Forte Data Solutions was able to quickly resolve latency issues of web-based statistical applications. NETSCOUT helped the customer gain visibility into load, latency, errors, and dependencies of their application, quickly identify the root cause of latency issues, fix them, and thus eliminate hundreds of redundant daily CloudWatch Alarms.

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How to Migrate Oracle Workloads to VMware Cloud on AWS

Some Oracle workloads, such as Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) or WebLogic application clusters, have specific networking and storage requirements, which can be met with VMware Cloud on AWS. This post details the various considerations and migration options users have for Oracle workloads. Specifically, we examine in-depth how to migrate an Oracle database from an on-premises environment to AWS using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).

Say Hello

Say Hello to 41 New AWS Competency, MSP, and Service Delivery Partners Added in September

We are excited to highlight 41 APN Partners that received new designations in August for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), and AWS Service Delivery programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top APN Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. APN Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.

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Cloud Transformation is Not Just a Cheaper Alternative to a Data Center, But a Path to IT Innovation

While many are aware of the benefits of transitioning applications or workloads to the AWS Cloud, many IT decision makers (ITDM) are not familiar with the more transformative route a company takes when migrating its business to the cloud, or the factors that motivate leaders to choose this approach. Learn about the increasingly popular transformational route and dive deep on what motivates organizations to take this path.

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Accelerating Data Warehouse Migration to Amazon Redshift Using Cognizant Intelligent Data Works

Many organizations are looking to migrate existing, on-premises enterprise data warehouse systems to cloud-based data warehouse systems such as Amazon Redshift. Here, we discuss how Cognizant’s Intelligent Migration Workbench (IMW) can be used to accelerate the data warehouse migrations while converting Oracle PL/SQL and Tetradata BTEQ scripts. IMW makes it easy to move mission critical proprietary code to AWS, giving customers competitive edge through faster time to market.

Say Hello

Say Hello to 79 New AWS Competency, MSP, and Service Delivery Partners Added in May

We are excited to highlight 79 APN Partners that received new designations in May for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), and AWS Service Delivery programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top APN Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. APN Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.

AWS Migration

Moving Legacy Oracle Workloads to the AWS Cloud Securely – Yes, You Can! 

AWS Premier Partner Apps Associates, an industry leader for migrating and managing Oracle workloads to the cloud, recently conducted an independent survey of more than 300 Oracle application customers to uncover what’s holding IT decision makers (ITDMs) back from moving their Oracle apps to the cloud. The study uncovered several myths that many ITDMs still believe to be true, although many of these myths have since been debunked—not by declaration but by repeatable, proven success.