AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon QuickSight

Getting started: Training resources for Big Data on AWS

Whether you’ve just signed up for your first AWS account or you’ve been with us for some time, there’s always something new to learn as our services evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. To help ensure you’re set up for success as you build with AWS, we put together this quick reference guide for Big Data training and resources available here on the AWS site.

Amazon QuickSight Adds Support for Combo Charts and Row-Level Security

We are excited to announce support for two new features in Amazon QuickSight: 1) Combo charts, the first visual type in QuickSight to support dual-axis visualization, and 2) Row-Level Security, which allows access control over data at the row level based on the user who is accessing QuickSight. Together, these features enable you to present more engaging and personalized dashboards in Amazon QuickSight, while enforcing stricter controls over data.

Unite Real-Time and Batch Analytics Using the Big Data Lambda Architecture, Without Servers!

In this post, I show you how you can use AWS services like AWS Glue to build a Lambda Architecture completely without servers. I use a practical demonstration to examine the tight integration between serverless services on AWS and create a robust data processing Lambda Architecture system.

Amazon QuickSight Now Supports Search, Filter Groups, and Amazon S3 Analytics Connector

I’m excited to share information about some new features in Amazon QuickSight. You can now search for datasets, analyses, and dashboards, you can create filter groups with multiple filter conditions that are evaluated together using the OR operation, and you can now use the built-in Amazon S3 analytics connector to visualize your S3 storage access patterns across multiple S3 buckets and configurations within a single Amazon QuickSight dashboard to optimize for cost.